
Autorenabsteigend sortierenJahrTitel
E. Henderson, Helble, Ierley, Martin2018Identifying behavioral states and habitat use of acoustically tracked humpback whales in Hawaii
Herrick, Wells, Farkas, Schultz2018Noisy Neighbors: Acoustic Interference and Vocal Interactions between Two Syntopic Species of Ranid Frogs, Rana clamitans and Rana catesbeiana
Hockman2018Acoustic monitoring of wildlife in inaccessible areas and automatic detection of bird songs from continuous recordings
Hodge, Baumann-Pickering, Bell, Cummings, Foley, McAlarney, McLellan, D. Pabst, Swaim, Waples, Read2018Heard but not seen: Occurrence of Kogia spp. along the western North Atlantic shelf break
Holdman, Haxel, Klinck, Torres2018Acoustic monitoring reveals the times and tides of harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) distribution off central Oregon, U.S.A.
Houser, Coffinger, Mulsow, Finneran, Burkard2018Impact of stimulus bandwidth on the estimate of the upper-frequency limit of hearing in toothed whales
Howard, Schmidt, Hall, Mason2018Substrate-Borne Vibration Mediates Intrasexual Agonism in the New Zealand Cook Strait Giant Weta (Deinacrida rugosa)
Huang, Metzner, Zhang, Wang, Luo, Sun, Jiang, Feng2018Acoustic similarity elicits responses to heterospecific distress calls in bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera)
Humphries, Buxton, Jones2018Machine Learning Techniques for Quantifying Geographic Variation in Leach’s Storm-Petrel (Hydrobates leucorhous) Vocalizations
Ibrahim, Chérubin, Zhuang, Umpierre, Dalgleish, Erdol, Ouyang, Dalgleish2018An approach for automatic classification of grouper vocalizations with passive acoustic monitoring
Iglesias, Soto, Soto, Calderón, Hurtado, Hasson2018Rapid divergence of courtship song in the face of neutral genetic homogeneity in the cactophilic fly Drosophila buzzatii
III2018The Sonar Model for Humpback Whale Song Revised
Isler, Whitney2018Reevaluation of the taxonomic positions of members of the Epinecrophylla fjeldsaai (Aves: Passeriformes: Thamnophilidae) antwren complex including E. fjeldsaai based on vocalizations
Jakubowska, Osiejuk2018Soft songs in male ortolan buntings are used in an aggressive context but are not an aggressive signal
Jakubowska, Osiejuk2018Sing softly to evoke a response only from a recent intruder
Briseno-Jaramillo, Ramos-Fernández, Palacios-Romo, Sosa-López, Lemasson2018Age and social affinity effects on contact call interactions in free-ranging spider monkeys
Jelínek, Šulc, Weidinger, Honza2018Parent-absent begging and the risk of nest predation
Español-Jiménez, van der Schaar2018First record of humpback whale songs in Southern Chile: Analysis of seasonal and diel variation
Jones, Finneran, Mulsow, Burkard2018Dependence of bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) auditory brainstem responses on noise burst rise time, amplitude, and envelope shape
Kahn, Moser-Purdy, Mennill2018Sing and do not stray: male rufous-and-white wrens use duets and physical behaviours to guard their mates
Katsu, Yamada, Okanoya, Nakamichi2018Temporal adjustment of short calls according to a partner during vocal turn-taking in Japanese macaques
Heinen-Kay, Strub, Zuk2018Limited flexibility in female Pacific field cricket ( Teleogryllus oceanicus) exploratory behaviors in response to perceived social environment
Kaya, Chobanov, Heller, Yahyaoğlu2018Review of Poecilimon species with inflated pronotum: description of four new taxa within an acoustically diverse group
Kaya, Chobanov, Heller, Yahyaoğlu2018Review of Poecilimon species with inflated pronotum: description of four new taxa within an acoustically diverse group
Khadakkar, Tiple, Khurad2018Description of life stages of dung beetle Scaptodera rhadamistus (Fabricius, 1775) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) with notes on nesting and biology
Kleist, Guralnick, Cruz, Lowry, Francis2018Chronic anthropogenic noise disrupts glucocorticoid signaling and has multiple effects on fitness in an avian community
Konrad, Frasier, Rendell, Whitehead, Gero2018Kinship and association do not explain vocal repertoire variation among individual sperm whales or social units
Kostarakos2018Evolutionarily conserved coding properties favour the neuronal representation of heterospecific signals of a sympatric katydid species
Lannoo, Stiles, Saenz, Hibbitts2018Comparative Call Characteristics in the Anuran Subgenus Nenirana
Lee, Park2018An increase in song pitch of eastern great tits (Parus minor) in response to urban noise at Seoul, Korea
Lefebvre, Seifert, Stumpner2018Auditory DUM neurons in a bush-cricket: A filter bank for carrier frequency
Legett, BARANOV, Bernal2018Seasonal variation in abundance and diversity of eavesdropping frog-biting midges (Diptera, Corethrellidae) in a neotropical rainforest
Lendrum, Crooks, Wittemyer2018Pairing camera traps and acoustic recorders to monitor the ecological impact of human disturbance
Leroy, Royer, Bonnel, Samaran2018Long-Term and Seasonal Changes of Large Whale Call Frequency in the Southern Indian Ocean
Leroy, Thomisch, Royer, Boebel, Van Opzeeland2018On the reliability of acoustic annotations and automatic detections of Antarctic blue whale calls under different acoustic conditions
Lewis, Calambokidis, Stimpert, Fahlbusch, Friedlaender, McKenna, Mesnick, Southall, Szesciorka, Širović2018Context-dependent variability in blue whale acoustic behaviour
Li, Xu, Liu, Jiang, Wei, Wang2018A New Species of the Asian Toad Genus Megophrys sensu lato (Amphibia: Anura: Megophryidae) from Guizhou Province, China
Lindseth, Lobel2018Underwater Soundscape Monitoring and Fish Bioacoustics: A Review
Linke, Gifford, Desjonquères, Tonolla, Aubin, Barclay, Karaconstantis, Kennard, Rybak, Sueur2018Freshwater ecoacoustics as a tool for continuous ecosystem monitoring
Liu, Liu, Wang, Ma, Qing2018Classification of Cetacean Whistles Based on Convolutional Neural Network
LIU, WANG, ZHAI, WANG2018Call Characteristics of Two Sympatric and Morphologically Similar Tree Frogs Species, Polypedates megacephalus and Polypedates mutus (Anura: Rhacophoridae), from Hainan, China
Lopes, Reis, Mamede, Reis, Toledo, Corso, Sousa-lima, Andriolo2018Whistle variability of Guiana dolphins in South America: Latitudinal variation or acoustic adaptation?
Lubanga, Peters, Steinbauer2018Convenience polyandry and the role of lone and reciprocal calls in a psyllid
López-Baucells, Torrent, Rocha, Bobrowiec, Palmeirim, Meyer2018Stronger together: Combining automated classifiers with manual post-validation optimizes the workload vs reliability trade-off of species identification in bat acoustic surveys
MACLAREN, MCCRACKEN, FORSTNER2018Automated Monitoring Techniques Reveal New Proximate Cues of Houston Toad Chorusing Behavior
MacLeod, Brouwer2018Social context-dependent provisioning rules in red-winged fairy-wrens do not vary with signals of increased chick need
Matsinos, Tsaligopoulos2018Hot spots of ecoacoustics in Greece and the issue of background noise
McCambridge, Painting, Walker, Holwell2018Weapon allometry and phenotypic correlation in the New Zealand sheetweb spider Cambridgea plagiata
McDiarmid, Naguib, Griffith2018Calling in the heat: the zebra finch “incubation call” depends on heat but not reproductive stage
McWilliam2018Coral reef soundscapes: The use of passive acoustic monitoring for long-term ecological survey


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith