
Forfatteresorter faldendeÅrTitel
Ronacher2019Innate releasing mechanisms and fixed action patterns: basic ethological concepts as drivers for neuroethological studies on acoustic communication in Orthoptera
Römer, Bailey1986Insect hearing in the field II. Male spacing behaviour and correlated acoustic cues in the bushcricket Mygalopsis marki
Sadamando, Miyaguchi, Tatsuta, Kishino, Bridle, Butlin2005Inheritance of song and stridulatory peg number divergence between Chorthippus brunneus and C. jacobsi, two naturally hybridizing grasshopper species (Orthoptera: Acrididae)
Sakaguchi, Gray2011Host song selection by an acoustically orienting parasitoid fly exploiting a multispecies assemblage of cricket hosts
Sarria-S, Buxton, Jonsson, Montealegre-Zapata2016Wing mechanics, vibrational and acoustic communication in a new bush-cricket species of the genus Copiphora (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) from Colombia
Sarria-S, Morris, Windmill, Jackson, Montealegre-Zapata2014Shrinking Wings for Ultrasonic Pitch Production: Hyperintense Ultra-Short-Wavelength Calls in a New Genus of Neotropical Katydids (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae)
Sarria-S, Soulsbury, Montealegre-Zapata2017Non-invasive biophysical measurement of travelling waves in the insect inner ear
Schatral, Latimer, Broughton1984Spatial Dispersion and Agonistic Contacts of Male Bush Crickets in the Biotope
Scherberich, Hummel, Schöneich, Nowotny2016Auditory fovea in the ear of a duetting katydid shows male-specific adaptation to the female call
Schmidt, Riede, Römer2011High background noise shapes selective auditory filters in a tropical cricket
Schmidt, Römer2016Functional relevance of acoustic tracheal design in directional hearing in crickets
Schmidt, Römer2013Diversity of acoustic tracheal system and its role for directional hearing in crickets
Schmidt, Römer2011Solutions to the Cocktail Party Problem in Insects: Selective Filters, Spatial Release from Masking and Gain Control in Tropical Crickets
Scholtz, Bazelet, de Klerk2018Gryllacrididae (Orthoptera: Ensifera) in southern Africa
Schöneich, Hedwig2019Feedforward discharges couple the singing central pattern generator and ventilation central pattern generator in the cricket abdominal central nervous system
Sergeev, Storozhenko, Benediktov2019An annotated check-list of Orthoptera of Tuva and adjacent regions. Part 2. Suboder Caelifera. Tridactylidae, Tetrigidae, Acrididae: Melanoplinae, Calliptaminae, and Gomphocerinae (except Gomphocerini)
Sevgili, HELLER, Reinhold2008A re-assessment of the Poecilimon syriacus group (Orthoptera Tettigonioidea, Phaneropteridae) based on bioacoustics, morphology and molecular data
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Siegert, Römer, Hartbauer2013Maintaining acoustic communication at a cocktail party: heterospecific masking noise improves signal detection through frequency separation
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Strauß, Alt, Ekschmitt, Schul, Lakes-Harlan2017Evolutionary diversification of the auditory organ sensilla in Neoconocephalus katydids (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) correlates with acoustic signal diversification over phylogenetic relatedness and life history
Strauß, Lakes-Harlan2009The evolutionary origin of auditory receptors in Tettigonioidea: the complex tibial organ of Schizodactylidae
Strauß, Lakes-Harlan2008Neuroanatomy and Physiology of the Complex Tibial Organ of an Atympanate Ensiferan, Ametrus tibialis (Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1888) (Gryllacrididae, Orthoptera) and Evolutionary Implications
Strauß, Lakes-Harlan2008Neuroanatomy of the complex tibial organ of Stenopelmatus (Orthoptera: Ensifera: Stenopelmatidae)
Strauß, Lehmann, Lehmann2014Sensory evolution of hearing in tettigoniids with differing communication systems
Stritih, Čokl2012Mating Behaviour and Vibratory Signalling in Non-Hearing Cave Crickets Reflect Primitive Communication of Ensifera
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Thiele, Bailey1980The function of sound in male spacing behaviour in bush-crickets (Tettigoniidae, Orthoptera)
Thompson, Cullinan, Jones, Hopkins2019Effects of artificial light at night and male calling on movement patterns and mate location in field crickets
Tinghitella, E. Broder, Gurule-Small, Hallagan, Wilson2018Purring Crickets: The Evolution of a Novel Sexual Signal
Tishechkin2017Contributions to the study of gomphocerine grasshoppers calling songs (Orthoptera: Acrididae: Gomphocerinae) with notes on taxonomic status and distribution of some forms from Kyrgyzstan
Tomar, Singh, Diwakar2017Bioacoustics or pitfall traps: comparison of a modern and traditional method to estimate Ensifera richness
Toms1993Incidental effects and evolution of sound-producing organs in tree crickets (Orthoptera : Oecanthidae)
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Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith