A new species of the genus Microhyla Tschudi, 1838 (Amphibia: Anura: Microhylidae) from Tay Nguyen Plateau, Central Vietnam

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2019
Date Published:Sep-01-2019
Nøgleord:acoustics, amphibians, Gia Lai Province, Microhyla aurantiventris sp. nov., Microhylinae, mtDNA genealogy, Tram Lap For- est

We describe a new species of Microhyla from Tram Lap forest, Gia Lai Province, Central Vietnam based on morpholog- ical, molecular, and acoustic data. The new species resembles M. butleri morphologically, but differs from all congeners by a combination of the following morphological attributes: (1) medium-sized adult snout–vent length 25.2–27.0 mm in 15 males and 30.5 mm in a single female; (2) body habitus moderately stocky; (3) head flat, snout rounded, slightly prom- inent in ventral profile; (4) dorsum and flanks slightly shagreened with evenly scattered tiny tubercles, ventral skin smooth; (5) first finger well developed, more than one-half the length of the second finger; (6) tips of three outer fingers slightly enlarged, forming weak disks and tips of all toes distinctly dilated into wide disks with narrow peripheral grooves; (7) finger and toe disks with dorsal median longitudinal grooves; (8) three palmar tubercles and two metatarsal tubercles; (9) tibiotarsal articulation of adpressed limb reaching slightly beyond the orbit; (10) webbing formula: I 13⁄4–2 II 11⁄2–23⁄4 III 2–31/3 IV 31⁄4–11⁄2 V; (11) in life, chin and throat yellowish to bright-orange with tiny dark brown speckling laterally; and (12) a call consisting of 15–26 pulses with a dominant frequency of 1.8–2.2 kHz (recorded at 18.5oC). We also provide a preliminary genealogy of Microhyla based on analysis of a 2644 bp fragment of 12S–16S rRNA mitochondrial DNA. Based on the examed data, the new species and M. butleri are sister-species (genetic p-distance: 9.0%) and it can be dis- tinguished from M. butleri by its morphology (size, webbing on toes, color) and advertisement call. Interspecific genetic p-distances between the new species and its congeners vary from 9.0% to 14.8%. Microhyla aurantiventris sp. nov. occurs in evergreen montane tropical forests at elevations around 1200 m a.s.l. and is known only from the type locality. The new species appears to be threatened due to intensive logging and agriculture plantation.

Short Title:Zootaxa
BioAcoustica ID: 
Taxonomic name: 
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith