The cricket genus Vietacheta Gorochov, 1992 (Gryllidae, Gryllinae) with description of a new species from China

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2015
Autoren:Ma, Liu, Xu
Journal:Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology
Pagination:741 - 747
Date Published:Jan-12-2015
Schlüsselwörter:Grylloidea, new distribution record, new species, Orthoptera, taxonomy

Vietacheta, a cricket genus found across northern and southern Vietnam, is a rare taxon lacking any additional species discovered after the genus was established. This genus possesses features found across many other genera. Its general appearance is the same as Itaropsis; genitalia ectoparamere is very similar to Phonarellus; inner tympanum is absent, and particularly, the metanotum is armed with several hairs. Now, we found the first species of Vietacheta in China. The new species, Vietacheta harpophyllasp. nov., is close to Vietacheta aquila Gorochov, 1992, but they are different in details of anal plate, epiphallus, and ectoparamere. A description and illustration of this new species, a revision of other Vietacheta, and a key to the genus are provided.

Short Title:Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology
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