
Analyses are performed using the seewave package for R (Sueur et al, 2008) using the BioVeL infrastructure.

Taxonomic name Type Oscillogram Frequency Spectrum Spectrogram Dominant Frequency Acoustic Complexity Index
Species: Acherontia styx
Recording: 593:9 Acherontis styx (822r9)
Call 153.65 view
Species: Platypleura divisa
Recording: 982: Platypleura divisa
Call 152.31 view
Species: Platypleura divisa
Recording: 983: Platypleura divisa
Single echeme 152.96 view
Species: Platypleura divisa
Recording: 983: Platypleura divisa
Call 154.01 view
Species: Platypleura divisa
Recording: 983: Platypleura divisa
Call 153.56 view
Species: Platypleura divisa
Recording: 989: Platypleura divisa
Single echeme 192.65 view
Species: Platypleura divisa
Recording: 989: Platypleura divisa
Call 176.51 view
Species: Munza furva
Recording: 939: Munza furva
Call 154.20 view
Species: Munza furva
Recording: 939: Munza furva
Call 150.42 view
Species: Munza furva
Recording: 939: Munza furva
Call 146.81 view
Species: Munza furva
Recording: 940: Munza furva
Single echeme 160.73 view
Species: Munza furva
Recording: 940: Munza furva
Call 168.58 view
Species: Munza furva
Recording: 940: Munza furva
Call 161.02 view
Species: Platypleura haglundi
Recording: 973(2): Platypleura haglundi
Call 148.36 view
Species: Platypleura haglundi
Recording: 973(2): Platypleura haglundi
Call 167.31 view
Species: Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa
Recording: 899:12 Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa (112r9)
Call 162.77 view
Species: Heteropteryx dilatata
Recording: 992:2 Heteropteryx dilatata (187a)
Threat Response 164.69 view
Species: Gryllotalpa vineae
Recording: 585:4 Gryllotalpa vineae (821b)
Call 184.14 view
Species: Gryllotalpa vineae
Recording: 585:3 Gryllotalpa vineae (821a)
Call 184.78 view
Species: Gryllotalpa vineae
Recording: 585:2 Gryllotalpa vineae (820b)
Call 158.70 view


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith