Montana eversmanni
Song Type I
According to the data presented by Zhantiev (1981) M. eversmanni belongs to this group. Its song consists of
long series of three-syllabic echemes. In the temporal characters, the song is quite similar to the long verses of M. stricta and M. macedonica (see below) or in general to the song of Metrioptera bicolor (see the data in Zhantiev 1981 for this species).
Song Type II
In an animal recorded at night, the calling song consisted of a sequence of echemes each containing 5–7
syllables (syllable repetition rate 40 Hz), produced in short series or without interruption for at least 45 s. The echemes were separated by short intervals of about 150–200 ms (Fig. 7H) and repeated at a rate 3 Hz (Table 1). The calling songs of both songtypes of M. eversmanni (see above) are so different that either two species may be involved or it is another case of a song dimorphism as in M. decticiformis (see above and Discussion). [1]