
Autorenabsteigend sortierenJahrTitel
Verboom2018Bird vocalizations: seven different types of Great tit (Parus major) vocalizations
Williams, Robins, Newman, Freeman-Gallant, Wheelwright, Mennill2018The buzz segment of Savannah sparrow song is a population marker
Akçay, S. Campbell, Beecher2017Good tutors are not dear enemies in song sparrows
Aubin, Mathevon, da Silva2014Species Identity Coding by the Song of a Rainforest Warbler: An Adaptation to Long-Range Transmission?
Aunay, Grenna, Slabbekoorn, Nicolas, Nagle, Leboucher, Malacarne, Draganoiu2017Negative impact of urban noise on sexual receptivity and clutch size in female domestic canaries
Balsby, Eldermire, Schnell, Poesel, Walsh, Bradbury2017Function of vocalization length and warble repertoire size in orange-fronted conures
Beck2019Variability in the Repertoires and Singing Behavior of Male and Female ‘I‘iwi (Drepanis coccinea)
Berger, Sebe2019Propagation of bird vocalizations in the Alpine environment
Blumstein, Whitaker, Kennen, Bryant2017Do birds differentiate between white noise and deterministic chaos?
Bomans2018Bioacoustic monitoring of New Zealand avifauna before and after aerial 1080 operations
Buckley, Caven, Gottesman, Harner, Pijanowski, Forsberg2018Assessing biological and environmental effects of a total solar eclipse with passive multimodal technologies
Buitrago-Cardona, Colón-Piñeiro, Borja-Acosta, Ospina-Larrea, Galeano, Acevedo-Charry2019Dataset on audio records of animals from the northeast Andes of Colombia I: The bird sounds of Boyacá Department
Ciaburri, Williams2019Context-dependent variation of house finch song syntax
Cimprich, Moore, Guilfoyle2000Red-eyed Vireo
Clark, McGuire, Bonaccorso, Berv, Prum2018Complex coevolution of wing, tail, and vocal sounds of courting male bee hummingbirds
Congdon2019Perception and communication of predator threat in the black-capped chickadee (Poecile atricapillus)
Cooper, Cuervo2017Vocal variation and species limits in the Sclerurus mexicanus complex
Crouch, Mason-Gamer2018Identifying ecological drivers of interspecific variation in song complexity in songbirds (Passeriformes, Passeri)
Cunningham, Magrath2017Functionally referential alarm calls in noisy miners communicate about predator behaviour
Deng, Lloyd, Xia, Liang, Zhang2018Components of variation in female common cuckoo calls
Deoniziak, Osiejuk2019Habitat-related differences in song structure and complexity in a songbird with a large repertoire
Deoniziak, Osiejuk2020Song-type switching rate in the chaffinch carries a message during simulated intrusion
Divyapriya, Pramod2019Ornithophony in the soundscape of Anaikatty Hills, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
Dookie, Young, Lamothe, Schoenle, Yack2017Why do caterpillars whistle at birds? Insect defence sounds startle avian predators
Dreiss, Ducouret, Ruppli, Rossier, Hernandez, Falourd, Marmaroli, Cazau, Lissek, Roulin2017No need to shout: Effect of signal loudness on sibling communication in barn owls Tyto alba
Ducouret, Dreiss, Gémard, Falourd, Roulin2018Barn owl nestlings vocally escalate when interrupted by a sibling: evidence from an interactive playback experiment
Elie, Theunissen2018Zebra finches identify individuals using vocal signatures unique to each call type
Elie, Theunissen2016The vocal repertoire of the domesticated zebra finch: a data-driven approach to decipher the information-bearing acoustic features of communication signals
Fernandez, Vignal, Soula2017Impact of group size and social composition on group vocal activity and acoustic network in a social songbird
Fishbein, Idsardi, Ball, Dooling2020Sound sequences in birdsong: how much do birds really care?
Fobe2017An Exploration of Rhythm perception in African Penguins (Spheniscus demersus)
Gan, Towsey, Li, Zhang2018Animal Call Recognition with Acoustic Indices: Little Spotted Kiwi as a Case Study
Gayk, Simpson, Mennill2021The evolution of wood warbler flight calls: Species with similar migrations produce acoustically similar calls
Gentry2019Noise-induced vocal plasticity in urban white-crowned sparrows does not involve adjustment of trill performance components
Gentry2017Spatiotemporal patterns of avian vocal activity in relation to urban and rural background noise
Gordinho2020Divergent selection and reproductive isolation: an empirical study on reed buntings
Gulson-Castillo, R. Dreelin, Fernandez-Duque, Hite, Orzechowski, Smith, Wallace, Winkler2017Breeding biology during the nestling period at a Black-crowned Pitta Erythropitta ussheri nest
Gutscher, Pucher, Lozo, Hoeschele, Mann2019Statistical parametric synthesis of budgerigar songs
Hanafi, Chong, Maruthaveeran, Yeong2019Vocal Response of Oriental Magpie Robin (Copsychus saularis) to Urban Environmental Factors in Peninsular Malaysia
Hathcock, Benedict2018Conspecific challenges provoke female canyon wrens to sing but not to duet
Hausberger, Giacalone, Harmand, Craig, Henry2020Calling rhythm as a predictor of the outcome of vocal interactions: flight departure in pale-winged starling pairs
Heckscher2021Use of simple graded signals in the long-distance vocal communication of a forest thrush ( Catharus fuscescens )
HEUER, TAFO, HOLZMANN, Dahlke2019New aspects in birdsong recognition utilizing the gabor transform
Hill, Amiot, Anderson, Ji2017It's complicated: the association between songbird extrapair paternity and within-song complexity
Hockman2018Acoustic monitoring of wildlife in inaccessible areas and automatic detection of bird songs from continuous recordings
Hrouzková, Bernasová, Šklíba2019Eavesdropping on a heterospecific alarm call in the giant root-rat (Tachyorytes macrocephalus), an important prey of the Ethiopian wolf (Canis simensis)
Hudson, Shizuka2017Introductory whistle is sufficient for early song recognition by golden-crowned sparrow nestlings
Humphries, Buxton, Jones2018Machine Learning Techniques for Quantifying Geographic Variation in Leach’s Storm-Petrel (Hydrobates leucorhous) Vocalizations
Hutto, Hutto2020Does the presence of an observer affect a bird's occurrence rate or singing rate during a point count?
Igic, Ratnayake, Radford, Magrath2019Eavesdropping magpies respond to the number of heterospecifics giving alarm calls but not the number of species calling


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith