Gryllotalpa vineae


Calling song fundamental frequency 3512 +/- 107 Hz, n = 33, pulse length 6-8 msec., pulse interval 30 msec. at 9oC. to 14 msec at 14oC. but also dependent on time after start of singing period (fig. 3D and 3E). Song a continuous trill of musical note A7 ASA. Intensity of song 2 to 10 x W.m.-a (83 to 90dB) at 1 m. vertically above mouths of burrow.

Singing burrow with two openings each 30 mm. diarn., separated by a distance, centre to centre, of 40mm. Passages leading to surface merge about 45 mm. below surface. The common passage runs horizontally for about 40mm. and then opens into a spherical chamber about 30 mm. diam.. from which a tunnel about I5 mm. diam. communicates with rest of burrow. Burrow flares exponen- tially out from spherical chamber, its cross sectional area doubling about every I5rnm. of its length (fig. 4D, E and F).[1]


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith