Grabaciones sin asociación taxonómica

1k: 26/06/16: 0400: Kabocalli: 1 Yes
3c: 03/07/16: 2000: Turtle Mountain: 1 Yes
4g: 12/07/16: 0000: Mill Site: 1 Yes
5k: 20/07/16: 0400: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
3c: 24/07/16: 2000: Sandstone: 1 Yes
ls50027 Yes
1l: 26/06./16: 0500: Kabocalli: 1 Yes
3d: 03/07/16: 2100: Turtle Mountain: 1 Yes
4h: 12/07/16: 0100: Mill Site: 1 Yes
5l: 20/07/16: 0500: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
3d: 24/07/16: 2100: Sandstone: 1 Yes
ls50031 Yes
2a: 26/06/16: 1800: Kabocalli: 1 Yes
3e: 03/07/16: 2200: Turtle Mountain: 1 Yes
4i: 12/07/16: 0200: Mill Site: 1 Yes
6a. 20/07/16: 1800: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
3e: 24/07/16: 2200: Sandstone: 1 Yes
2b: 26/06/16: 1900: Kabocalli: 1 Yes
3f: 03/07/16: 2300: Turtle Mountain: 1 Yes
4j: 12/07/16: 0300: Mill Site: 1 Yes
6b. 20/07/16: 1900: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
3f: 24/07/16: 2300: Sandstone: 1 Yes
Warner 9 Yes
2c: 26/06/16: 2000: Kabocalli: 1 Yes
3g: 04/07/16: 0000: Turtle Mountain: 1 Yes
4k: 12/07/16: 0400: Mill Site: 1 Yes
6c. 20/07/16: 2000: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
3g: 25/07/16: 0000: Sandstone: 1 Yes
2d: 26/06/16: 2100: Kabocalli: 1 Yes
3h: 04/07/16: 0100: Turtle Mountain: 1 Yes
4l: 12/07/16: 0500: Mill Site: 1 Yes
6d. 20/07/16: 2100: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
3h: 25/07/16: 0100: Sandstone: 1 Yes
2e: 26/06/16: 2200: Kabocalli: 1 Yes
3i: 04/07/16: 0200: Turtle Mountain: 1 Yes
5a: 12/07/16: 1800: Mill Site: 1 Yes
6e. 20/07/16: 2200: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
3i: 25/07/16: 0200: Sandstone: 1 Yes
2f: 26/06/16: 2300: Kabocalli: 1 Yes
3j: 04/07/16: 0300: Turtle Mountain: 1 Yes
5b: 12/07/16: 1900: Mill Site: 1 Yes
6f. 20/07/16: 2300: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
3j: 25/07/16: 0300: Sandstone: 1 Yes
2g: 27/06/16: 0000: Kabocalli: 1 Yes
3k: 04/07/16: 0400: Turtle Mountain: 1 Yes
5c: 12/07/16: 2000: Mill Site: 1 Yes
6g. 21/07/16: 0000: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
3k: 25/07/16: 0400: Sandstone: 1 Yes
2h: 27/06/16: 0100: Kabocalli: 1 Yes
3l: 04/07/16: 0500: Turtle Mountain: 1 Yes
5d: 12/07/16: 2100: Mill Site: 1 Yes
6h. 21/07/16: 0100: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
3l: 25/07/16: 0500: Sandstone: 1 Yes
2i: 27/06/16: 0200: Kabocalli: 1 Yes
4a: 04/07/16: 1800: Turtle Mountain: 1 Yes
5e: 12/07/16: 2200: Mill Site: 1 Yes
6i. 21/07/16: 0200: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
4a: 25/07/16: 1800: Sandstone: 1 Yes
2j: 27/06/16: 0300: Kabocalli: 1 Yes
4b: 04/07/16: 1900: Turtle Mountain: 1 Yes
5f: 12/07/16: 2300: Mill Site: 1 Yes
6j. 21/07/16: 0300: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
4b: 25/07/16: 1900: Sandstone: 1 Yes
2k: 27/06/16: 0400: Kabocalli: 1 Yes
4c: 04/07/16: 2000: Turtle Mountain: 1 Yes
5g: 13/07/16: 0000: Mill Site: 1 Yes
6k. 21/07/16: 0400: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
4c: 25/07/16: 2000: Sandstone: 1 Yes
2l: 27/06/16: 0500: Kabocalli: 1 Yes
4d: 04/07/16: 2100: Turtle Mountain: 1 Yes
5h: 13/07/16: 0100: Mill Site: 1 Yes
6l. 21/07/16: 0500: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
4d: 25/07/16: 2100: Sandstone: 1 Yes
3a: 27/06/16: 1800: Kabocalli: 1 Yes
4e: 04/07/16: 2200: Turtle Mountain: 1 Yes
5i: 13/07/16: 0200: Mill Site: 1 Yes
1a: 15/07/16: 1800: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
4e: 25/07/16: 2200: Sandstone: 1 Yes
3b: 27/06/16: 1900: Kabocalli: 1 Yes
4f: 04/07/16: 2300: Turtle Mountain: 1 Yes
5j: 13/07/16: 0300: Mill Site: 1 Yes
1b: 15/07/16: 1900: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
4f: 25/07/16: 2300: Sandstone: 1 Yes
3c: 27/06/16: 2000: Kabocalli: 1 Yes
4g: 05/07/16: 0000: Turtle Mountain: 1 Yes
5k: 13/07/16: 0400: Mill Site: 1 Yes
1c: 15/07/16: 2000: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
4g: 26/07/16: 0000: Sandstone: 1 Yes
3d: 27/06/16: 2100: Kabocalli: 1 Yes
4h: 05/07/16: 0100: Turtle Mountain: 1 Yes
5l: 13/07/16: 0500: Mill Site: 1 Yes
1d: 15/07/16: 2100: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
4h: 26/07/16: 0100: Sandstone: 1 Yes
3e: 27/06/16: 2200: Kabocalli: 1 Yes
4i: 05/07/16: 0200: Turtle Mountain: 1 Yes
1a: 08/07/16: 1800: Mill Site: 2 Yes
1e: 15/07/16: 2200: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
4i: 26/07/16: 0200: Sandstone: 1 Yes
3f: 27/06/16: 2300: Kabocalli: 1 Yes
4j: 05/07/16: 0300: Turtle Mountain: 1 Yes
1b: 08/07/16: 1900: Mill Site: 2 Yes
1f: 15/07/16: 2300: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
4j: 26/07/16: 0300: Sandstone: 1 Yes
3g: 28/06/16: 0000: Kabocalli: 1 Yes
4k: 05/07/16: 0400: Turtle Mountain: 1 Yes
1c: 08/07/16: 2000: Mill Site: 2 Yes
1g: 16/07/16: 0000: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
4k: 26/07/16: 0400: Sandstone: 1 Yes
3h: 28/06/16: 0100: Kabocalli: 1 Yes
4l: 05/07/16: 0500: Turtle Mountain: 1 Yes
1d: 08/07/16: 2100: Mill Site: 2 Yes
1h: 16/07/16: 0100: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
4l: 26/07/16: 0500: Sandstone: 1 Yes
3i: 28/06/16: 0200: Kabocalli: 1 Yes
5a: 05/07/16: 1800: Turtle Mountain: 1 Yes
1e: 08/07/16: 2200: Mill Site: 2 Yes
1i: 16/07/16: 0200: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
5a: 26/07/16: 1800: Sandstone: 1 Yes
3j: 28/06/16: 0300: Kabocalli: 1 Yes
5b: 05/07/16: 1900: Turtle Mountain: 1 Yes
1f: 08/07/16: 2300: Mill Site: 2 Yes
1j: 16/07/16: 0300: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
5b: 26/07/16: 1900: Sandstone: 1 Yes
3k: 28/06/16: 04000: Kabocalli: 1 Yes
5c: 05/07/16: 2000: Turtle Mountain: 1 Yes
1g: 09/07/16: 0000: Mill Site: 2 Yes
1k: 16/07/16: 0400: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
5c: 26/07/16: 2000: Sandstone: 1 Yes
3l: 28/06/16: 05000: Kabocalli: 1 Yes
5d: 05/07/16: 2100: Turtle Mountain: 1 Yes
1h: 09/07/16: 0100: Mill Site: 2 Yes
1l: 16/07/16: 0500: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
5d: 26/07/16: 2100: Sandstone: 1 Yes
4a: 28/06/16: 18000: Kabocalli: 1 Yes
5e: 05/07/16: 2200: Turtle Mountain: 1 Yes
1i: 09/07/16: 0200: Mill Site: 2 Yes
2a: 16/07/16: 1800: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
5e: 26/07/16: 2200: Sandstone: 1 Yes
4b: 28/06/16: 19000: Kabocalli: 1 Yes
5f: 05/07/16: 2300: Turtle Mountain: 1 Yes
1j: 09/07/16: 0300: Mill Site: 2 Yes
2b: 16/07/16: 1900: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
5f: 26/07/16: 2300: Sandstone: 1 Yes
4c: 28/06/16: 20000: Kabocalli: 1 Yes
5g: 06/07/16: 0000: Turtle Mountain: 1 Yes
1k: 09/07/16: 0400: Mill Site: 2 Yes
2c: 16/07/16: 2000: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
5g: 27/07/16: 0000: Sandstone: 1 Yes
4d: 28/06/16: 21000: Kabocalli: 1 Yes
5h: 06/07/16: 0100: Turtle Mountain: 1 Yes
1l: 09/07/16: 0500: Mill Site: 2 Yes
2d: 16/07/16: 2100: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
5h: 27/07/16: 0100: Sandstone: 1 Yes
4e: 28/06/16: 22000: Kabocalli: 1 Yes
5i: 06/07/16: 0200: Turtle Mountain: 1 Yes
2a: 09/07/16: 1800: Mill Site: 2 Yes
2e: 16/07/16: 2200: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
5i: 27/07/16: 0200: Sandstone: 1 Yes
Night soundscape, Ylitornio Yes
4f: 28/06/16: 23000: Kabocalli: 1 Yes
5j: 06/07/16: 0300: Turtle Mountain: 1 Yes
2b: 09/07/16: 1900: Mill Site: 2 Yes
2f: 16/07/16: 2300: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
5j: 27/07/16: 0300: Sandstone: 1 Yes
Night soundscape, Ylitornio part 2 Yes
4g: 29/06/16: 00000: Kabocalli: 1 Yes
5k: 06/07/16: 0400: Turtle Mountain: 1 Yes
2c: 09/07/16: 2000: Mill Site: 2 Yes
2g: 17/07/16: 0000: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
5k: 27/07/16: 0400: Sandstone: 1 Yes
4h: 29/06/16: 01000: Kabocalli: 1 Yes
5l: 06/07/16: 0500: Turtle Mountain: 1 Yes
2d: 09/07/16: 2100: Mill Site: 2 Yes
2h: 17/07/16: 0100: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
5l: 27/07/16: 0500: Sandstone: 1 Yes
Red Ants Nest 2 Yes
4i: 29/06/16: 02000: Kabocalli: 1 Yes
1a: 01/07/16: 1800: Turtle Mountain: 2 Yes
2e: 09/07/16: 2200: Mill Site: 2 Yes
2i: 17/07/16: 0200: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
1a: 22/07/16: 1800: Sandstone: 2 Yes
Waterfall, Koppelo, Finland Yes
4j: 29/06/16: 03000: Kabocalli: 1 Yes
1b: 01/07/16: 1900: Turtle Mountain: 2 Yes
2f: 09/07/16: 2300: Mill Site: 2 Yes
2j: 17/07/16: 0300: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
1b: 22/07/16: 1900: Sandstone: 2 Yes
4k: 29/06/16: 04000: Kabocalli: 1 Yes
1c: 01/07/16: 2000: Turtle Mountain: 2 Yes
2g: 10/07/16: 0000: Mill Site: 2 Yes
2k: 17/07/16: 0400: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
1c: 22/07/16: 2000: Sandstone: 2 Yes
Night soundscape, Ivalo Yes
4l: 29/06/16: 05000: Kabocalli: 1 Yes
1d: 01/07/16: 2100: Turtle Mountain: 2 Yes
2h: 10/07/16: 0100: Mill Site: 2 Yes
2l: 17/07/16: 0500: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
1d: 22/07/16: 2100: Sandstone: 2 Yes
Night soundscape, Ivalo part 2 Yes
5a: 29/06/16: 18000: Kabocalli: 1 Yes
1e: 01/07/16: 2200: Turtle Mountain: 2 Yes
2i: 10/07/16: 0200: Mill Site: 2 Yes
3a: 17/07/16: 1800: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
1e: 22/07/16: 2200: Sandstone: 2 Yes
5b: 29/06/16: 19000: Kabocalli: 1 Yes
1f: 01/07/16: 2300: Turtle Mountain: 2 Yes
2j: 10/07/16: 0300: Mill Site: 2 Yes
3b: 17/07/16: 1900: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
1f: 22/07/16: 2300: Sandstone: 2 Yes
Night soundscape, Kittilä Yes
Compost Heap 2A Yes
5c: 29/06/16: 20000: Kabocalli: 1 Yes
1g: 02/07/16: 0000: Turtle Mountain: 2 Yes
2k: 10/07/16: 0400: Mill Site: 2 Yes
3c: 17/07/16: 2000: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
1g: 23/07/16: 0000: Sandstone: 2 Yes
Compost Heap 2B Yes
5d: 29/06/16: 21000: Kabocalli: 1 Yes
1h: 02/07/16: 0100: Turtle Mountain: 2 Yes
2l: 10/07/16: 0500: Mill Site: 2 Yes
3d: 17/07/16: 2100: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
1h: 23/07/16: 0100: Sandstone: 2 Yes
Compost Heap 2C Yes
5e: 29/06/16: 22000: Kabocalli: 1 Yes
1i: 02/07/16: 0200: Turtle Mountain: 2 Yes
3a: 10/07/16: 1800: Mill Site: 2 Yes
3e: 17/07/16: 2200: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
1i: 23/07/16: 0200: Sandstone: 2 Yes
Compost Heap 2D Yes
5f: 29/06/16: 23000: Kabocalli: 1 Yes
1j: 02/07/16: 0300: Turtle Mountain: 2 Yes
3b: 10/07/16: 1900: Mill Site: 2 Yes
3f: 17/07/16: 2300: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
1j: 23/07/16: 0300: Sandstone: 2 Yes
Compost Heap 2E Yes
5g: 30/06/16: 00000: Kabocalli: 1 Yes
1k: 02/07/16: 0400: Turtle Mountain: 2 Yes
3c: 10/07/16: 2000: Mill Site: 2 Yes
3g: 18/07/16: 0000: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
1k: 23/07/16: 0400: Sandstone: 2 Yes
Compost Heap 2F Yes
5h: 30/06/16: 01000: Kabocalli: 1 Yes
1l: 02/07/16: 0500: Turtle Mountain: 2 Yes
3d: 10/07/16: 2100: Mill Site: 2 Yes
3h: 18/07/16: 0100: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
1l: 23/07/16: 0500: Sandstone: 2 Yes
Thunder Yes
Stump 1A Yes
5i: 30/06/16: 02000: Kabocalli: 1 Yes
2a: 02/07/16: 1800: Turtle Mountain: 2 Yes
3e: 10/07/16: 2200: Mill Site: 2 Yes
3i: 18/07/16: 0200: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
2a: 23/07/16: 1800: Sandstone: 2 Yes
Thunder Yes
Stump 1B Yes
5j: 30/06/16: 03000: Kabocalli: 1 Yes
2b: 02/07/16: 1900: Turtle Mountain: 2 Yes
3f: 10/07/16: 2300: Mill Site: 2 Yes
3j: 18/07/16: 0300: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
2b: 23/07/16: 1900: Sandstone: 2 Yes
Thunder Yes
Stump 1C Yes
5k: 30/06/16: 04000: Kabocalli: 1 Yes
2c: 02/07/16: 2000: Turtle Mountain: 2 Yes
3g: 11/07/16: 0000: Mill Site: 2 Yes
3k: 18/07/16: 0400: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
2c: 23/07/16: 2000: Sandstone: 2 Yes
5l: 30/06/16: 05000: Kabocalli: 1 Yes
2d: 02/07/16: 2100: Turtle Mountain: 2 Yes
3h: 11/07/16: 0100: Mill Site: 2 Yes
3l: 18/07/16: 0500: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
2d:23/07/16: 2100: Sandstone: 2 Yes
Dr Karl Jordan Address to 1956 ICE, Montreal. Yes
1a: 25/06/16: 1800: Kabocalli: 2 Yes
2e: 02/07/16: 2200: Turtle Mountain: 2 Yes
3i: 11/07/16: 0200: Mill Site: 2 Yes
4a: 18/07/16: 1800: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
2e: 23/07/16: 2200: Sandstone: 2 Yes
1b: 25/06/16: 1900: Kabocalli: 2 Yes
2f: 02/07/16: 2300: Turtle Mountain: 2 Yes
3j: 11/07/16: 0300: Mill Site: 2 Yes
4b: 18/07/16: 1900: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
2f: 23/07/16: 2300: Sandstone: 2 Yes
1c: 25/06/16: 2000: Kabocalli: 2 Yes
2g: 03/07/16: 0000: Turtle Mountain: 2 Yes
3k: 11/07/16: 0400: Mill Site: 2 Yes
4c: 18/07/16: 2000: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
2g: 24/07/16: 0000: Sandstone: 2 Yes
RGS Mulu: Kerangas Camp: Philautus lissobrachius Yes
1d: 25/06/16: 2100: Kabocalli: 2 Yes
2h: 03/07/16: 0100: Turtle Mountain: 2 Yes
3l: 11/07/16: 0500: Mill Site: 2 Yes
4d: 18/07/16: 2100: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
2h: 24/07/16: 0100: Sandstone: 2 Yes
1e: 25/06/16: 2200: Kabocalli: 2 Yes
2i: 03/07/16: 0200: Turtle Mountain: 2 Yes
4a: 11/07/16: 1800: Mill Site: 2 Yes
4e: 18/07/16: 2200: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
2i: 24/07/16: 0200: Sandstone: 2 Yes
1f: 25/06/16: 2300: Kabocalli: 2 Yes
2j: 03/07/16: 0300: Turtle Mountain: 2 Yes
4b: 11/07/16: 1900: Mill Site: 2 Yes
4f: 18/07/16: 2300: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
2j: 24/07/16: 0300: Sandstone: 2 Yes
1g: 26/06/16: 0000: Kabocalli: 2 Yes
2k: 03/07/16: 0400: Turtle Mountain: 2 Yes
4c: 11/07/16: 2000: Mill Site: 2 Yes
4g: 19/07/16: 0000: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
2k: 24/07/16: 0400: Sandstone: 2 Yes
1h: 26/06/16: 0100: Kabocalli: 2 Yes
2l: 03/07/16: 0500: Turtle Mountain: 2 Yes
4d: 11/07/16: 2100: Mill Site: 2 Yes
4h: 19/07/16: 0100: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
2l: 24/07/16: 0500: Sandstone: 2 Yes
1i: 26/06/16: 0200: Kabocalli: 2 Yes
3a: 03/07/16: 1800: Turtle Mountain: 2 Yes
4e: 11/07/16: 2200: Mill Site: 2 Yes
4i: 19/07/16: 0200: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
3a: 24/07/16: 1800: Sandstone: 2 Yes
1j: 26/06/16: 0300: Kabocalli: 2 Yes
3b: 03/07/16: 1900: Turtle Mountain: 2 Yes
4f: 11/07/16: 2300: Mill Site: 2 Yes
4j: 19/07/16: 0300: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
3b: 24/07/16: 1900: Sandstone: 2 Yes
Bristol Community Garden Pond Yes
Lawit Keleb: Leptobrachium hasseltii (short) Yes
1k: 26/06/16: 0400: Kabocalli: 2 Yes
3c: 03/07/16: 2000: Turtle Mountain: 2 Yes
4g: 12/07/16: 0000: Mill Site: 2 Yes
4k: 19/07/16: 0400: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
3c: 24/07/16: 2000: Sandstone: 2 Yes
RGS Mulu: Camp I: Nesobia sp. A Yes
1l: 26/06./16: 0500: Kabocalli: 2 Yes
3d: 03/07/16: 2100: Turtle Mountain: 2 Yes
4h: 12/07/16: 0100: Mill Site: 2 Yes
4l: 19/07/16: 0500: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
3d: 24/07/16: 2100: Sandstone: 2 Yes
566_2_Stenobothrus lineatus Yes
RGS Mulu: Camp I: Nesobia sp. B Yes
2a: 26/06/16: 1800: Kabocalli: 2 Yes
3e: 03/07/16: 2200: Turtle Mountain: 2 Yes
4i: 12/07/16: 0200: Mill Site: 2 Yes
5a: 19/07/16: 1800: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
3e: 24/07/16: 2200: Sandstone: 2 Yes
597_2_Stenobothrus lineatus Yes
2b: 26/06/16: 1900: Kabocalli: 2 Yes
3f: 03/07/16: 2300: Turtle Mountain: 2 Yes
4j: 12/07/16: 0300: Mill Site: 2 Yes
5b: 19/07/16: 1900: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
3f: 24/07/16: 2300: Sandstone: 2 Yes
RGs Mulu: Camp 2.5: Nesobia sp. C (short) Yes
2c: 26/06/16: 2000: Kabocalli: 2 Yes
3g: 04/07/16: 0000: Turtle Mountain: 2 Yes
4k: 12/07/16: 0400: Mill Site: 2 Yes
5c: 19/07/16: 2000: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
3g: 25/07/16: 0000: Sandstone: 2 Yes
RGS Mulu: Camp IV: Nesobia sp. D (short) Yes
2d: 26/06/16: 2100: Kabocalli: 2 Yes
3h: 04/07/16: 0100: Turtle Mountain: 2 Yes
4l: 12/07/16: 0500: Mill Site: 2 Yes
5d: 19/07/16: 2100: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
3h: 25/07/16: 0100: Sandstone: 2 Yes
RGS Mulu: Camp IV: Leptobrachium sp. nov. (short) Yes
2e: 26/06/16: 2200: Kabocalli: 2 Yes
3i: 04/07/16: 0200: Turtle Mountain: 2 Yes
5a: 12/07/16: 1800: Mill Site: 2 Yes
5e: 19/07/16: 2200: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
3i: 25/07/16: 0200: Sandstone: 2 Yes
2f: 26/06/16: 2300: Kabocalli: 2 Yes
3j: 04/07/16: 0300: Turtle Mountain: 2 Yes
5b: 12/07/16: 1900: Mill Site: 2 Yes
5f: 19/07/16: 2300: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
3j: 25/07/16: 0300: Sandstone: 2 Yes
2g: 27/06/16: 0000: Kabocalli: 2 Yes
3k: 04/07/16: 0400: Turtle Mountain: 2 Yes
5c: 12/07/16: 2000: Mill Site: 2 Yes
5g: 20/07/16: 0000: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
3k: 25/07/16: 0400: Sandstone: 2 Yes
2h: 27/06/16: 0100: Kabocalli: 2 Yes
3l: 04/07/16: 0500: Turtle Mountain: 2 Yes
5d: 12/07/16: 2100: Mill Site: 2 Yes
5h: 20/07/16: 0100: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
3l: 25/07/16: 0500: Sandstone: 2 Yes
1999: Dr Ward Wheeler: Arthopods, history and homology: morphology and molecules. Yes
2i: 27/06/16: 0200: Kabocalli: 2 Yes
4a: 04/07/16: 1800: Turtle Mountain: 2 Yes
5e: 12/07/16: 2200: Mill Site: 2 Yes
5i: 20/07/16: 0200: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
4a: 25/07/16: 1800: Sandstone: 2 Yes
2000: Prof. Daniel H. Janzen: Costa Rican caterpillars and their parasitoids: very host specific. Yes
2j: 27/06/16: 0300: Kabocalli: 2 Yes
4b: 04/07/16: 1900: Turtle Mountain: 2 Yes
5f: 12/07/16: 2300: Mill Site: 2 Yes
5j: 20/07/16: 0300: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
4b: 25/07/16: 1900: Sandstone: 2 Yes
2001: Prof. Charles Godfray: Darwin's nightmare: what parasitoid wasps tell us about ecology and evolution. Yes
2k: 27/06/16: 0400: Kabocalli: 2 Yes
4c: 04/07/16: 2000: Turtle Mountain: 2 Yes
5g: 13/07/16: 0000: Mill Site: 2 Yes
5k: 20/07/16: 0400: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
4c: 25/07/16: 2000: Sandstone: 2 Yes
2004: Michael Boppré: What can the natural history of pharmacophagous insects tell us about biology? Yes
2l: 27/06/16: 0500: Kabocalli: 2 Yes
4d: 04/07/16: 2100: Turtle Mountain: 2 Yes
5h: 13/07/16: 0100: Mill Site: 2 Yes
5l: 20/07/16: 0500: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
4d: 25/07/16: 2100: Sandstone: 2 Yes
3a: 27/06/16: 1800: Kabocalli: 2 Yes
4e: 04/07/16: 2200: Turtle Mountain: 2 Yes
5i: 13/07/16: 0200: Mill Site: 2 Yes
6a. 20/07/16: 1800: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
4e: 25/07/16: 2200: Sandstone: 2 Yes
2002: Prof. Harold Townson: The beginning of wisdom: from names to genomes in the study of insect vectors of disease. Yes
3b: 27/06/16: 1900: Kabocalli: 2 Yes
4f: 04/07/16: 2300: Turtle Mountain: 2 Yes
5j: 13/07/16: 0300: Mill Site: 2 Yes
6b. 20/07/16: 1900: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
4f: 25/07/16: 2300: Sandstone: 2 Yes
598_11_Stenobothrus nigromaculatus Yes
Jon Martin & Mick Webb: The Hemiptera - It'a True Bug's Life. Yes
3c: 27/06/16: 2000: Kabocalli: 2 Yes
4g: 05/07/16: 0000: Turtle Mountain: 2 Yes
5k: 13/07/16: 0400: Mill Site: 2 Yes
6c. 20/07/16: 2000: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
4g: 26/07/16: 0000: Sandstone: 2 Yes
Roger Blackman & David Hollis: Aphids, Psyllids [Jumping Plant-Lice], and Their Host-Plants. Yes
3d: 27/06/16: 2100: Kabocalli: 2 Yes
4h: 05/07/16: 0100: Turtle Mountain: 2 Yes
5l: 13/07/16: 0500: Mill Site: 2 Yes
6d. 20/07/16: 2100: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
4h: 26/07/16: 0100: Sandstone: 2 Yes
Peter Hammond: How to be a Beetle. Yes
3e: 27/06/16: 2200: Kabocalli: 2 Yes
4i: 05/07/16: 0200: Turtle Mountain: 2 Yes
1a: 08/07/16: 1800: Mill Site: 3 Yes
6e. 20/07/16: 2200: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
4i: 26/07/16: 0200: Sandstone: 2 Yes
Sound Recording from species Allonemobius allardi (Alexander & Thomas, 1959) (OSF) Yes
dat20908 Yes
Steve Hopkin: Biology of the Springtails (Collembola), the most abundant insects Yes
3f: 27/06/16: 2300: Kabocalli: 2 Yes
4j: 05/07/16: 0300: Turtle Mountain: 2 Yes
1b: 08/07/16: 1900: Mill Site: 3 Yes
6f. 20/07/16: 2300: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
4j: 26/07/16: 0300: Sandstone: 2 Yes
3g: 28/06/16: 0000: Kabocalli: 2 Yes
4k: 05/07/16: 0400: Turtle Mountain: 2 Yes
1c: 08/07/16: 2000: Mill Site: 3 Yes
6g. 21/07/16: 0000: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
4k: 26/07/16: 0400: Sandstone: 2 Yes
2003: Dr Robin Wootton: Doing the locomotion: insects as flying machines Yes
3h: 28/06/16: 0100: Kabocalli: 2 Yes
4l: 05/07/16: 0500: Turtle Mountain: 2 Yes
1d: 08/07/16: 2100: Mill Site: 3 Yes
6h. 21/07/16: 0100: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
4l: 26/07/16: 0500: Sandstone: 2 Yes
3i: 28/06/16: 0200: Kabocalli: 2 Yes
5a: 05/07/16: 1800: Turtle Mountain: 2 Yes
1e: 08/07/16: 2200: Mill Site: 3 Yes
6i. 21/07/16: 0200: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
5a: 26/07/16: 1800: Sandstone: 2 Yes
3j: 28/06/16: 0300: Kabocalli: 2 Yes
5b: 05/07/16: 1900: Turtle Mountain: 2 Yes
1f: 08/07/16: 2300: Mill Site: 3 Yes
6j. 21/07/16: 0300: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
5b: 26/07/16: 1900: Sandstone: 2 Yes
Peter Barnard: Classification and Biology of Caddisflies (Trichoptera) Yes
3k: 28/06/16: 04000: Kabocalli: 2 Yes
5c: 05/07/16: 2000: Turtle Mountain: 2 Yes
1g: 09/07/16: 0000: Mill Site: 3 Yes
6k. 21/07/16: 0400: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
5c: 26/07/16: 2000: Sandstone: 2 Yes
Ian Gould: Fungicidal Flatulence and Other Oddities: Tales of an Old Waspologist. Yes
3l: 28/06/16: 05000: Kabocalli: 2 Yes
5d: 05/07/16: 2100: Turtle Mountain: 2 Yes
1h: 09/07/16: 0100: Mill Site: 3 Yes
6l. 21/07/16: 0500: Rock Landing: 2 Yes
5d: 26/07/16: 2100: Sandstone: 2 Yes
4a: 28/06/16: 18000: Kabocalli: 2 Yes
5e: 05/07/16: 2200: Turtle Mountain: 2 Yes
1i: 09/07/16: 0200: Mill Site: 3 Yes
1a: 15/07/16: 1800: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
5e: 26/07/16: 2200: Sandstone: 2 Yes
John Chainey & Nigel Wyatt: Horseflies, Hoverflies, blowflies and their allies (Diptera Part II) Yes
4b: 28/06/16: 19000: Kabocalli: 2 Yes
5f: 05/07/16: 2300: Turtle Mountain: 2 Yes
1j: 09/07/16: 0300: Mill Site: 3 Yes
1b: 15/07/16: 1900: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
5f: 26/07/16: 2300: Sandstone: 2 Yes
Wits Rural Facility Soundscape Yes
Peter Barnard: Classification and Biology of Caddisflies (Trichoptera). Yes
4c: 28/06/16: 20000: Kabocalli: 2 Yes
5g: 06/07/16: 0000: Turtle Mountain: 2 Yes
1k: 09/07/16: 0400: Mill Site: 3 Yes
1c: 15/07/16: 2000: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
5g: 27/07/16: 0000: Sandstone: 2 Yes
Judith Marshall: Saltatorial Songsters: Gregarious Grasshoppers, Chirping Crickets, Beeping Bush-crickets and Rhythmic Relatives Yes
4d: 28/06/16: 21000: Kabocalli: 2 Yes
5h: 06/07/16: 0100: Turtle Mountain: 2 Yes
1l: 09/07/16: 0500: Mill Site: 3 Yes
1d: 15/07/16: 2100: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
5h: 27/07/16: 0100: Sandstone: 2 Yes
Andrew Ross: Insects in Amber Yes
4e: 28/06/16: 22000: Kabocalli: 2 Yes
5i: 06/07/16: 0200: Turtle Mountain: 2 Yes
2a: 09/07/16: 1800: Mill Site: 3 Yes
1e: 15/07/16: 2200: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
5i: 27/07/16: 0200: Sandstone: 2 Yes
Gaden Robinson: A Tale of Two Strategies: Contrasts, conflicts and mythology of caterpillar food choices - Salix or socks? Yes
4f: 28/06/16: 23000: Kabocalli: 2 Yes
5j: 06/07/16: 0300: Turtle Mountain: 2 Yes
2b: 09/07/16: 1900: Mill Site: 3 Yes
1f: 15/07/16: 2300: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
5j: 27/07/16: 0300: Sandstone: 2 Yes
Chris Lyal: Pure, Lively and Lousy Yes
4g: 29/06/16: 00000: Kabocalli: 2 Yes
5k: 06/07/16: 0400: Turtle Mountain: 2 Yes
2c: 09/07/16: 2000: Mill Site: 3 Yes
1g: 16/07/16: 0000: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
5k: 27/07/16: 0400: Sandstone: 2 Yes
lab recording, 15/5/1991, 22°C (Aiwa DAT with AKG D202, tape: JVC-R90, tape no. D01:0.12.52-0.15.00) Yes
Ian White & Nigel Wyatt: Acalypterate Diptera with Particular Reference to the True Fruit Flies (Tephritidae) Yes
4h: 29/06/16: 01000: Kabocalli: 2 Yes
5l: 06/07/16: 0500: Turtle Mountain: 2 Yes
2d: 09/07/16: 2100: Mill Site: 3 Yes
1h: 16/07/16: 0100: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
5l: 27/07/16: 0500: Sandstone: 2 Yes
Paul Hillyard: Spiders Are Not the Only Arachnids Yes
4i: 29/06/16: 02000: Kabocalli: 2 Yes
1a: 01/07/16: 1800: Turtle Mountain: 3 Yes
2e: 09/07/16: 2200: Mill Site: 3 Yes
1i: 16/07/16: 0200: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
1a: 22/07/16: 1800: Sandstone: 3 Yes
Ian Kitching: Macrolepidoptera - 90,000 ways to eat a leaf? Yes
4j: 29/06/16: 03000: Kabocalli: 2 Yes
1b: 01/07/16: 1900: Turtle Mountain: 3 Yes
2f: 09/07/16: 2300: Mill Site: 3 Yes
1j: 16/07/16: 0300: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
1b: 22/07/16: 1900: Sandstone: 3 Yes
Test Yes
Chris Lyal: Evolution's Greatest Success: Weevils and Their Friends and Relatives Yes
4k: 29/06/16: 04000: Kabocalli: 2 Yes
1c: 01/07/16: 2000: Turtle Mountain: 3 Yes
2g: 10/07/16: 0000: Mill Site: 3 Yes
1k: 16/07/16: 0400: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
1c: 22/07/16: 2000: Sandstone: 3 Yes
2005: Dr Randall T. Schuh: Getting a Grip on 5000 Taxa and 500,000 Specimens: Lessons from a Planetary Biodiversity Inventory Project Yes
4l: 29/06/16: 05000: Kabocalli: 2 Yes
1d: 01/07/16: 2100: Turtle Mountain: 3 Yes
2h: 10/07/16: 0100: Mill Site: 3 Yes
1l: 16/07/16: 0500: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
1d: 22/07/16: 2100: Sandstone: 3 Yes
Frank Krell: Bone-eaters, egg-buriers, pollinators, pests and predators - how scarab beetles rule the world Yes
5a: 29/06/16: 18000: Kabocalli: 2 Yes
1e: 01/07/16: 2200: Turtle Mountain: 3 Yes
2i: 10/07/16: 0200: Mill Site: 3 Yes
2a: 16/07/16: 1800: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
1e: 22/07/16: 2200: Sandstone: 3 Yes
Jon Martin & Gilian Watson: Scale Insects and Whiteflies: The Challenge of a Sessile Lifestyle Yes
5b: 29/06/16: 19000: Kabocalli: 2 Yes
1f: 01/07/16: 2300: Turtle Mountain: 3 Yes
2j: 10/07/16: 0300: Mill Site: 3 Yes
2b: 16/07/16: 1900: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
1f: 22/07/16: 2300: Sandstone: 3 Yes
lab recording, 1972, 35°C (Uher, tape no. CS_U03r; spontanous song and responding males, latter high-pass filtered) Yes
Dick Vane-Wright: Butterflies, Their Diversity and Natural History Yes
5c: 29/06/16: 20000: Kabocalli: 2 Yes
1g: 02/07/16: 0000: Turtle Mountain: 3 Yes
2k: 10/07/16: 0400: Mill Site: 3 Yes
2c: 16/07/16: 2000: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
1g: 23/07/16: 0000: Sandstone: 3 Yes
5d: 29/06/16: 21000: Kabocalli: 2 Yes
1h: 02/07/16: 0100: Turtle Mountain: 3 Yes
2l: 10/07/16: 0500: Mill Site: 3 Yes
2d: 16/07/16: 2100: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
1h: 23/07/16: 0100: Sandstone: 3 Yes
Termites shaking Yes
5e: 29/06/16: 22000: Kabocalli: 2 Yes
1i: 02/07/16: 0200: Turtle Mountain: 3 Yes
3a: 10/07/16: 1800: Mill Site: 3 Yes
2e: 16/07/16: 2200: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
1i: 23/07/16: 0200: Sandstone: 3 Yes
Tree hyrax Yes
5f: 29/06/16: 23000: Kabocalli: 2 Yes
1j: 02/07/16: 0300: Turtle Mountain: 3 Yes
3b: 10/07/16: 1900: Mill Site: 3 Yes
2f: 16/07/16: 2300: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
1j: 23/07/16: 0300: Sandstone: 3 Yes
5g: 30/06/16: 00000: Kabocalli: 2 Yes
1k: 02/07/16: 0400: Turtle Mountain: 3 Yes
3c: 10/07/16: 2000: Mill Site: 3 Yes
2g: 17/07/16: 0000: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
1k: 23/07/16: 0400: Sandstone: 3 Yes
5h: 30/06/16: 01000: Kabocalli: 2 Yes
1l: 02/07/16: 0500: Turtle Mountain: 3 Yes
3d: 10/07/16: 2100: Mill Site: 3 Yes
2h: 17/07/16: 0100: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
1l: 23/07/16: 0500: Sandstone: 3 Yes
5i: 30/06/16: 02000: Kabocalli: 2 Yes
2a: 02/07/16: 1800: Turtle Mountain: 3 Yes
3e: 10/07/16: 2200: Mill Site: 3 Yes
2i: 17/07/16: 0200: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
2a: 23/07/16: 1800: Sandstone: 3 Yes
5j: 30/06/16: 03000: Kabocalli: 2 Yes
2b: 02/07/16: 1900: Turtle Mountain: 3 Yes
3f: 10/07/16: 2300: Mill Site: 3 Yes
2j: 17/07/16: 0300: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
2b: 23/07/16: 1900: Sandstone: 3 Yes
5k: 30/06/16: 04000: Kabocalli: 2 Yes
2c: 02/07/16: 2000: Turtle Mountain: 3 Yes
3g: 11/07/16: 0000: Mill Site: 3 Yes
2k: 17/07/16: 0400: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
2c: 23/07/16: 2000: Sandstone: 3 Yes
5l: 30/06/16: 05000: Kabocalli: 2 Yes
2d: 02/07/16: 2100: Turtle Mountain: 3 Yes
3h: 11/07/16: 0100: Mill Site: 3 Yes
2l: 17/07/16: 0500: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
2d:23/07/16: 2100: Sandstone: 3 Yes
1a: 25/06/16: 1800: Kabocalli: 3 Yes
2e: 02/07/16: 2200: Turtle Mountain: 3 Yes
3i: 11/07/16: 0200: Mill Site: 3 Yes
3a: 17/07/16: 1800: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
2e: 23/07/16: 2200: Sandstone: 3 Yes
1b: 25/06/16: 1900: Kabocalli: 3 Yes
2f: 02/07/16: 2300: Turtle Mountain: 3 Yes
3j: 11/07/16: 0300: Mill Site: 3 Yes
3b: 17/07/16: 1900: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
2f: 23/07/16: 2300: Sandstone: 3 Yes
Tortuguero Soundscape 1 Yes
1c: 25/06/16: 2000: Kabocalli: 3 Yes
2g: 03/07/16: 0000: Turtle Mountain: 3 Yes
3k: 11/07/16: 0400: Mill Site: 3 Yes
3c: 17/07/16: 2000: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
2g: 24/07/16: 0000: Sandstone: 3 Yes
Tortuguero Soundscape 2 Yes
1d: 25/06/16: 2100: Kabocalli: 3 Yes
2h: 03/07/16: 0100: Turtle Mountain: 3 Yes
3l: 11/07/16: 0500: Mill Site: 3 Yes
3d: 17/07/16: 2100: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
2h: 24/07/16: 0100: Sandstone: 3 Yes
1e: 25/06/16: 2200: Kabocalli: 3 Yes
2i: 03/07/16: 0200: Turtle Mountain: 3 Yes
4a: 11/07/16: 1800: Mill Site: 3 Yes
3e: 17/07/16: 2200: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
2i: 24/07/16: 0200: Sandstone: 3 Yes
Monteverde Soundscape Yes
1f: 25/06/16: 2300: Kabocalli: 3 Yes
2j: 03/07/16: 0300: Turtle Mountain: 3 Yes
4b: 11/07/16: 1900: Mill Site: 3 Yes
3f: 17/07/16: 2300: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
2j: 24/07/16: 0300: Sandstone: 3 Yes
1g: 26/06/16: 0000: Kabocalli: 3 Yes
2k: 03/07/16: 0400: Turtle Mountain: 3 Yes
4c: 11/07/16: 2000: Mill Site: 3 Yes
3g: 18/07/16: 0000: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
2k: 24/07/16: 0400: Sandstone: 3 Yes
1h: 26/06/16: 0100: Kabocalli: 3 Yes
2l: 03/07/16: 0500: Turtle Mountain: 3 Yes
4d: 11/07/16: 2100: Mill Site: 3 Yes
3h: 18/07/16: 0100: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
2l: 24/07/16: 0500: Sandstone: 3 Yes
1i: 26/06/16: 0200: Kabocalli: 3 Yes
3a: 03/07/16: 1800: Turtle Mountain: 3 Yes
4e: 11/07/16: 2200: Mill Site: 3 Yes
3i: 18/07/16: 0200: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
3a: 24/07/16: 1800: Sandstone: 3 Yes
1j: 26/06/16: 0300: Kabocalli: 3 Yes
3b: 03/07/16: 1900: Turtle Mountain: 3 Yes
4f: 11/07/16: 2300: Mill Site: 3 Yes
3j: 18/07/16: 0300: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
3b: 24/07/16: 1900: Sandstone: 3 Yes
1k: 26/06/16: 0400: Kabocalli: 3 Yes
3c: 03/07/16: 2000: Turtle Mountain: 3 Yes
4g: 12/07/16: 0000: Mill Site: 3 Yes
3k: 18/07/16: 0400: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
3c: 24/07/16: 2000: Sandstone: 3 Yes
1l: 26/06./16: 0500: Kabocalli: 3 Yes
3d: 03/07/16: 2100: Turtle Mountain: 3 Yes
4h: 12/07/16: 0100: Mill Site: 3 Yes
3l: 18/07/16: 0500: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
3d: 24/07/16: 2100: Sandstone: 3 Yes
2a: 26/06/16: 1800: Kabocalli: 3 Yes
3e: 03/07/16: 2200: Turtle Mountain: 3 Yes
4i: 12/07/16: 0200: Mill Site: 3 Yes
4a: 18/07/16: 1800: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
3e: 24/07/16: 2200: Sandstone: 3 Yes
2b: 26/06/16: 1900: Kabocalli: 3 Yes
3f: 03/07/16: 2300: Turtle Mountain: 3 Yes
4j: 12/07/16: 0300: Mill Site: 3 Yes
4b: 18/07/16: 1900: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
3f: 24/07/16: 2300: Sandstone: 3 Yes
2c: 26/06/16: 2000: Kabocalli: 3 Yes
3g: 04/07/16: 0000: Turtle Mountain: 3 Yes
4k: 12/07/16: 0400: Mill Site: 3 Yes
4c: 18/07/16: 2000: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
3g: 25/07/16: 0000: Sandstone: 3 Yes
530_4_Modicogryllus burdigalensis Yes
2d: 26/06/16: 2100: Kabocalli: 3 Yes
3h: 04/07/16: 0100: Turtle Mountain: 3 Yes
4l: 12/07/16: 0500: Mill Site: 3 Yes
4d: 18/07/16: 2100: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
3h: 25/07/16: 0100: Sandstone: 3 Yes
2e: 26/06/16: 2200: Kabocalli: 3 Yes
3i: 04/07/16: 0200: Turtle Mountain: 3 Yes
5a: 12/07/16: 1800: Mill Site: 3 Yes
4e: 18/07/16: 2200: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
3i: 25/07/16: 0200: Sandstone: 3 Yes
2f: 26/06/16: 2300: Kabocalli: 3 Yes
3j: 04/07/16: 0300: Turtle Mountain: 3 Yes
5b: 12/07/16: 1900: Mill Site: 3 Yes
4f: 18/07/16: 2300: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
3j: 25/07/16: 0300: Sandstone: 3 Yes
Brunei - dawn, birds and distanct cicada (high up valley side) Yes
2g: 27/06/16: 0000: Kabocalli: 3 Yes
3k: 04/07/16: 0400: Turtle Mountain: 3 Yes
5c: 12/07/16: 2000: Mill Site: 3 Yes
4g: 19/07/16: 0000: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
3k: 25/07/16: 0400: Sandstone: 3 Yes
Brunei - ridge top, middle of day, fairly quiet until plastic explosive detonates to fell emergent tree which was danger to military helicopters Yes
95_9_Nemobius sylvestris Yes
2h: 27/06/16: 0100: Kabocalli: 3 Yes
3l: 04/07/16: 0500: Turtle Mountain: 3 Yes
5d: 12/07/16: 2100: Mill Site: 3 Yes
4h: 19/07/16: 0100: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
3l: 25/07/16: 0500: Sandstone: 3 Yes
Brunei, valley bottom, dusk - high-pitch "droning" cicada & birds, interrupted by approaching rain Yes
2i: 27/06/16: 0200: Kabocalli: 3 Yes
4a: 04/07/16: 1800: Turtle Mountain: 3 Yes
5e: 12/07/16: 2200: Mill Site: 3 Yes
4i: 19/07/16: 0200: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
4a: 25/07/16: 1800: Sandstone: 3 Yes
Pinnacles path, Mulu - mid morning, cicadas, probaby 2 species Yes
2j: 27/06/16: 0300: Kabocalli: 3 Yes
4b: 04/07/16: 1900: Turtle Mountain: 3 Yes
5f: 12/07/16: 2300: Mill Site: 3 Yes
4j: 19/07/16: 0300: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
4b: 25/07/16: 1900: Sandstone: 3 Yes
Pinnacles path, Mulu - mid morning, cicada & continuous buzzing crickets in background [the cicada sounds a bit frog-like] Yes
2k: 27/06/16: 0400: Kabocalli: 3 Yes
4c: 04/07/16: 2000: Turtle Mountain: 3 Yes
5g: 13/07/16: 0000: Mill Site: 3 Yes
4k: 19/07/16: 0400: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
4c: 25/07/16: 2000: Sandstone: 3 Yes
Camp 5, Mulu - dawn, with river in background - cicada that sounds like a cat-fight, birds & two bursts from a buzzing cicada Yes
2l: 27/06/16: 0500: Kabocalli: 3 Yes
4d: 04/07/16: 2100: Turtle Mountain: 3 Yes
5h: 13/07/16: 0100: Mill Site: 3 Yes
4l: 19/07/16: 0500: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
4d: 25/07/16: 2100: Sandstone: 3 Yes
Camp 5 mulu - dawn Yes
3a: 27/06/16: 1800: Kabocalli: 3 Yes
4e: 04/07/16: 2200: Turtle Mountain: 3 Yes
5i: 13/07/16: 0200: Mill Site: 3 Yes
5a: 19/07/16: 1800: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
4e: 25/07/16: 2200: Sandstone: 3 Yes
Camp 5, Mulu - dusk, high-pitched cicada (see band 3) & "circular saw" cicada & "chirping" that is probably a cricket, gradually grading to very high-pitched "trilling" of evening crickets Yes
3b: 27/06/16: 1900: Kabocalli: 3 Yes
4f: 04/07/16: 2300: Turtle Mountain: 3 Yes
5j: 13/07/16: 0300: Mill Site: 3 Yes
5b: 19/07/16: 1900: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
4f: 25/07/16: 2300: Sandstone: 3 Yes
Benarat Inn, Long Pala, Mulu - rain at rest house Yes
728_1_Chorthippus biguttulus Yes
3c: 27/06/16: 2000: Kabocalli: 3 Yes
4g: 05/07/16: 0000: Turtle Mountain: 3 Yes
5k: 13/07/16: 0400: Mill Site: 3 Yes
5c: 19/07/16: 2000: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
4g: 26/07/16: 0000: Sandstone: 3 Yes
3d: 27/06/16: 2100: Kabocalli: 3 Yes
4h: 05/07/16: 0100: Turtle Mountain: 3 Yes
5l: 13/07/16: 0500: Mill Site: 3 Yes
5d: 19/07/16: 2100: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
4h: 26/07/16: 0100: Sandstone: 3 Yes
3e: 27/06/16: 2200: Kabocalli: 3 Yes
4i: 05/07/16: 0200: Turtle Mountain: 3 Yes
1a: 08/07/16: 1800: Mill Site: 4 Yes
5e: 19/07/16: 2200: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
4i: 26/07/16: 0200: Sandstone: 3 Yes
Benarat Inn, Long Pala, Mulu - angry captive cicada Yes
3f: 27/06/16: 2300: Kabocalli: 3 Yes
4j: 05/07/16: 0300: Turtle Mountain: 3 Yes
1b: 08/07/16: 1900: Mill Site: 4 Yes
5f: 19/07/16: 2300: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
4j: 26/07/16: 0300: Sandstone: 3 Yes
82_3_Kraussella amabilis Yes
Brunei, valley bottom - evening recordings that include a gentle "flute"-like sound - not known if cricket or cicada 1 Yes
3g: 28/06/16: 0000: Kabocalli: 3 Yes
4k: 05/07/16: 0400: Turtle Mountain: 3 Yes
1c: 08/07/16: 2000: Mill Site: 4 Yes
5g: 20/07/16: 0000: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
4k: 26/07/16: 0400: Sandstone: 3 Yes
Brunei, valley bottom - evening recordings that include a gentle "flute"-like sound - not known if cricket or cicada 2 Yes
3h: 28/06/16: 0100: Kabocalli: 3 Yes
4l: 05/07/16: 0500: Turtle Mountain: 3 Yes
1d: 08/07/16: 2100: Mill Site: 4 Yes
5h: 20/07/16: 0100: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
4l: 26/07/16: 0500: Sandstone: 3 Yes
84_3_Mesopsis laticornis Yes
Brunei, valley bottom - pre-dawn - low-pitch gentle buzzing of crickets, bird song gradually starting Yes
3i: 28/06/16: 0200: Kabocalli: 3 Yes
5a: 05/07/16: 1800: Turtle Mountain: 3 Yes
1e: 08/07/16: 2200: Mill Site: 4 Yes
5i: 20/07/16: 0200: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
5a: 26/07/16: 1800: Sandstone: 3 Yes
Wytham Woods Yes
Brunei. valley bottom - dawn, mostly birds butafter 7 mins the distant "cat-fight" cicada starts in distance Yes
713_3_Oecanthus pellucens Yes
3j: 28/06/16: 0300: Kabocalli: 3 Yes
5b: 05/07/16: 1900: Turtle Mountain: 3 Yes
1f: 08/07/16: 2300: Mill Site: 4 Yes
5j: 20/07/16: 0300: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
5b: 26/07/16: 1900: Sandstone: 3 Yes
On ridge near Kuala Belalong: daytime sequence 1, cicadas prominent Yes
3k: 28/06/16: 04000: Kabocalli: 3 Yes
5c: 05/07/16: 2000: Turtle Mountain: 3 Yes
1g: 09/07/16: 0000: Mill Site: 4 Yes
5k: 20/07/16: 0400: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
5c: 26/07/16: 2000: Sandstone: 3 Yes
On ridge near Kuala Belalong: daytime sequence 2, cicadas prominent [nid:12432] Yes
3l: 28/06/16: 05000: Kabocalli: 3 Yes
5d: 05/07/16: 2100: Turtle Mountain: 3 Yes
1h: 09/07/16: 0100: Mill Site: 4 Yes
5l: 20/07/16: 0500: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
5d: 26/07/16: 2100: Sandstone: 3 Yes
On ridge near Kuala Belalong: dusk, mainly "circular saw" cicada and low-pitched species, plus birds Yes
4a: 28/06/16: 18000: Kabocalli: 3 Yes
5e: 05/07/16: 2200: Turtle Mountain: 3 Yes
1i: 09/07/16: 0200: Mill Site: 4 Yes
6a. 20/07/16: 1800: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
5e: 26/07/16: 2200: Sandstone: 3 Yes
Silver Island 1 Yes
On ridge near Kuala Belalong:dawn (part 1 of 2) crickets and birds. Yes
4b: 28/06/16: 19000: Kabocalli: 3 Yes
5f: 05/07/16: 2300: Turtle Mountain: 3 Yes
1j: 09/07/16: 0300: Mill Site: 4 Yes
6b. 20/07/16: 1900: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
5f: 26/07/16: 2300: Sandstone: 3 Yes
Silver Island 2 Yes
On ridge near Kuala Belalong:dawn (part 2 of 2) crickets and birds. After 5mins cicadas can be heard distantly, and by 8 mins at least two species of cicada are in full flow [spoile dby cassette recorder rumble at end] Yes
4c: 28/06/16: 20000: Kabocalli: 3 Yes
5g: 06/07/16: 0000: Turtle Mountain: 3 Yes
1k: 09/07/16: 0400: Mill Site: 4 Yes
6c. 20/07/16: 2000: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
5g: 27/07/16: 0000: Sandstone: 3 Yes
Silver Island 3 Yes
Toraut forest, 200 metres altitude - mid morning cicadas Yes
Walk in Davy Down Riverside Park, nr. Mardyke River, North Stifford Yes
4d: 28/06/16: 21000: Kabocalli: 3 Yes
5h: 06/07/16: 0100: Turtle Mountain: 3 Yes
1l: 09/07/16: 0500: Mill Site: 4 Yes
6d. 20/07/16: 2100: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
5h: 27/07/16: 0100: Sandstone: 3 Yes
Silver Island 4 Yes
Toraut forest, 200 m. (+ single burst of a one-note species) - mid morning cicadas Yes
4e: 28/06/16: 22000: Kabocalli: 3 Yes
5i: 06/07/16: 0200: Turtle Mountain: 3 Yes
2a: 09/07/16: 1800: Mill Site: 4 Yes
6e. 20/07/16: 2200: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
5i: 27/07/16: 0200: Sandstone: 3 Yes
Silver Island 5 Yes
Toraut forest - birds, ?early morning Yes
4f: 28/06/16: 23000: Kabocalli: 3 Yes
5j: 06/07/16: 0300: Turtle Mountain: 3 Yes
2b: 09/07/16: 1900: Mill Site: 4 Yes
6f. 20/07/16: 2300: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
5j: 27/07/16: 0300: Sandstone: 3 Yes
Silver Island 6 Yes
Hog's Back, 300-400m. - mid morning, single-note & "chirping" cicadas Yes
4g: 29/06/16: 00000: Kabocalli: 3 Yes
5k: 06/07/16: 0400: Turtle Mountain: 3 Yes
2c: 09/07/16: 2000: Mill Site: 4 Yes
6g. 21/07/16: 0000: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
5k: 27/07/16: 0400: Sandstone: 3 Yes
Silver Island 7 Yes
Hog's Back, 300-400m - morning, cicadas & Celebes macaque monkeys Yes
4h: 29/06/16: 01000: Kabocalli: 3 Yes
5l: 06/07/16: 0500: Turtle Mountain: 3 Yes
2d: 09/07/16: 2100: Mill Site: 4 Yes
6h. 21/07/16: 0100: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
5l: 27/07/16: 0500: Sandstone: 3 Yes
92_21 Enyaliopsis carolinus Yes
Silver Island 8 Yes
male from Bonita Springs, FL, Yes
not certaion about this one Yes
4i: 29/06/16: 02000: Kabocalli: 3 Yes
1a: 01/07/16: 1800: Turtle Mountain: 4 Yes
2e: 09/07/16: 2200: Mill Site: 4 Yes
6i. 21/07/16: 0200: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
1a: 22/07/16: 1800: Sandstone: 4 Yes
Silver Island 9 Yes
Hog's Back, 300-400m - greater Celebes Hornbills & cicadas, morning Yes
4j: 29/06/16: 03000: Kabocalli: 3 Yes
1b: 01/07/16: 1900: Turtle Mountain: 4 Yes
2f: 09/07/16: 2300: Mill Site: 4 Yes
6j. 21/07/16: 0300: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
1b: 22/07/16: 1900: Sandstone: 4 Yes
92_22 Enyaliopsis carolinus Yes
Gunung Mogogonipa, 1000m., mountain top - morning, after dawn, coarse & very loud cicada species Yes
4k: 29/06/16: 04000: Kabocalli: 3 Yes
1c: 01/07/16: 2000: Turtle Mountain: 4 Yes
2g: 10/07/16: 0000: Mill Site: 4 Yes
6k. 21/07/16: 0400: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
1c: 22/07/16: 2000: Sandstone: 4 Yes
Edwards' camp, 600m. - late night / pre dawn - very high-pitch crickets, distant birds. Yes
4l: 29/06/16: 05000: Kabocalli: 3 Yes
1d: 01/07/16: 2100: Turtle Mountain: 4 Yes
2h: 10/07/16: 0100: Mill Site: 4 Yes
6l. 21/07/16: 0500: Rock Landing: 3 Yes
1d: 22/07/16: 2100: Sandstone: 4 Yes
92_20 Enyaliopsis carolinus Yes
Hog's Back camp, late afternoon - why it's called a rain-forest! Yes
5a: 29/06/16: 18000: Kabocalli: 3 Yes
1e: 01/07/16: 2200: Turtle Mountain: 4 Yes
2i: 10/07/16: 0200: Mill Site: 4 Yes
1a: 15/07/16: 1800: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
1e: 22/07/16: 2200: Sandstone: 4 Yes
Clark's camp ridge, 1100m. ridge, dusk - slow build-up of melodious cicada that callas at exactly that time every morning - hence voice announcement at start Yes
5b: 29/06/16: 19000: Kabocalli: 3 Yes
1f: 01/07/16: 2300: Turtle Mountain: 4 Yes
2j: 10/07/16: 0300: Mill Site: 4 Yes
1b: 15/07/16: 1900: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
1f: 22/07/16: 2300: Sandstone: 4 Yes
153 Ephippiger terrestris Yes
Clark's camp ridge, 1100m. ridge, late night - almost dead quiet, except distant ?owl (contrast with 9) Yes
5c: 29/06/16: 20000: Kabocalli: 3 Yes
1g: 02/07/16: 0000: Turtle Mountain: 4 Yes
2k: 10/07/16: 0400: Mill Site: 4 Yes
1c: 15/07/16: 2000: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
1g: 23/07/16: 0000: Sandstone: 4 Yes
Clark's camp ridge, 1100m. - mid morning cicadas, with voice for scale of sound Yes
5d: 29/06/16: 21000: Kabocalli: 3 Yes
1h: 02/07/16: 0100: Turtle Mountain: 4 Yes
2l: 10/07/16: 0500: Mill Site: 4 Yes
1d: 15/07/16: 2100: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
1h: 23/07/16: 0100: Sandstone: 4 Yes
Edwards' camp, 600m. - evening - distant bird & crickets Yes
5e: 29/06/16: 22000: Kabocalli: 3 Yes
1i: 02/07/16: 0200: Turtle Mountain: 4 Yes
3a: 10/07/16: 1800: Mill Site: 4 Yes
1e: 15/07/16: 2200: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
1i: 23/07/16: 0200: Sandstone: 4 Yes
Edwards' camp, 600m. - early evening, dripping after rain + birds Yes
5f: 29/06/16: 23000: Kabocalli: 3 Yes
1j: 02/07/16: 0300: Turtle Mountain: 4 Yes
3b: 10/07/16: 1900: Mill Site: 4 Yes
1f: 15/07/16: 2300: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
1j: 23/07/16: 0300: Sandstone: 4 Yes
Edwards' camp, 600m. - night, owls (I guess), + very high-pitch crickets Yes
5g: 30/06/16: 00000: Kabocalli: 3 Yes
1k: 02/07/16: 0400: Turtle Mountain: 4 Yes
3c: 10/07/16: 2000: Mill Site: 4 Yes
1g: 16/07/16: 0000: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
1k: 23/07/16: 0400: Sandstone: 4 Yes
Edwards' camp, 600m. - early evening, dripping after rain storm + birds Yes
5h: 30/06/16: 01000: Kabocalli: 3 Yes
1l: 02/07/16: 0500: Turtle Mountain: 4 Yes
3d: 10/07/16: 2100: Mill Site: 4 Yes
1h: 16/07/16: 0100: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
1l: 23/07/16: 0500: Sandstone: 4 Yes
Edwards' camp, 600m. - mid-evening, including frogs and bird that sounds like a cuckoo Yes
5i: 30/06/16: 02000: Kabocalli: 3 Yes
2a: 02/07/16: 1800: Turtle Mountain: 4 Yes
3e: 10/07/16: 2200: Mill Site: 4 Yes
1i: 16/07/16: 0200: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
2a: 23/07/16: 1800: Sandstone: 4 Yes
Edwards' camp, 600m. - late night, v high-pitch crickets, chirping cricket + faint ?owl in distance, and occassional frog croaks Yes
5j: 30/06/16: 03000: Kabocalli: 3 Yes
2b: 02/07/16: 1900: Turtle Mountain: 4 Yes
3f: 10/07/16: 2300: Mill Site: 4 Yes
1j: 16/07/16: 0300: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
2b: 23/07/16: 1900: Sandstone: 4 Yes
Edwards' camp, 600m. - pre-dawn low-pitch "drone" ?cicada - v short sequence Yes
5k: 30/06/16: 04000: Kabocalli: 3 Yes
2c: 02/07/16: 2000: Turtle Mountain: 4 Yes
3g: 11/07/16: 0000: Mill Site: 4 Yes
1k: 16/07/16: 0400: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
2c: 23/07/16: 2000: Sandstone: 4 Yes
Edwards' camp, 600m. - pre-dawn low-pitch "drone" ?cicada with birds gradually starting - v short sequence Yes
5l: 30/06/16: 05000: Kabocalli: 3 Yes
2d: 02/07/16: 2100: Turtle Mountain: 4 Yes
3h: 11/07/16: 0100: Mill Site: 4 Yes
1l: 16/07/16: 0500: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
2d:23/07/16: 2100: Sandstone: 4 Yes
1a: 25/06/16: 1800: Kabocalli: 4 Yes
2e: 02/07/16: 2200: Turtle Mountain: 4 Yes
3i: 11/07/16: 0200: Mill Site: 4 Yes
2a: 16/07/16: 1800: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
2e: 23/07/16: 2200: Sandstone: 4 Yes
1b: 25/06/16: 1900: Kabocalli: 4 Yes
2f: 02/07/16: 2300: Turtle Mountain: 4 Yes
3j: 11/07/16: 0300: Mill Site: 4 Yes
2b: 16/07/16: 1900: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
2f: 23/07/16: 2300: Sandstone: 4 Yes
84_1_Platypternodes savannae Yes
1c: 25/06/16: 2000: Kabocalli: 4 Yes
2g: 03/07/16: 0000: Turtle Mountain: 4 Yes
3k: 11/07/16: 0400: Mill Site: 4 Yes
2c: 16/07/16: 2000: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
2g: 24/07/16: 0000: Sandstone: 4 Yes
1d: 25/06/16: 2100: Kabocalli: 4 Yes
2h: 03/07/16: 0100: Turtle Mountain: 4 Yes
3l: 11/07/16: 0500: Mill Site: 4 Yes
2d: 16/07/16: 2100: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
2h: 24/07/16: 0100: Sandstone: 4 Yes
1e: 25/06/16: 2200: Kabocalli: 4 Yes
2i: 03/07/16: 0200: Turtle Mountain: 4 Yes
4a: 11/07/16: 1800: Mill Site: 4 Yes
2e: 16/07/16: 2200: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
2i: 24/07/16: 0200: Sandstone: 4 Yes
1f: 25/06/16: 2300: Kabocalli: 4 Yes
2j: 03/07/16: 0300: Turtle Mountain: 4 Yes
4b: 11/07/16: 1900: Mill Site: 4 Yes
2f: 16/07/16: 2300: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
2j: 24/07/16: 0300: Sandstone: 4 Yes
1g: 26/06/16: 0000: Kabocalli: 4 Yes
2k: 03/07/16: 0400: Turtle Mountain: 4 Yes
4c: 11/07/16: 2000: Mill Site: 4 Yes
2g: 17/07/16: 0000: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
2k: 24/07/16: 0400: Sandstone: 4 Yes
1h: 26/06/16: 0100: Kabocalli: 4 Yes
2l: 03/07/16: 0500: Turtle Mountain: 4 Yes
4d: 11/07/16: 2100: Mill Site: 4 Yes
2h: 17/07/16: 0100: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
2l: 24/07/16: 0500: Sandstone: 4 Yes
1i: 26/06/16: 0200: Kabocalli: 4 Yes
3a: 03/07/16: 1800: Turtle Mountain: 4 Yes
4e: 11/07/16: 2200: Mill Site: 4 Yes
2i: 17/07/16: 0200: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
3a: 24/07/16: 1800: Sandstone: 4 Yes
Crepitation from undetermined Acridinae species (grasshopper) Yes
1j: 26/06/16: 0300: Kabocalli: 4 Yes
3b: 03/07/16: 1900: Turtle Mountain: 4 Yes
4f: 11/07/16: 2300: Mill Site: 4 Yes
2j: 17/07/16: 0300: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
3b: 24/07/16: 1900: Sandstone: 4 Yes
Acridine crepitation Yes
1k: 26/06/16: 0400: Kabocalli: 4 Yes
3c: 03/07/16: 2000: Turtle Mountain: 4 Yes
4g: 12/07/16: 0000: Mill Site: 4 Yes
2k: 17/07/16: 0400: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
3c: 24/07/16: 2000: Sandstone: 4 Yes
Poring, Malaysia: Kinabalu dusk chorus 16-04-1993, 17:55-18:55 Yes
1l: 26/06./16: 0500: Kabocalli: 4 Yes
3d: 03/07/16: 2100: Turtle Mountain: 4 Yes
4h: 12/07/16: 0100: Mill Site: 4 Yes
2l: 17/07/16: 0500: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
3d: 24/07/16: 2100: Sandstone: 4 Yes
Metaphrynella sundana Yes
2a: 26/06/16: 1800: Kabocalli: 4 Yes
3e: 03/07/16: 2200: Turtle Mountain: 4 Yes
4i: 12/07/16: 0200: Mill Site: 4 Yes
3a: 17/07/16: 1800: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
3e: 24/07/16: 2200: Sandstone: 4 Yes
Birds from Kinabalu Headquarters Yes
2b: 26/06/16: 1900: Kabocalli: 4 Yes
3f: 03/07/16: 2300: Turtle Mountain: 4 Yes
4j: 12/07/16: 0300: Mill Site: 4 Yes
3b: 17/07/16: 1900: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
3f: 24/07/16: 2300: Sandstone: 4 Yes
Kinabalu Park Headquarters, nocturnal (20:00 plus) Yes
2c: 26/06/16: 2000: Kabocalli: 4 Yes
3g: 04/07/16: 0000: Turtle Mountain: 4 Yes
4k: 12/07/16: 0400: Mill Site: 4 Yes
3c: 17/07/16: 2000: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
3g: 25/07/16: 0000: Sandstone: 4 Yes
Montenegro, Durmitor, Krivača (= village of Komarnica); Lab recording; date recorded: 8/20/1990; temperature: 25°C; recorder: Kenwood KX880HX; microphone: AKG D202; tape: S-MES90; tape no.: KW33:00.00-02.45; filter: microphone filter below 100 Hz. Yes
Rhantus frontalis by Jack Greenhalgh Yes
Kinabalu HQ molecricket Yes
2d: 26/06/16: 2100: Kabocalli: 4 Yes
3h: 04/07/16: 0100: Turtle Mountain: 4 Yes
4l: 12/07/16: 0500: Mill Site: 4 Yes
3d: 17/07/16: 2100: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
3h: 25/07/16: 0100: Sandstone: 4 Yes
Soundscape of a Managed Norfolk Pond (SABBA) Yes
Kinabalu Mountainview trail Yes
2e: 26/06/16: 2200: Kabocalli: 4 Yes
3i: 04/07/16: 0200: Turtle Mountain: 4 Yes
5a: 12/07/16: 1800: Mill Site: 4 Yes
3e: 17/07/16: 2200: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
3i: 25/07/16: 0200: Sandstone: 4 Yes
Soundscape of Managed Norfolk Pond (WADD9) Yes
Kinabalu Mountainview trail dusk Chorus end Yes
2f: 26/06/16: 2300: Kabocalli: 4 Yes
3j: 04/07/16: 0300: Turtle Mountain: 4 Yes
5b: 12/07/16: 1900: Mill Site: 4 Yes
3f: 17/07/16: 2300: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
3j: 25/07/16: 0300: Sandstone: 4 Yes
Kinabalu HQ Silau Liwago nocturnal transect Yes
2g: 27/06/16: 0000: Kabocalli: 4 Yes
3k: 04/07/16: 0400: Turtle Mountain: 4 Yes
5c: 12/07/16: 2000: Mill Site: 4 Yes
3g: 18/07/16: 0000: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
3k: 25/07/16: 0400: Sandstone: 4 Yes
Kinabalu Park Silau Silau trail nocturnal, with Tympanophyllum sp Yes
2h: 27/06/16: 0100: Kabocalli: 4 Yes
3l: 04/07/16: 0500: Turtle Mountain: 4 Yes
5d: 12/07/16: 2100: Mill Site: 4 Yes
3h: 18/07/16: 0100: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
3l: 25/07/16: 0500: Sandstone: 4 Yes
Kinabalu Park silau silau, with Tympanophyllum Beleg Yes
2i: 27/06/16: 0200: Kabocalli: 4 Yes
4a: 04/07/16: 1800: Turtle Mountain: 4 Yes
5e: 12/07/16: 2200: Mill Site: 4 Yes
3i: 18/07/16: 0200: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
4a: 25/07/16: 1800: Sandstone: 4 Yes
Kinabalu Park, twin cabins, 18:20 Yes
2j: 27/06/16: 0300: Kabocalli: 4 Yes
4b: 04/07/16: 1900: Turtle Mountain: 4 Yes
5f: 12/07/16: 2300: Mill Site: 4 Yes
3j: 18/07/16: 0300: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
4b: 25/07/16: 1900: Sandstone: 4 Yes
Kinabalu Park Twin Cabin nocturnal plus dayafter Yes
2k: 27/06/16: 0400: Kabocalli: 4 Yes
4c: 04/07/16: 2000: Turtle Mountain: 4 Yes
5g: 13/07/16: 0000: Mill Site: 4 Yes
3k: 18/07/16: 0400: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
4c: 25/07/16: 2000: Sandstone: 4 Yes
KInabalu Park Headquarters, upper Silau Shelter Yes
2l: 27/06/16: 0500: Kabocalli: 4 Yes
4d: 04/07/16: 2100: Turtle Mountain: 4 Yes
5h: 13/07/16: 0100: Mill Site: 4 Yes
3l: 18/07/16: 0500: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
4d: 25/07/16: 2100: Sandstone: 4 Yes
Kinabalu Upper Silau Shelter, after rain, 18:00 Yes
3a: 27/06/16: 1800: Kabocalli: 4 Yes
4e: 04/07/16: 2200: Turtle Mountain: 4 Yes
5i: 13/07/16: 0200: Mill Site: 4 Yes
4a: 18/07/16: 1800: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
4e: 25/07/16: 2200: Sandstone: 4 Yes
Kinabalu National Park, Poring Yes
3b: 27/06/16: 1900: Kabocalli: 4 Yes
4f: 04/07/16: 2300: Turtle Mountain: 4 Yes
5j: 13/07/16: 0300: Mill Site: 4 Yes
4b: 18/07/16: 1900: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
4f: 25/07/16: 2300: Sandstone: 4 Yes
Kinabalu Park Poring Canopy walkway, plus disturbance squeaks Dundubia vaginata Yes
3c: 27/06/16: 2000: Kabocalli: 4 Yes
4g: 05/07/16: 0000: Turtle Mountain: 4 Yes
5k: 13/07/16: 0400: Mill Site: 4 Yes
4c: 18/07/16: 2000: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
4g: 26/07/16: 0000: Sandstone: 4 Yes
Malaysia, Poring, voucher 15041993_1 Yes
3d: 27/06/16: 2100: Kabocalli: 4 Yes
4h: 05/07/16: 0100: Turtle Mountain: 4 Yes
5l: 13/07/16: 0500: Mill Site: 4 Yes
4d: 18/07/16: 2100: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
4h: 26/07/16: 0100: Sandstone: 4 Yes
Soundscape of an Unmanaged Norfolk Pond (NROAD) Yes
Malaysia, Poring, voucher 15041993_2 Yes
3e: 27/06/16: 2200: Kabocalli: 4 Yes
4i: 05/07/16: 0200: Turtle Mountain: 4 Yes
1a: 15/07/16: 1800: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
4e: 18/07/16: 2200: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
4i: 26/07/16: 0200: Sandstone: 4 Yes
Kinabalu National Park, Mempening trail, dusk chorus Yes
3f: 27/06/16: 2300: Kabocalli: 4 Yes
4j: 05/07/16: 0300: Turtle Mountain: 4 Yes
1b: 15/07/16: 1900: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
4f: 18/07/16: 2300: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
4j: 26/07/16: 0300: Sandstone: 4 Yes
Kinabalu Park distrubance sound cicada voucher 3.4.94-1 Yes
3g: 28/06/16: 0000: Kabocalli: 4 Yes
4k: 05/07/16: 0400: Turtle Mountain: 4 Yes
1c: 15/07/16: 2000: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
4g: 19/07/16: 0000: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
4k: 26/07/16: 0400: Sandstone: 4 Yes
Kinabalu Park Poring Katydid vouchers 3.4.94-2 plus 3.4.94-3 Yes
3h: 28/06/16: 0100: Kabocalli: 4 Yes
4l: 05/07/16: 0500: Turtle Mountain: 4 Yes
1d: 15/07/16: 2100: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
4h: 19/07/16: 0100: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
4l: 26/07/16: 0500: Sandstone: 4 Yes
MASAPOPOD94-16uncutjustincase190717_007 Yes
3i: 28/06/16: 0200: Kabocalli: 4 Yes
5a: 05/07/16: 1800: Turtle Mountain: 4 Yes
1e: 15/07/16: 2200: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
4i: 19/07/16: 0200: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
5a: 26/07/16: 1800: Sandstone: 4 Yes
Poring Walkway dawn chorus and vouchers 27.4.1993 Yes
3j: 28/06/16: 0300: Kabocalli: 4 Yes
5b: 05/07/16: 1900: Turtle Mountain: 4 Yes
1f: 15/07/16: 2300: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
4j: 19/07/16: 0300: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
5b: 26/07/16: 1900: Sandstone: 4 Yes
Poring Kinabalu Park POD14 1993, several vouchers such as Rana signata, Promeca borneana, ants and a stridulating longhorn beetle Yes
3k: 28/06/16: 04000: Kabocalli: 4 Yes
5c: 05/07/16: 2000: Turtle Mountain: 4 Yes
1g: 16/07/16: 0000: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
4k: 19/07/16: 0400: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
5c: 26/07/16: 2000: Sandstone: 4 Yes
Promeca borneana call sequenz Yes
3l: 28/06/16: 05000: Kabocalli: 4 Yes
5d: 05/07/16: 2100: Turtle Mountain: 4 Yes
1h: 16/07/16: 0100: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
4l: 19/07/16: 0500: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
5d: 26/07/16: 2100: Sandstone: 4 Yes
Kinabalu Park Poring, upper platform Yes
4a: 28/06/16: 18000: Kabocalli: 4 Yes
5e: 05/07/16: 2200: Turtle Mountain: 4 Yes
1i: 16/07/16: 0200: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
5a: 19/07/16: 1800: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
5e: 26/07/16: 2200: Sandstone: 4 Yes
Poring walkway dusk Yes
4b: 28/06/16: 19000: Kabocalli: 4 Yes
5f: 05/07/16: 2300: Turtle Mountain: 4 Yes
1j: 16/07/16: 0300: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
5b: 19/07/16: 1900: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
5f: 26/07/16: 2300: Sandstone: 4 Yes
4c: 28/06/16: 20000: Kabocalli: 4 Yes
5g: 06/07/16: 0000: Turtle Mountain: 4 Yes
1k: 16/07/16: 0400: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
5c: 19/07/16: 2000: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
5g: 27/07/16: 0000: Sandstone: 4 Yes
4d: 28/06/16: 21000: Kabocalli: 4 Yes
5h: 06/07/16: 0100: Turtle Mountain: 4 Yes
1l: 16/07/16: 0500: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
5d: 19/07/16: 2100: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
5h: 27/07/16: 0100: Sandstone: 4 Yes
4e: 28/06/16: 22000: Kabocalli: 4 Yes
5i: 06/07/16: 0200: Turtle Mountain: 4 Yes
2a: 16/07/16: 1800: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
5e: 19/07/16: 2200: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
5i: 27/07/16: 0200: Sandstone: 4 Yes
4f: 28/06/16: 23000: Kabocalli: 4 Yes
5j: 06/07/16: 0300: Turtle Mountain: 4 Yes
2b: 16/07/16: 1900: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
5f: 19/07/16: 2300: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
5j: 27/07/16: 0300: Sandstone: 4 Yes
4g: 29/06/16: 00000: Kabocalli: 4 Yes
5k: 06/07/16: 0400: Turtle Mountain: 4 Yes
2c: 16/07/16: 2000: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
5g: 20/07/16: 0000: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
5k: 27/07/16: 0400: Sandstone: 4 Yes
4h: 29/06/16: 01000: Kabocalli: 4 Yes
5l: 06/07/16: 0500: Turtle Mountain: 4 Yes
2d: 16/07/16: 2100: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
5h: 20/07/16: 0100: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
5l: 27/07/16: 0500: Sandstone: 4 Yes
4i: 29/06/16: 02000: Kabocalli: 4 Yes
1a: 08/07/16: 1800: Mill Site: 1 Yes
2e: 16/07/16: 2200: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
5i: 20/07/16: 0200: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
4j: 29/06/16: 03000: Kabocalli: 4 Yes
1b: 08/07/16: 1900: Mill Site: 1 Yes
2f: 16/07/16: 2300: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
5j: 20/07/16: 0300: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
4k: 29/06/16: 04000: Kabocalli: 4 Yes
1c: 08/07/16: 2000: Mill Site: 1 Yes
2g: 17/07/16: 0000: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
5k: 20/07/16: 0400: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
4l: 29/06/16: 05000: Kabocalli: 4 Yes
1d: 08/07/16: 2100: Mill Site: 1 Yes
2h: 17/07/16: 0100: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
5l: 20/07/16: 0500: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
5a: 29/06/16: 18000: Kabocalli: 4 Yes
1e: 08/07/16: 2200: Mill Site: 1 Yes
2i: 17/07/16: 0200: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
6a. 20/07/16: 1800: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
5b: 29/06/16: 19000: Kabocalli: 4 Yes
1f: 08/07/16: 2300: Mill Site: 1 Yes
2j: 17/07/16: 0300: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
6b. 20/07/16: 1900: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
5c: 29/06/16: 20000: Kabocalli: 4 Yes
1g: 09/07/16: 0000: Mill Site: 1 Yes
2k: 17/07/16: 0400: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
6c. 20/07/16: 2000: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
Promops centralis commuting calls Yes
5d: 29/06/16: 21000: Kabocalli: 4 Yes
1h: 09/07/16: 0100: Mill Site: 1 Yes
2l: 17/07/16: 0500: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
6d. 20/07/16: 2100: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
Pelican STF1 1 Plymouth, Mayflower Marina Yes
Promops centralis commuting calls Yes
5e: 29/06/16: 22000: Kabocalli: 4 Yes
1i: 09/07/16: 0200: Mill Site: 1 Yes
3a: 17/07/16: 1800: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
6e. 20/07/16: 2200: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
IBAC talk Klaus Riede 2019, with better soundquality Yes
Promops centralis commuting calls Yes
5f: 29/06/16: 23000: Kabocalli: 4 Yes
1j: 09/07/16: 0300: Mill Site: 1 Yes
3b: 17/07/16: 1900: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
6f. 20/07/16: 2300: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
Promops centralis commuting calls Yes
5g: 30/06/16: 00000: Kabocalli: 4 Yes
1k: 09/07/16: 0400: Mill Site: 1 Yes
3c: 17/07/16: 2000: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
6g. 21/07/16: 0000: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
Pelican STF1 Cawsand Bay Yes
Promops centralis commuting calls Yes
5h: 30/06/16: 01000: Kabocalli: 4 Yes
1l: 09/07/16: 0500: Mill Site: 1 Yes
3d: 17/07/16: 2100: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
6h. 21/07/16: 0100: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
Promops centralis commuting calls Yes
RGS Mulu: Camp II: Leptobrachium sp. Yes
5i: 30/06/16: 02000: Kabocalli: 4 Yes
2a: 09/07/16: 1800: Mill Site: 1 Yes
3e: 17/07/16: 2200: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
6i. 21/07/16: 0200: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
Pelican STF1 Cawsand Bay 2 Yes
Promops centralis feeding buzz Yes
5j: 30/06/16: 03000: Kabocalli: 4 Yes
2b: 09/07/16: 1900: Mill Site: 1 Yes
3f: 17/07/16: 2300: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
6j. 21/07/16: 0300: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
ls50034 Yes
Promops centralis feeding buzz Yes
5k: 30/06/16: 04000: Kabocalli: 4 Yes
2c: 09/07/16: 2000: Mill Site: 1 Yes
3g: 18/07/16: 0000: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
6k. 21/07/16: 0400: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
ls50036 Yes
Promops centralis feeding buzz Yes
5l: 30/06/16: 05000: Kabocalli: 4 Yes
2d: 09/07/16: 2100: Mill Site: 1 Yes
3h: 18/07/16: 0100: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
6l. 21/07/16: 0500: Rock Landing: 4 Yes
ls50038 Yes
Pelican STF1 L4 Buoy Yes
Promops centralis feeding buzz Yes
1a: 01/07/16: 1800: Turtle Mountain: 1 Yes
2e: 09/07/16: 2200: Mill Site: 1 Yes
3i: 18/07/16: 0200: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
1a: 22/07/16: 1800: Sandstone: 1 Yes
ls50040 Yes
Promops centralis feeding buzz Yes
1b: 01/07/16: 1900: Turtle Mountain: 1 Yes
2f: 09/07/16: 2300: Mill Site: 1 Yes
3j: 18/07/16: 0300: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
1b: 22/07/16: 1900: Sandstone: 1 Yes
ls50042 Yes
Pelican STF1 E1 Buoy Yes
Promops centralis search phase Yes
1c: 01/07/16: 2000: Turtle Mountain: 1 Yes
2g: 10/07/16: 0000: Mill Site: 1 Yes
3k: 18/07/16: 0400: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
1c: 22/07/16: 2000: Sandstone: 1 Yes
ls50043 Yes
Promops centralis search phase Yes
1d: 01/07/16: 2100: Turtle Mountain: 1 Yes
2h: 10/07/16: 0100: Mill Site: 1 Yes
3l: 18/07/16: 0500: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
1d: 22/07/16: 2100: Sandstone: 1 Yes
ls50047 Yes
Pelican STF1 Risso Dolphins Yes
Promops centralis search phase Yes
1e: 01/07/16: 2200: Turtle Mountain: 1 Yes
2i: 10/07/16: 0200: Mill Site: 1 Yes
4a: 18/07/16: 1800: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
1e: 22/07/16: 2200: Sandstone: 1 Yes
ls50049 Yes
Promops centralis search phase Yes
1f: 01/07/16: 2300: Turtle Mountain: 1 Yes
2j: 10/07/16: 0300: Mill Site: 1 Yes
4b: 18/07/16: 1900: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
1f: 22/07/16: 2300: Sandstone: 1 Yes
ls50050 Yes
Pelican STF1 Darthaven Yes
Promops centralis search phase Yes
1g: 02/07/16: 0000: Turtle Mountain: 1 Yes
2k: 10/07/16: 0400: Mill Site: 1 Yes
4c: 18/07/16: 2000: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
1g: 23/07/16: 0000: Sandstone: 1 Yes
ls50051 Yes
Pelican STF1 Cawsand Bay Yes
Promops centralis search phase Yes
1h: 02/07/16: 0100: Turtle Mountain: 1 Yes
2l: 10/07/16: 0500: Mill Site: 1 Yes
4d: 18/07/16: 2100: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
1h: 23/07/16: 0100: Sandstone: 1 Yes
ls50052 Yes
Pelican STF1 Cawsand Bay Yes
Promops centralis search phase Yes
1i: 02/07/16: 0200: Turtle Mountain: 1 Yes
3a: 10/07/16: 1800: Mill Site: 1 Yes
4e: 18/07/16: 2200: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
1i: 23/07/16: 0200: Sandstone: 1 Yes
ls50053 Yes
Pelican STF1 Cawsand Bay Yes
Promops centralis search phase Yes
1j: 02/07/16: 0300: Turtle Mountain: 1 Yes
3b: 10/07/16: 1900: Mill Site: 1 Yes
4f: 18/07/16: 2300: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
1j: 23/07/16: 0300: Sandstone: 1 Yes
ls50054 Yes
Pelican STF1 Cawsand Bay Yes
Promops centralis search phase Yes
1k: 02/07/16: 0400: Turtle Mountain: 1 Yes
3c: 10/07/16: 2000: Mill Site: 1 Yes
4g: 19/07/16: 0000: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
1k: 23/07/16: 0400: Sandstone: 1 Yes
ls50055 Yes
Pelican STF1 Cawsand Bay Yes
Promops centralis social calls Yes
1l: 02/07/16: 0500: Turtle Mountain: 1 Yes
3d: 10/07/16: 2100: Mill Site: 1 Yes
4h: 19/07/16: 0100: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
1l: 23/07/16: 0500: Sandstone: 1 Yes
ls50056 Yes
Promops centralis social calls Yes
2a: 02/07/16: 1800: Turtle Mountain: 1 Yes
3e: 10/07/16: 2200: Mill Site: 1 Yes
4i: 19/07/16: 0200: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
2a: 23/07/16: 1800: Sandstone: 1 Yes
ls50058 Yes
Pelican STF1 Underway (between Cawsand Bay & Fowey) Yes
Promops centralis social calls Yes
2b: 02/07/16: 1900: Turtle Mountain: 1 Yes
3f: 10/07/16: 2300: Mill Site: 1 Yes
4j: 19/07/16: 0300: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
2b: 23/07/16: 1900: Sandstone: 1 Yes
ls50059 Yes
2c: 02/07/16: 2000: Turtle Mountain: 1 Yes
3g: 11/07/16: 0000: Mill Site: 1 Yes
4k: 19/07/16: 0400: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
2c: 23/07/16: 2000: Sandstone: 1 Yes
ls50011 Yes
2d: 02/07/16: 2100: Turtle Mountain: 1 Yes
3h: 11/07/16: 0100: Mill Site: 1 Yes
4l: 19/07/16: 0500: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
2d:23/07/16: 2100: Sandstone: 1 Yes
ls50021 Yes
1a: 25/06/16: 1800: Kabocalli: 1 Yes
2e: 02/07/16: 2200: Turtle Mountain: 1 Yes
3i: 11/07/16: 0200: Mill Site: 1 Yes
5a: 19/07/16: 1800: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
2e: 23/07/16: 2200: Sandstone: 1 Yes
ls50062 Yes
1b: 25/06/16: 1900: Kabocalli: 1 Yes
2f: 02/07/16: 2300: Turtle Mountain: 1 Yes
3j: 11/07/16: 0300: Mill Site: 1 Yes
5b: 19/07/16: 1900: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
2f: 23/07/16: 2300: Sandstone: 1 Yes
ls50063 Yes
1c: 25/06/16: 2000: Kabocalli: 1 Yes
2g: 03/07/16: 0000: Turtle Mountain: 1 Yes
3k: 11/07/16: 0400: Mill Site: 1 Yes
5c: 19/07/16: 2000: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
2g: 24/07/16: 0000: Sandstone: 1 Yes
ls50065 Yes
1d: 25/06/16: 2100: Kabocalli: 1 Yes
2h: 03/07/16: 0100: Turtle Mountain: 1 Yes
3l: 11/07/16: 0500: Mill Site: 1 Yes
5d: 19/07/16: 2100: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
2h: 24/07/16: 0100: Sandstone: 1 Yes
ls50066 Yes
1e: 25/06/16: 2200: Kabocalli: 1 Yes
2i: 03/07/16: 0200: Turtle Mountain: 1 Yes
4a: 11/07/16: 1800: Mill Site: 1 Yes
5e: 19/07/16: 2200: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
2i: 24/07/16: 0200: Sandstone: 1 Yes
ls50068 Yes
1f: 25/06/16: 2300: Kabocalli: 1 Yes
2j: 03/07/16: 0300: Turtle Mountain: 1 Yes
4b: 11/07/16: 1900: Mill Site: 1 Yes
5f: 19/07/16: 2300: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
2j: 24/07/16: 0300: Sandstone: 1 Yes
ls50006 Yes
1g: 26/06/16: 0000: Kabocalli: 1 Yes
2k: 03/07/16: 0400: Turtle Mountain: 1 Yes
4c: 11/07/16: 2000: Mill Site: 1 Yes
5g: 20/07/16: 0000: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
2k: 24/07/16: 0400: Sandstone: 1 Yes
ls50008 Yes
1h: 26/06/16: 0100: Kabocalli: 1 Yes
2l: 03/07/16: 0500: Turtle Mountain: 1 Yes
4d: 11/07/16: 2100: Mill Site: 1 Yes
5h: 20/07/16: 0100: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
2l: 24/07/16: 0500: Sandstone: 1 Yes
ls50012 Yes
1i: 26/06/16: 0200: Kabocalli: 1 Yes
3a: 03/07/16: 1800: Turtle Mountain: 1 Yes
4e: 11/07/16: 2200: Mill Site: 1 Yes
5i: 20/07/16: 0200: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
3a: 24/07/16: 1800: Sandstone: 1 Yes
ls50013 Yes
RGS Mulu: Camp I: Ansonia longidigita B Yes
1j: 26/06/16: 0300: Kabocalli: 1 Yes
3b: 03/07/16: 1900: Turtle Mountain: 1 Yes
4f: 11/07/16: 2300: Mill Site: 1 Yes
5j: 20/07/16: 0300: Rock Landing: 1 Yes
3b: 24/07/16: 1900: Sandstone: 1 Yes
ls50016 Yes
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith