
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
Ng, Prawiradilaga, Ng, Suparno, Ashari, Trainor, Verbelen, Rheindt2018A striking new species of leaf warbler from the Lesser Sundas as uncovered through morphology and genomics
Nácarová, Veselý, Bugnyar2018Ravens adjust their antipredatory responses to con- and hetero-specific alarms to the perceived threat
Opaev, Kolesnikova, Liu, Kang2018Singing of Claudia’s Leaf-warbler (Phylloscopus claudiae) in aggressive contexts: role of song rate, song type diversity and song type transitional pattern
Ortiz, Herbert, Mindlin, Amador2019Significant Instances in Motor Gestures of Different Songbird Species
Parra, Dalisio, Jensen, Parker2017Male territorial aggression does not drive conformity to local vocal culture in a passerine bird
Podos, Cohn-Haft2019Extremely loud mating songs at close range in white bellbirds
Proppe, Finch2017Vocalizing during gaps in anthropogenic noise is an uncommon trait for enhancing communication in songbirds
Pérez‐Granados, Traba2019Testing the conspecific attraction hypothesis with Dupont's Larks, a resident species of songbird in central Spain
Rose, Mathew, Coss, Lohr, Omland2018A new statistical method to test equivalence: an application in male and female eastern bluebird song
Sementili-Cardoso, Donatelli2018Vocal divergence between two disjunct populations of Giant Antshrike (Batara cinerea) is related to environmental conditions
Seo, Kim, Park2022Regional differences in the song characteristics of Pallas’s Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus proregulus in north-east Asia
Albornoz, Vignolo, Sarquis, Martínez2018Furnariidae Species Classification Using Extreme Learning Machines and Spectral Information
J. Sosa-López, Mennill, Renton2017Sexual differentiation and seasonal variation in response to conspecific and heterospecific acoustic signals
Souriau, Geberzahn, Ivanitskii, Marova, Vokurková, Reifová, Reif, Petrusková2019Singing behind the stage: thrush nightingales produce more variable songs on their wintering grounds
Stowell, Gill2017On-Bird Sound Recordings: Automatic Acoustic Recognition of Activities and Contexts
Suzuki, Sumitani, Naren, Matsubayashi, Arita, Nakadai, Okuno2018Field observations of ecoacoustic dynamics of a Japanese bush warbler using an open-source software for robot audition HARK
Upham‐Mills, Reimer, Haché, Lele, Bayne2020Can singing rate be used to predict male breeding status of forest songbirds? A comparison of three calibration models
van Boheemen, Diblíková, Bílková, Petrusek, Petrusková2019Extraordinary variation in a simple song: No geographical patterns in initial phrase variation of the Yellowhammer, a passerine with pronounced dialectsAbstract
Vargas-Castro, Sandoval, Searcy2017Eavesdropping avoidance and sound propagation: the acoustic structure of soft song
Wei, Dong, Li, Alström, Liu, Xia, Yao, Zhang2018From Himalayas to Continental Island: Integrative species delimitation in the Brownish-flanked Bush Warbler Horornis fortipes complex
Wheatcroft, Qvarnström2017Reproductive character displacement of female, but not male song discrimination in an avian hybrid zone
Wilkins, Scordato, Semenov, KaraardiÇ, Shizuka, Rubtsov, Pap, Shen, Safran2018Global song divergence in barn swallows (Hirundo rustica): exploring the roles of genetic, geographical and climatic distance in sympatry and allopatry
Yu, Lu, Sun, Liang, Wang, Møller2019Heterospecific alarm-call recognition in two warbler hosts of common cuckoos
Yu, Xing, Jiang, Liang, Wang, Møller2017Alarm call-based discrimination between common cuckoo and Eurasian sparrowhawk in a Chinese population of great tits


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith