
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
Atkins, Pollack1987Response properties of prothoracic, interganglionic, sound-activated interneurons in the cricketTeleogryllus oceanicus
Bailey, Hennig2017Divergent mechanisms of acoustic mate recognition between closely related field cricket species ( Teleogryllus spp.)
Bailey, Thomson1977Acoustic Orientation in the Cricket Teleogryllus Oceanicus (Le Guillou)
Balakrishnan, Pollack1996Recognition of courtship song in the field cricket,Teleogryllus oceanicus
Ball1979Development of the auditory tympana in the cricket Teleogryllus commodus (Walker): Experiments on regeneration and transplantation
Ball, Hill1978Functional development of the auditory system of the cricket,Teleogryllus commodus
Ball, Young1974Structure and development of the auditory system in the prothoracic leg of the cricket Teleogryllus commodus (Walker) II. Postembryonic development
Bentley1972Genetic control of the neuronal network generating cricket (Teleogryllus gryllus) song patterns
L. Botha, Jones, Hopkins2017Effects of lifetime exposure to artificial light at night on cricket ( Teleogryllus commodus ) courtship and mating behaviour
Doolan, Pollack1985Phonotactic specificity of the cricket Teleogryllus oceanicus: intensity-dependent selectivity for temporal parameters of the stimulus
Faulkes, Pollack2001Mechanisms of frequency-specific responses of ω neuron 1 in crickets (Teleogryllus oceanicus): a polysynaptic pathway for song?
Gallagher, Zonana, E. Broder, Herner, Tinghitella2022Decoupling of sexual signals and theirunderlying morphology facilitates rapidphenotypic diversification
Hofstede, Schöneich, Robillard, Hedwig2015Evolution of a Communication System by Sensory Exploitation of Startle Behavior
Hoy, Nolen, Brodfuehrer1989The neuroethology of acoustic startle and escape in flying insects
Hoy, Pollack, Moiseff1982 Species-Recognition in the Field Cricket, Teleogryllus oceanicus: Behavioral and Neural Mechanisms
Hutchings, Lewis1984The role of two-tone suppression in song coding by ventral cord neurones in the cricket Teleogryllus oceanicus (Le Guillou)
Kavanagh1987The Efficiency of Sound Production in Two Cricket Species, Gryllotalpa Australis and Teleogryllus Commodus (Orthoptera: Grylloidea)
Heinen-Kay, Strub, Zuk2018Limited flexibility in female Pacific field cricket ( Teleogryllus oceanicus) exploratory behaviors in response to perceived social environment
Kuriwada2017Male–male courtship behaviour, not relatedness, affects the intensity of contest competition in the field cricket
Latimer, Lewis1986Song harmonic content as a parameter determining acoustic orientation behaviour in the cricketTeleogryllus oceanicus (Le Guillou)
Marsat, Pollack2005Effect of the Temporal Pattern of Contralateral Inhibition on Sound Localization Cues
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Pascoal, Cezard, Eik-Nes, Gharbi, Majewska, Payne, Ritchie, Zuk, Bailey2014Rapid Convergent Evolution in Wild Crickets
Pollack, Faulkes1998Representation of behaviorally relevant sound frequencies by auditory receptors in the cricket teleogryllus oceanicus
Schmidt, Römer2013Diversity of acoustic tracheal system and its role for directional hearing in crickets
Simmons2004Genotypic variation in calling song and female preferences of the field cricket Teleogryllus oceanicus
Honda-Sumi2005Difference in calling song of three field crickets of the genus Teleogryllus: the role in premating isolation
Thompson, Cullinan, Jones, Hopkins2019Effects of artificial light at night and male calling on movement patterns and mate location in field crickets
Tinghitella, E. Broder, Gurule-Small, Hallagan, Wilson2018Purring Crickets: The Evolution of a Novel Sexual Signal
Young, Ball1974Structure and development of the auditory system in the prothoracic leg of the cricket Teleogryllus commodus (Walker) I. Adult structure
Zuk2015Roaming Romeos: male crickets evolving in silence show increased locomotor behaviours
Zuk, Rotenberry, Simmons1998Calling Songs of Field Crickets (Teleogryllus oceanicus) With and Without Phonotactic Parasitoid Infection
Zuk, Tanner, Schmidtman, Bee, Balenger2017Calls of Recently Introduced Coquí Frogs Do Not Interfere with Cricket Phonotaxis in Hawaii
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith