Barbitistes obtusus
The male calling song is similar to that of B. serricauda except for the shorter duration of the sequence, usually 1-2s, and the way in which the syllables are grouped within each sequence. In B. obtusus most of the groups are of five or six syllables, though the last one or two groups in each sequence are of ten of only one or two. Sometimes the first syllable in one or more of the larger groups is separated from the others by a rather longer interval, so that it could be regarded as an ungrouped syllable. The intervals between groups are of about 140-270 ms and bwteen syllables within a group about 25-120 ms; each syllable is produced by a closing stroke lasting 6-13 ms.[1]
- . The Songs of the Grasshoppers and Crickets of Western Europe. Colchester, Essex: Harley Books; 1998.