The call of the male holotype was recorded in the field and before collection. Ambient temperature at the time of recording was 17.2 oC. The call is composed of 179 highly modulated notes given 0.245 seconds apart, on average (range, 0.140–0.907 seconds, SD ± 0.148 seconds). On average, each note is 0.049 sec- onds (range, 0.24–0.93, SD ± 0.18 seconds) in length and is composed of one distinct pulse. The average fundamen- tal and dominant frequencies of the vocalization are 2474.361 (range, 2368.652–2627.051 Hz, SD ± 85.86 Hz) Hz and 4948.722 Hz (range, 4737.305–5254.102 Hz, SD ±171.7309 Hz) respectively (Fig. 7). [1]
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