
Autorenabsteigend sortierenJahrTitel
Martins, Zefa2011Contribution to the taxonomy of Gryllus Linnaeus, 1758 in South America: Part I: Redescription of Gryllus argentinus Saussure, 1874 (Orthoptera, Grylloidea, Gryllidae)
Mhatre2018Tree cricket baffles are manufactured tools
Mhatre, Bhattacharya, Robert, Balakrishnan2011Matching sender and receiver: poikilothermy and frequency tuning in a tree cricket
Mhatre, Montealegre-Z, Balakrishnan, Robert2012Sound reception and radiation in a small insect
Mhatre, Robert2013A Tympanal Insect Ear Exploits a Critical Oscillator for Active Amplification and Tuning
Miyashita, Kizaki, Sekimizu, Kaito2016No Effect of Body Size on the Frequency of Calling and Courtship Song in the Two-Spotted Cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus
Miyoshi, Zefa, Martins, Dias, Drehmer, Dornelles2007Stridulatory file and calling song of two populations of the tropical bush cricket Eneoptera surinamensis (Orthoptera, Gryllidae, Eneopterinae)
Murphey, Zaretsky1972Orientation to Calling Song by Female Crickets, Scapsipedus Marginatus (Gryllidae)
Nocke1971Biophysik der Schallerzeugung durch die Vorderflügel der Grillen
Noguera2018Crickets increase sexual signalling and sperm protection but live shorter in the presence of rivals
Olzer, Zuk2018Obligate, but not facultative, satellite males prefer the same male sexual signal characteristics as females
Orci, Petróczki, Barta2016Instantaneous song modification in response to fluctuating traffic noise in the tree cricket Oecanthus pellucens
Orsini, Da Costa, Szinwelski, Martins, Corrêa, Timm, Zefa2017A new species of Miogryllus Saussure, 1877 and new record of  Miogryllus piracicabensis Piza, 1960 (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) from State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, with calling song and chromosome complement
Otte, Hennig1998A New Species of Damaracheta from South Africa
Pascoal, Bailey2016Signal Evolution: 'Shaky' Evidence for Sensory Bias
Pascoal, Cezard, Eik-Nes, Gharbi, Majewska, Payne, Ritchie, Zuk, Bailey2014Rapid Convergent Evolution in Wild Crickets
Pollack, Faulkes1998Representation of behaviorally relevant sound frequencies by auditory receptors in the cricket teleogryllus oceanicus
Pollack, Hedwig2017The Cricket Auditory Pathway: Neural Processing of Acoustic Signals
Pollack, Martins2007Flight and hearing: ultrasound sensitivity differs between flight-capable and flight-incapable morphs of a wing-dimorphic cricket species
Prestwich, Lenihan, Martin2000The control of carrier frequency in cricket calls: a refutation of the subalar-tegminal resonance/auditory feedback model.
ROBILLARD, GOROCHOV, POULAIN, SUHARDJONO2014Revision of the cricket genus Cardiodactylus (Orthoptera, Eneopterinae, Lebinthini): the species from both sides of the Wallace line, with description of 25 new species
Robillard, Desutter-Grandcolas2006Phylogeny of the cricket subfamily Eneopterinae (Orthoptera, Grylloidea, Eneopteridae) based on four molecular loci and morphology
ROBILLARD, Grandcolas, Desutter-Grandcolas2007A shift toward harmonics for high-frequency calling shown with phylogenetic study of frequency spectra in Eneopterinae crickets (Orthoptera, Grylloidea, Eneopteridae)
Sakaguchi, Gray2011Host song selection by an acoustically orienting parasitoid fly exploiting a multispecies assemblage of cricket hosts
Schmidt, Riede, Römer2011High background noise shapes selective auditory filters in a tropical cricket
Schmidt, Römer2016Functional relevance of acoustic tracheal design in directional hearing in crickets
Schmidt, Römer2013Diversity of acoustic tracheal system and its role for directional hearing in crickets
Schmidt, Römer2011Solutions to the Cocktail Party Problem in Insects: Selective Filters, Spatial Release from Masking and Gain Control in Tropical Crickets
Schöneich, Hedwig2019Feedforward discharges couple the singing central pattern generator and ventilation central pattern generator in the cricket abdominal central nervous system
Shaw1999A nested analysis of song groups and species boundaries in the Hawaiian cricket genus Laupala.
Shaw, Herlihy2000Acoustic preference functions and song variability in the Hawaiian cricket Laupala cerasina
Simmons2004Genotypic variation in calling song and female preferences of the field cricket Teleogryllus oceanicus
Simmons1988The calling song of the field cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus (de geer): constraints on transmission and its role in intermale competition and female choice
Simmons, Zuk1992Variability in call structure and pairing success of male field crickets, Gryllus bimaculatus: the effects of age, size and parasite load
Sismondo1993Ultrasubharmonic resonance and nonlinear dynamics in the song of Oecanthus nigricornis F. Walker (Orthoptera : Gryllidae)
Honda-Sumi2005Difference in calling song of three field crickets of the genus Teleogryllus: the role in premating isolation
TAN, GOROCHOV, Baroga-Barbecho, YAP2019A new species of Landrevinae (Orthoptera) from the Philippines, with notes on Endodrelanva and Endolandrevus (Orthoptera: Gryllidae; Gryllinae; Landrevini)
Thompson, Cullinan, Jones, Hopkins2019Effects of artificial light at night and male calling on movement patterns and mate location in field crickets
Tinghitella, E. Broder, Gurule-Small, Hallagan, Wilson2018Purring Crickets: The Evolution of a Novel Sexual Signal
Toms1993Incidental effects and evolution of sound-producing organs in tree crickets (Orthoptera : Oecanthidae)
Toms1992Effects of temperature on chirp rates of tree crickets (Orthoptera: Oecanthidae)
Vicente, Olivero, Lafond, Dong, Robillard2015Gnominthus gen. nov., a new genus of crickets endemic to Papua New Guinea with novel acoustic and behavioral diversity (Insecta, Orthoptera, Gryllidae, Eneopterinae)
Vicente, Robillard2017Ligypterus najtae n. sp. from Mounts Tumuc-Humac in French Guiana (Orthoptera, Grylloidea, Gryllidae, Eneopterinae)
Wagner1996Convergent song preferences between female field crickets and acoustically orienting parasitoid flies
Wagner, Hoback1999Nutritional effects on male calling behaviour in the variable field cricket
Walker1963The Taxonomy and Calling Songs of United States Tree Crickets (Orthoptera: Gryllidae: Oecanthinae). II. The nigricornis Group of the Genus Oecanthus
Walker1962The Taxonomy and Calling Songs of United States Tree Crickets (Orthoptera: Gryllidae: Oecanthinae). I. The Genus Neoxabea and the niveus and varicornis Groups of the Genus Oecanthus
Walker, Collins2010New World Thermometer Crickets: The Oecanthus rileyi Species Group and a New Species from North America
Walker, Funk2014Systematics and Acoustics of North American Anaxipha (Gryllidae: Trigonidiinae)
Webb, Roff1992The quantitative genetics of sound production in Gryllus firmus


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith