
Authorssorter minkandeÅrTittel
Volodin, Klenova, Ilchenko, Volodina2019High frequency audible calls in northern birch mice Sicista betulina in response to handling: effects of individuality, sex and body mass on the acoustics
Abbasi, Balazs, NOLL, NICOLAKIS, Marconi, Zala, Penn2019Applying convolutional neural networks to the analysis of mouse ultrasonic vocalizations
Abuaish, Tse, McGowan2019Perinatal high‐fat diet impairs pup retrieval and induces sex‐specific changes in ultrasonic vocalization characteristics of rat pups
Barroso, Araya, de Souza, Andreatini, Chichorro2019Characterization of rat ultrasonic vocalization in the orofacial formalin test: Influence of the social context
Batallas, Brito2022Bioacoustic description of the alarm call of the stump-tailed porcupine (Coendou rufescens)
Brandler, Tukhbatullin, Nikol’skii2019Comparative Analysis of the Alarm Call in Different Age and Sexual Groups of the Russet Ground Squirrel (Spermophilus major Pallas 1778)
Campbell, Arévalo, Martin, Chen, Sun, Rowe, Webster, Searle, Pasch2019Vocal divergence is concordant with genomic evidence for strong reproductive isolation in grasshopper mice ( Onychomys )
Charlton, Schatz, Burke, Paul, Dent2019Sex differences in auditory brainstem response audiograms from vasopressin-deficient Brattleboro and wild-type Long-Evans rats
Emmerson, Spencer, Brown2019Social experience during adolescence in female rats increases 50 kHz ultrasonic vocalizations in adulthood, without affecting anxiety‐like behavior
Francescoli2017Environmental factors could constrain the use of long-range vocal signals in solitary tuco-tucos (Ctenomys; Rodentia, Ctenomyidae) reproduction
Goncharov, Policht, Hambálková, Salovarov, Hart2021Individual-based acoustic variation of the alarm calls in the long-tailed ground squirrel
Green2018The Auditory Sensitivity and Active Space of the Northern Grasshopper Mouse (Onychomys leucogaster) in Relation to Woody Plant Encroachment
Pessoa, Petrella, Castelo-Branco, Teixeira2019Automatic Segmentation of Ultrasonic Vocalizations in Rodents
Hinchcliffe, Jackson, Robinson2022The use of ball pits and playpens in laboratory Lister Hooded male rats induces ultrasonic vocalisations indicating a more positive affective state and can reduce the welfare impacts of aversive procedures
Hrouzková, Bernasová, Šklíba2019Eavesdropping on a heterospecific alarm call in the giant root-rat (Tachyorytes macrocephalus), an important prey of the Ethiopian wolf (Canis simensis)
Alencar-Jr, Monticellia2021The Acoustic behavior of the Brazilian Caatinga big rodent is incongruent to its actual position in Hidrochaerinae
Kaidbey, Ranger, Myers, Anwar, Ludwig, Schulz, Barone, Kolacz, Welch2019Early Life Maternal Separation and Maternal Behaviour Modulate Acoustic Characteristics of Rat Pup Ultrasonic Vocalizations
Lefebvre, Granon, Chauveau2020Social context increases ultrasonic vocalizations during restraint in adult mice
Matrosova, IVANOVA, Volodina, Volodin, Alexandrov, Sibiryakova, Ermakov2019Phylogenetic relationship and variation of alarm call traits of populations of red‐cheeked ground squirrels ( Spermophilus erythrogenys sensu lato) suggest taxonomic delineation
Mulvihill, Brudzynski2020Association of medial corticostriatal regions with amphetamine-induced emission of 50 kHz vocalizations as studied by Zif-268 expression in the rat brain
Nicolakis, Marconi, Zala, Penn2020Ultrasonic vocalizations in house mice depend upon genetic relatedness of mating partners and correlate with subsequent reproductive success
Screven, Dent2019Perception of Ultrasonic Vocalizations by Socially Housed and Isolated Mice
Shonfield2018Using Bioacoustics to Examine the Effects of Industrial Disturbance on Owls and their Prey
Silkstone, Brudzynski2019Dissimilar interaction between dopaminergic and cholinergic systems in the initiation of emission of 50-kHz and 22-kHz vocalizations
Temchin, Recio-Spinoso, Cai, Ruggero2012Traveling Waves on the Organ of Corti of the Chinchilla Cochlea: Spatial Trajectories of Inner Hair Cell Depolarization Inferred from Responses of Auditory-Nerve Fibers
Timonin, Kalcounis-Rueppell, Marler2018Testosterone pulses at the nest site modify ultrasonic vocalization types in a monogamous and territorial mouse
Fernández-Vargas2018Vocal Signals of Sexual Motivation in Male and Female Rodents
Fernández-Vargas2018Presence of a potential competitor and its individual identity modulate ultrasonic vocalizations in male hamsters
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith