Play / Pause Download Embed (Beta) Report data quality issue on this page via GitHub Pestañas verticales BásicoProject: Natural History Museum Sound ArchiveRGS Mulu ExpeditionSpecies: Leptobrachella baluensisSpecimen: NHMUK - ZOO - 1978.1518 OrigenOriginal Tape Number: Mulu Tape 4Original Verbatim Species: Nesobia mjobergi AOriginal Metadata Image: image1.JPG image2.JPG RecordingLocation: Asia: Malaysia: Sarawak: Mulu National Park: RGS Camp 2.5Recorded by: Julian C. DringDate Recorded: Miércoles, Agosto 2, 1978 CondicionesTemperature Initial (Celsius): 22.00Biotic Factors / Experimental Conditions: water temperature 20 EquipmentRecorderRecorder: Uher Report 4000 RightsCopyright Holder: Natural History MuseumLicense: CollectionsCollections: Other RepositoriesPublished Reference: Frogs of the genus Leptobrachella (Pelobatidae)