
Autoresorden descendenteAñoTítulo
Abbasi, Balazs, NOLL, NICOLAKIS, Marconi, Zala, Penn2019Applying convolutional neural networks to the analysis of mouse ultrasonic vocalizations
Azmi, Razali, Kamaruddin, Harun, Rahim, Zakaria, Shakaff2015Multi-disciplinary approach for forest health monitoring
Belghith, Rioult, Bouzidi2018Acoustic Diversity Classifier for Automated Marine Big Data Analysis
Berger, Sebe2019Propagation of bird vocalizations in the Alpine environment
Rowe, Zhang, Towsey, Brereton2018Ecosound-explorer
Chitre2010Acoustic sensing in snapping shrimp dominated environments
Cox, Brennan, Dudas, Juanes2016Assessing the effect of aquatic noise on fish behavior and physiology: a meta-analysis approach
Ferreira, Faria, Monticelli2018Pré-processamento de sinais acústicos para análise e caracterização de vocalizações de lobos-guará
Gan, Towsey, Li, Zhang2018Animal Call Recognition with Acoustic Indices: Little Spotted Kiwi as a Case Study
Gutscher, Pucher, Lozo, Hoeschele, Mann2019Statistical parametric synthesis of budgerigar songs
Pessoa, Petrella, Castelo-Branco, Teixeira2019Automatic Segmentation of Ultrasonic Vocalizations in Rodents
HEUER, TAFO, HOLZMANN, Dahlke2019New aspects in birdsong recognition utilizing the gabor transform
Liu, Liu, Wang, Ma, Qing2018Classification of Cetacean Whistles Based on Convolutional Neural Network
Matsumoto, Haxel, Kahn, Roche, Turpin, Klinck, Dziak, Childress, Sexton, Nakamura2019Field testing and performance evaluation of the Long-term Acoustic Real-Time Sensor for Polar Areas (LARA)
Mhatre, Montealegre-Z, Balakrishnan, Robert2012Sound reception and radiation in a small insect
Duque-Montoya, Isaza2018Automatic Ecosystem Identification Using Psychoacoustical Features
Nowotny, Udayashankar, Weber, Hummel, Kössl2011Sound Transduction in the Auditory System of Bushcrickets
Schulz-Mirbach, Ladich, Heß, Plath2019Why did solid otoliths evolve in the ears of modern bony fishes?
SNAITH, RODRIGUEZ, MARMO2019Adaptation of British Standards to Identify Construction Site Activity Noise Sources with the Potential to Cause Stress to Giant Pandas
Amento, Hill, Terveen2002The sound of one hand
Wahlberg2019 The Cormorant Ear – Adapted to Underwater Hearing?
Wang, Sankupellay, Konovalov, Towsey, Roe2019Social Network Analysis of an Acoustic Environment: The Use of Visualised Data to Characterise Natural Habitats
Zulistiana, Abinawanto2018Morphometric and bioacoustic analysis Gaga chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) at Bangkalan, Kamal Madura
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith