
Autorenabsteigend sortierenJahrTitel
Walker2014A New North American Species of Bucrates (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Conocephalinae: Copiphorini)
Walker1975Effects of Temperature, Humidity, and Age on Stridulatory Rates in Atlanticus spp. (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Decticinae)
Walker1975Effects of temperature on rates in poikilotherm nervous systems: Evidence from the calling songs of meadow katydids (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae:Orchelimum) and reanalysis of published data
Walker1963The Taxonomy and Calling Songs of United States Tree Crickets (Orthoptera: Gryllidae: Oecanthinae). II. The nigricornis Group of the Genus Oecanthus
Walker1962The Taxonomy and Calling Songs of United States Tree Crickets (Orthoptera: Gryllidae: Oecanthinae). I. The Genus Neoxabea and the niveus and varicornis Groups of the Genus Oecanthus
Walker, Collins2010New World Thermometer Crickets: The Oecanthus rileyi Species Group and a New Species from North America
Walker, Dew1972Wing movements of calling katydids: fiddling finesse.
Walker, Funk2014Systematics and Acoustics of North American Anaxipha (Gryllidae: Trigonidiinae)
Wang, Sankupellay, Konovalov, Towsey, Roe2019Social Network Analysis of an Acoustic Environment: The Use of Visualised Data to Characterise Natural Habitats
Wang, Shi2019Potential effect of the global warming to the subfamily Lipotactinae (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) in China and acoustics data of Lipotactes truncatus Shi & Li, 2009
Wang, Zhu, Heller, Zhou, Shi2019Phylogenetic relationships and phylogeography of the genus Sinocyrtaspis Liu, 2000 (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Meconematinae) reveal speciation processes related to climate change
Wang, Zhang, Li, Ren2011Acoustic and Molecular Differentiation between Macropters and Brachypters of Eobiana engelhardti engelhardti (Orthoptera: Tettigonioidea)
Wang, Zhao, Zhang, Ren2016The Complete Mitochondrial Genome and Song Evolution of the Monotypic Genus U. Tarbinsky, 1932 (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae)
Ward2022Notes from the Underground: An Exploration of Burying Beetle Thermal Ecology, Sound Production and Reception, and Brain Morphology.
Waters2003Bats and moths: what is there left to learn?
Waters, Jones1994Wingbeat-generated ultrasound in noctuid moths increases the discharge rate of the bat-detecting A1 cell
Watson, Townsend, Range2018Wolf howls encode both sender- and context-specific information
Watts, Miksis-Olds2018The Ocean as a Living Sensor: Environmental DNA and Acoustics for Detecting Marine Life
Webb, Roff1992The quantitative genetics of sound production in Gryllus firmus
Weber, Thorson1988Auditory behavior of the cricket IV. Interaction of direction of tracking with perceived temporal pattern in split-song paradigms
Wehi, Monks, Morgan-Richards2017Male tree weta are attracted to cuticular scent cues but do not discriminate according to sex or among two closely related species
Wei, Dong, Li, Alström, Liu, Xia, Yao, Zhang2018From Himalayas to Continental Island: Integrative species delimitation in the Brownish-flanked Bush Warbler Horornis fortipes complex
Weissman2001Communication and Reproductive Behaviour in North American Jerusalem Crickets (Stenopelmatus) (Orthoptera: Stenopelmatidae)
Weissman, Demartsev, Ilany, Barocas, Bar-Ziv, Shnitzer, Geffen, Koren2018Acoustic stability in hyrax snorts: vocal tightrope-walkers or wrathful verbal assailants?
Wellard, Pitman, Durban, Erbe2018Antarctic type C killer whale ( Orcinus orca) call repertoire from McMurdo Sound, Ross Sea
Wessel2006Stridulation in the Coleoptera – An Overview
Whattam, Bertram2011Effects of juvenile and adult condition on long-distance call components in the Jamaican field cricket, Gryllus assimilis
Wheatcroft, Qvarnström2017Reproductive character displacement of female, but not male song discrimination in an avian hybrid zone
F. WHITE1877[Letters to Editor]
Wiegmann1999Search behaviour and mate choice by female field crickets, Gryllus integer.
Wilkins, Scordato, Semenov, KaraardiÇ, Shizuka, Rubtsov, Pap, Shen, Safran2018Global song divergence in barn swallows (Hirundo rustica): exploring the roles of genetic, geographical and climatic distance in sympatry and allopatry
Willemse, Kleukers, Odé2018The Grasshoppers of Greece
Williams, O'Donnell, Armstrong2018Cost-benefit analysis of acoustic recorders as a solution to sampling challenges experienced monitoring cryptic species
Windmill, Jackson, Tuck, Robert2006Keeping up with Bats: Dynamic Auditory Tuning in a Moth
de Winter2019Physics and Birdsong: “Listening” with Graphs
Wollaston1860On certain muscial Curculionidae: with descriptions of two new Plinthi
Woo2020First natural history observations of the canyon pygmy mole cricket, Ellipes monticolus (Orthoptera: Tridactylidae)
Wood, Schmidt, M. Peery2019Spatiotemporal Patterns of the California Spotted Owl’s Territorial Vocalizations
Wrege, Rowland, Keen, Shiu2017Acoustic monitoring for conservation in tropical forests: examples from forest elephants
Wright, Akamatsu, Mouritsen, Sveegaard, Dietz, Teilmann2017Silent porpoise: potential sleeping behaviour identified in wild harbour porpoises
Wright, Derryberry2021Defining the multidimensional phenotype: new opportunities to integrate the behavioral ecology and behavioral neuroscience of vocal learning
Wyatt, Cade1984Factors Affecting Calling Behaviour in Field Crickets, Teleogryllus and Gryllus (Age, Weight, Density, and Parasites)
Wyttenbach, Farris2004Psychophysics in insect hearing
Xie2017Acoustic classification of Australian frogs for ecosystem surveys
Xie, Sun, Jiang, Liu, Lu, Jin, Feng2017The effects of cultural drift on geographic variation in echolocation calls of the Chinese rufous horseshoe bat ( Rhinolophus sinicus)
Xu, Shaw2019Spatial Mixing between Calling Males of Two Closely Related, Sympatric Crickets Suggests Beneficial Heterospecific Interactions in a NonAdaptive Radiation
Yager, Cook, Pearson, Spangler2000A comparative study of ultrasound-triggered behaviour in tiger beetles (Cicindelidae)
Yang, Huang2019A New Species of Scutiger (Anura: Megophryidae) from the Gaoligongshan Mountain Range, China
Yen, Prins, Schmid, Hioka, Ellis, Marsland2022Design of a low-cost passive acoustic monitoring system for animal localisation from calls


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith