
Autoresorden descendenteAñoTítulo
Chi, LIU, Tan, Li, Xiao, Sun, Jin, Feng2019Vocal Development of Horsfield's Leaf-Nosed Bat Pups (Hipposideros larvatus)
Chou, Antunes, Sardelis, Stafford, West, Spagnoli, Southall, Robards, Rosenbaum2019Seasonal variation in Arctic marine mammal acoustic detection in the northern Bering Sea
Clare, Goerlitz, Drapeau, Adams, Nagel, Dumont, Hebert, M. Fenton2014Trophic niche flexibility in Glossophaga soricina: how a nectar seeker sneaks an insect snack
Clark, Clapham2004Acoustic monitoring on a humpback whale ( Megaptera novaeangliae) feeding ground shows continual singing into late spring
Cline, Ryan2018Detection and classification of whales calls using band-limited energy detection and transfer learning
Clink, Ahmad, Klinck2020Brevity is not a universal in animal communication: evidence for compression depends on the unit of analysis in small ape vocalizations
Coffinger, Houser, Finneran, Mulsow2018Passive echo detection and discrimination in bottlenose dolphins
Collier, Townsend2017Call concatenation in wild meerkats
Costelloe, Rubenstein2018Temporal structuring of vigilance behaviour by female Thomson's gazelles with hidden fawns
Cusano, Conger, Van Parijs, Parks2018Implementing conservation measures for the North Atlantic right whale: considering the behavioral ontogeny of mother-calf pairs
Demartsev, Strandburg-Peshkin, Ruffner, Manser2018Vocal Turn-Taking in Meerkat Group Calling Sessions
Devi, Dudi, Singh, Lathwal202Bioacoustics features as a tool for early diagnosis of pneumonia in riverine buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) calves
Dombroski, Parks, Groch, Flores, Sousa-lima2017Upcall production by southern right whale ( Eubalaena australis) mother-calf pairs may be independent of diel period in a nursery area
Dorado-Correa, Goerlitz, Siemers2013Interspecific acoustic recognition in two European bat communities
Dunlop2018Potential changes in the communication space of humpback whale social sounds in increasing wind and vessel-dominated noise
Dunn, Claridge, Durban, Shaffer, Moretti, Tyack, Rendell2017Insights into Blainville's beaked whale (Mesoplodon densirostris) echolocation ontogeny from recordings of mother-calf pairs
Egert-Berg, Hurme, Greif, Goldstein, Harten, M., Flores-Martínez, Valdés, Johnston, Eitan, Borissov, Shipley, Medellin, Wilkinson, Goerlitz, Yovel2018Resource Ephemerality Drives Social Foraging in Bats
Eitan, Kosa, Yovel2019Sensory gaze stabilization in echolocating bats
Bergler, Schmitt, Cheng, Schröter, Maier, Barth, Weber, Nöth2019Deep Representation Learning for Orca Call Type Classification
Eliades, Tsunada2018From behavior to physiology and back again: The role of auditory cortex in vocal production and control
Emmerson, Spencer, Brown2019Social experience during adolescence in female rats increases 50 kHz ultrasonic vocalizations in adulthood, without affecting anxiety‐like behavior
Enari, Enari, Okuda, Maruyama, Okuda2019An evaluation of the efficiency of passive acoustic monitoring in detecting deer and primates in comparison with camera traps
Epp, Davoren2018Investigation of the context of humpback whale non-song calls in the North Atlantic
Esfahanian, Erdol, Gerstein, Zhuang2017Two-stage detection of north Atlantic right whale upcalls using local binary patterns and machine learning algorithms
Feng, Zhang, Wei2019A biosonar model of finless porpoise ( Neophocaena phocaenoides ) for material composition discrimination of cylinders
Ferreira, Faria, Monticelli2018Pré-processamento de sinais acústicos para análise e caracterização de vocalizações de lobos-guará
Flora, Patrícia2018Evidence of individual discrimination in the maned wolf long-distance extended-bark
Foskolos, de Soto, Madsen, Johnson2019Deep-diving pilot whales make cheap, but powerful, echolocation clicks with 50 µL of air
Fouda, Wingfield, Fandel, Garrod, Hodge, Rice, Bailey2018Dolphins simplify their vocal calls in response to increased ambient noise
Fournet, Silvestri, Clark, Klinck, Rice2021Limited vocal compensation for elevated ambient noise in bearded seals: implications for an industrializing Arctic Ocean
Fragaszy2021A new look at universals and specificities in the songs of humpback whales.
Francescoli2017Environmental factors could constrain the use of long-range vocal signals in solitary tuco-tucos (Ctenomys; Rodentia, Ctenomyidae) reproduction
Frey, Volodin, Volodina, Efremova, Menges, Portas, Melzheimer, Fritsch, Gerlach, Dörnberg2019Savannah roars: The vocal anatomy and the impressive rutting calls of male impala (Aepyceros melampus) – highlighting the acoustic correlates of a mobile larynx
Fripp, Owen, Quintana-Rizzo, Shapiro, Buckstaff, Jankowski, Wells, Tyack2005Bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) calves appear to model their signature whistles on the signature whistles of community members
Froidevaux, Fialas, Jones2018Catching insects while recording bats: impacts of light trapping on acoustic sampling
Fröhlich, Müller, Zeiträg, Wittig, Pika2017Gestural development of chimpanzees in the wild: the impact of interactional experience
Fu, Kinniry, Kloepper2018The Chirocopter: a UAV for recording sound and video of bats at altitude
Furuyama, Hase, Hiryu, Kobayasi2018Hearing sensitivity evaluated by the auditory brainstem response in Miniopterus fuliginosus
Gabriele, Sharpe, Straley, Szabo2018Feeding calls produced by solitary humpback whales
Gannier, Fuchs, Gannier, Fernandez, Azevedo2020Dolphin whistle repertoires around São Miguel (Azores): Are you common or spotted?
Garland, Carvajal, King, Collins, Razafindrakoto, Rosenbaum2018Culturally transmitted song exchange between humpback whales ( Megaptera novaeangliae) in the southeast Atlantic and southwest Indian Ocean basins
Garstang2004Long-distance, low-frequency elephant communication
Geipel, Amin, Page, Halfwerk2019Does bat response to traffic noise support the misleading cue hypothesis?Abstract
Geipel, Smeekes, Halfwerk, Page2019Noise as an informational cue for decision-making: the sound of rain delays bat emergence
Gillespie, Macaulay2019Time of arrival difference estimation for narrow band high frequency echolocation clicks
Giorli, Goetz2019Foraging activity of sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) off the east coast of New Zealand
Giorli, Goetz2019Acoustically estimated size distribution of sperm whales ( Physeter macrocephalus) off the east coast of New Zealand
Giorli, Goetz, Delarue, Maxner, Kowarski, Martin, McPherson2018Unknown beaked whale echolocation signals recorded off eastern New Zealand
Glotin, Spong, Symonds, Roger, Balestriero, Ferrari, Poupard, Towers, Veirs, Marxer, Giraudet, Pilkinton, Veirs, Wood, Ford, Dakin2018Deep learning for ethoacoustical mapping: Application to a single Cachalot long term recording on joint observatories in Vancouver Island
Goerlitz, Hubner, Wiegrebe2008Comparing passive and active hearing: spectral analysis of transient sounds in bats


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith