Publication Type: | Journal Article |
Year of Publication: | 2018 |
Autores: | Holdman, Haxel, Klinck, Torres |
Journal: | Marine Mammal Science |
Date Published: | Jan-10-2020 |
Palabras clave: | distribution, foraging behavior, habitat use, harbor porpoise, Oregon, passive acoustics, Phocoena phocoena, temporal patterns |
Resumen: | Harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) are commonly observed in Oregon’s nearshore marine environment yet knowledge of their eco- system use and behavior remains limited, generating concerns for potential impacts on this species from future coastal development. Pas- sive acoustic monitoring was used to investigate spatial and temporal variations in the presence and foraging activity of harbor porpoises off the Oregon coast from May through October 2014. Digital monitoring devices (DMONs) were deployed to record acoustic data (320 kHz sam- ple rate) in two neighboring but bathymetrically different locations off the Oregon coast: (1) a site on the 30 m isobath in close proximity (<50 m) to a rocky reef, and (2) a site on the 60 m isobath in an open sandy environment. Data were analyzed with respect to two dynamic cyclic variables: diel and tidal phase. Porpoise presence at the rocky reef site was aligned with the ebb phase of the tidal forcing, while, har- bor porpoise presence and foraging at the offshore, sandy bottom site was associated with night-time foraging. The spatial and temporal pat- terns identified in this study suggest harbor porpoise habitat use is modulated by specific environmental conditions particular to each site that maximize foraging efficiency. |
URL: | |
DOI: | 10.1111/mms.12537 |
Short Title: | Mar. Mam. Sci. |
Acoustic monitoring reveals the times and tides of harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) distribution off central Oregon, U.S.A.
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