
Auteurstrier par ordre décroissantAnnéeTitre
da Rocha, Lima, Kaefer2018Reproductive Behavior of the Amazonian Nurse-Frog Allobates paleovarzensis (Dendrobatoidea, Aromobatidae)
Roger, Ferrari, Marxer, Chamroukhi, Glotin2018Towards the topology of autoencoder of calls versus clicks of marine mammal
Garcia-Rojas, K. Jenner, Gill, Jenner, Sutton, McCauley2018Environmental evidence for a pygmy blue whale aggregation area in the Subtropical Convergence Zone south of Australia
Roland2018Impacts of Ambient Noise on Minke Whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) Habitat Use and Behavior
Rose, Mathew, Coss, Lohr, Omland2018A new statistical method to test equivalence: an application in male and female eastern bluebird song
Rosi-Denadai, Scallion, Merrett, Yack2018Vocalization in caterpillars: a novel sound-producing mechanism for insects
Ryan, Akre, Wilczynski, others2018Behavioral and neural auditory thresholds in a frog
Ryan, Cline, Joseph, Margolina, Stimpert, Forney, Black, DeVogelaere, Fischer, Wahl, Chavez2018Temporal variations in humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) song in Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, northeast Pacific
Rycyk, Deutsch, Barlas, Hardy, Frisch, Leone, Nowacek2018Manatee behavioral response to boats
Ríos-Franceschi, Joglar2018Harmonics: Rediscovering Eleutherodactylus Vocalizations
Sagot, Schöner, Jago, Razik, Chaverri2018The importance of group vocal behaviour in roost finding
Scholtz, Bazelet, de Klerk2018Gryllacrididae (Orthoptera: Ensifera) in southern Africa
Seeley, Forlano, Seeley, Sisneros2018Teaching acoustics in an interdisciplinary context with "singing" fish
Seger, Al-Badrawi, Kirsch, Lyons2018An Empirical Mode Decomposition-based detection and classification approach for marine mammal vocal signals
Seki, Tomyta2018Effects of metronomic sounds on a self-paced tapping task in budgerigars and humans
Sementili-Cardoso, Donatelli2018Vocal divergence between two disjunct populations of Giant Antshrike (Batara cinerea) is related to environmental conditions
Setyantho, Utami, Hadi2018Exploring the biodiversity in Alas Purwo National Park, East Java through soundscape ecology
Sevgīlī2018Bioacoustics and morphology of a new bush-cricket species of the genus Isophya (Orthoptera: Phaneropterinae) from Turkey
Shen, Neil, Robert, Drinkwater2018The micromechanics and bioacoustic behaviour of Bunaea alcinoe</I> moth scales
Shonfield2018Using Bioacoustics to Examine the Effects of Industrial Disturbance on Owls and their Prey
Sibiryakova, Volodin, Volodina2018Advertising individual identity by mother and adolescent contact calls in Siberian wapiti Cervus elaphus sibiricus
Siddagangaiah2018Complexity-entropy based approach for detection of fish choruses
Sills, Parnell, Reichmuth2018The production and reception of underwater sound in Hawaiian monk seals ( Neomonachus schauinslandi )
Albornoz, Vignolo, Sarquis, Martínez2018Furnariidae Species Classification Using Extreme Learning Machines and Spectral Information
De Souza, Rivera-Correa, Castroviejo-Fisher2018The advertisement call of the treefrog Nyctimantis rugiceps Boulenger, 1882 (Anura: Hylidae), with notes on its natural history and toxicity
Spong, Symonds, Glotin, Towers, Larsson, Dakin, Veirs, Zwamborn, Pilkinton, Giraudet, Veirs, Wood, Ford2018Joint observatories following a single male Cachalot during 12 weeks —The Yukusam story
Stidsholt, Johnson, Beedholm, Jakobsen, Kugler, Brinkløv, Salles, Moss2018A 2.6-gram sound and movement tag for studying the acoustic scene and kinematics of echolocating bats
Stowell2018Computational Analysis of Sound Scenes and Events
Sugai, Silva, Ribeiro, Llusia2018Terrestrial Passive Acoustic Monitoring: Review and Perspectives
Sugiura, Takanashi2018Hornworm counterattacks: defensive strikes and sound production in response to invertebrate attackers
Suzuki, Sumitani, Naren, Matsubayashi, Arita, Nakadai, Okuno2018Field observations of ecoacoustic dynamics of a Japanese bush warbler using an open-source software for robot audition HARK
Sysueva, Nechaev, Supin, Popov2018Responses of the auditory system of odontocetes to level changes of long lasting acoustical stimuli
Tennessen, Parks, Swierk, Reinert, Holden, Rollins-Smith, Walsh, Langkilde2018Frogs adapt to physiologically costly anthropogenic noise
Tenorio-Hallé, Thode, Conrad, Blackwell, Kim2018Double-difference tracking of migrating Bowhead Whales using autonomous vector sensors in the Beaufort Sea
Thode, Blackwell, Kim, Conrad2018Acoustic response of a migrating bowhead whale population to open-ocean ambient noise levels
Thode, Blackwell, Kim, Conrad2018Multi-year measurements of the underwater noise field directionality in the shallow Beaufort Sea during open-water and drifting ice flow conditions
Timonin, Kalcounis-Rueppell, Marler2018Testosterone pulses at the nest site modify ultrasonic vocalization types in a monogamous and territorial mouse
Tinghitella, E. Broder, Gurule-Small, Hallagan, Wilson2018Purring Crickets: The Evolution of a Novel Sexual Signal
Torti, Valente, De Gregorio, Comazzi, Miaretsoa, Ratsimbazafy, Giacoma, Gamba2018Call and be counted! Can we reliably estimate the number of callers in the indri's (Indri indri) song?
Turner, Fischer, Tzanopoulos2018Sound-mapping a coniferous forest—Perspectives for biodiversity monitoring and noise mitigation
Turner, Wood, Towers2018Sperm whale inter-pulse intervals and size: The anomaly called Yukusam
Ulloa, Aubin, Llusia, Bouveyron, Sueur2018Estimating animal acoustic diversity in tropical environments using unsupervised multiresolution analysis
Umeed, Attademo, Bezerra2018The influence of age and sex on the vocal repertoire of the Antillean manatee ( Trichechus manatus manatus ) and their responses to call playback
Bombaci, Pejchar2018Using paired acoustic sampling to enhance population monitoring of New Zealand’s forest birds
Urmy, Benoit-Bird, Ryan, Cline2018Continuous monitoring and classification of odontocete echolocation clicks from an ocean observatory
Vagle, O'Neill, Thornton, Yurk2018Soundscape characteristics in Southern Resident Killer Whale critical habitats
Fernández-Vargas2018Vocal Signals of Sexual Motivation in Male and Female Rodents
Fernández-Vargas2018Presence of a potential competitor and its individual identity modulate ultrasonic vocalizations in male hamsters
Vedurmudi, Christensen-Dalsgaard, J. van Hemmen2018Modeling underwater hearing and sound localization in the frog Xenopus laevis
Volodin, Sibiryakova, Vasilieva, Volodina, Matrosova, Garcia, Pérez-Barbería, Gallego, Landete-Castillejos2018Between-year vocal aging in female red deer (Cervus elaphus)


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith