
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
Akçay, S. Campbell, Beecher2017Good tutors are not dear enemies in song sparrows
Aunay, Grenna, Slabbekoorn, Nicolas, Nagle, Leboucher, Malacarne, Draganoiu2017Negative impact of urban noise on sexual receptivity and clutch size in female domestic canaries
Blumstein, Whitaker, Kennen, Bryant2017Do birds differentiate between white noise and deterministic chaos?
Cooper, Cuervo2017Vocal variation and species limits in the Sclerurus mexicanus complex
Cunningham, Magrath2017Functionally referential alarm calls in noisy miners communicate about predator behaviour
Dookie, Young, Lamothe, Schoenle, Yack2017Why do caterpillars whistle at birds? Insect defence sounds startle avian predators
Fernandez, Vignal, Soula2017Impact of group size and social composition on group vocal activity and acoustic network in a social songbird
Gentry2017Spatiotemporal patterns of avian vocal activity in relation to urban and rural background noise
Gulson-Castillo, R. Dreelin, Fernandez-Duque, Hite, Orzechowski, Smith, Wallace, Winkler2017Breeding biology during the nestling period at a Black-crowned Pitta Erythropitta ussheri nest
Hill, Amiot, Anderson, Ji2017It's complicated: the association between songbird extrapair paternity and within-song complexity
Hudson, Shizuka2017Introductory whistle is sufficient for early song recognition by golden-crowned sparrow nestlings
Jung, Freeberg2017Variation in chick-a-dee calls of bridled titmice ( Baeolophus wollweberi): Frequent use of non-combinatorial calls in a combinatorial calling system
Parra, Dalisio, Jensen, Parker2017Male territorial aggression does not drive conformity to local vocal culture in a passerine bird
Proppe, Finch2017Vocalizing during gaps in anthropogenic noise is an uncommon trait for enhancing communication in songbirds
J. Sosa-López, Mennill, Renton2017Sexual differentiation and seasonal variation in response to conspecific and heterospecific acoustic signals
Stowell, Gill2017On-Bird Sound Recordings: Automatic Acoustic Recognition of Activities and Contexts
Vargas-Castro, Sandoval, Searcy2017Eavesdropping avoidance and sound propagation: the acoustic structure of soft song
Wheatcroft, Qvarnström2017Reproductive character displacement of female, but not male song discrimination in an avian hybrid zone
Yu, Xing, Jiang, Liang, Wang, Møller2017Alarm call-based discrimination between common cuckoo and Eurasian sparrowhawk in a Chinese population of great tits
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith