
Auteurstrier par ordre décroissantAnnéeTitre
Küc̣üktopcu, Masazade, Ünsalan, Varshney2019A real-time bird sound recognition system using a low-cost microcontroller
Kühne, Silver, Lewis1984Processing of vibratory and acoustic signals by ventral cord neurones in the cricket Gryllus campestris
Ladich, Maiditsch2019Temperature affects sound production in fish with two sets of sonic organs: The Pictus cat
Lafaille, Bimbard, Greenfield2010Risk trading in mating behavior: forgoing anti-predatorresponses reduces the likelihood of missing terminalmating opportunities
Lakes-Harlan, Scherberich2015Position-dependent hearing in three species of bushcrickets (Tettigoniidae, Orthoptera)
Lane, Kratter, N'Neil2017A new species of manakin (Aves: Pipridae; Machaeropterus) from Peru with a taxonomic reassessment of the Striped Manakin (M. regulus) complex 
Lankheet, Cerkvenik, Larsen, van Leeuwen2017Frequency tuning and directional sensitivity of tympanal vibrations in the field cricket Gryllus bimaculatus
Lannoo, Stiles, Saenz, Hibbitts2018Comparative Call Characteristics in the Anuran Subgenus Nenirana
Larrosa, Garcia, Presa2010Sound production of two endemic Oedipodinae grasshoppers from the Iberian Peninsula: Jacobsiella imitans and Leptopternis candidus lusitanicus (Orthoptera: Acrididae)
Larson, Pritchard1974Organs of Possible Stridulatory Function in Water-Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae)
Latimer1981The Acoustic Behaviour of Platycleis albopunctata (Goeze) (Orthoptera, Tettigoniidae)
Latimer, Lewis1986Song harmonic content as a parameter determining acoustic orientation behaviour in the cricketTeleogryllus oceanicus (Le Guillou)
Latimer, Sippel1987Acoustic cues for female choice and male competition in Tettigonia cantans
Lau, Clink, Bales2020Individuality in the vocalizations of infant and adult coppery titi monkeys ( Plecturocebus cupreus )
Law, Gonsalves, Bilney, Peterie, Pietsch, Roe, Truskinger2019Using Passive Acoustic Recording and Automated Call Identification to Survey Koalas in the Southern Forests of New South Wales
Lee, Chou, Han, Huang2006Automatic recognition of animal vocalizations using averaged MFCC and linear discriminant analysis
Lee, Park2018An increase in song pitch of eastern great tits (Parus minor) in response to urban noise at Seoul, Korea
Lee, Roan, Ming, Simmons, Wang, Müller2019High-frequency soundfield microphone for the analysis of bat biosonar
Lee, Marshall, Mohagan, Hill2016Cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) from Camiguin of Mindanao Province and Dinagat Island in the Philippines, with a new genus and three new species
Lefebvre, Granon, Chauveau2020Social context increases ultrasonic vocalizations during restraint in adult mice
Lefebvre, Seifert, Stumpner2018Auditory DUM neurons in a bush-cricket: A filter bank for carrier frequency
Legett, BARANOV, Bernal2018Seasonal variation in abundance and diversity of eavesdropping frog-biting midges (Diptera, Corethrellidae) in a neotropical rainforest
Legett, Page, Bernal2019Synchronized mating signals in a communication network: the challenge of avoiding predators while attracting mates
Lehmann, HELLER1998Bushcricket song structure and predation by the acoustically orienting parasitoid fly Therobia leonidei (Diptera: Tachinidae: Ormiini)
Lehmann, Willemse, Heller2006Poecilimon gerlindae spec. nov.–a new bushcricket species of the Poecilimon propinquus-group (Orthoptera: Phaneropteridae) from Greece
Lehmann, Frommolt, Lehmann, Riede2014Baseline data for automated acoustic monitoring of Orthoptera in a Mediterranean landscape, the Hymettos, Greece
Lehmann, Strauß, Lakes-Harlan2007Listening when there is no sexual signalling? Maintenance of hearing in the asexual bushcricket Poecilimon intermedius
Leković2021The Tuning of the World in the 20th and 21st Century: Discourses on Sound and Ecology
Lendrum, Crooks, Wittemyer2018Pairing camera traps and acoustic recorders to monitor the ecological impact of human disturbance
Lenis, Guillermo-Ferreira2019Effect of noise on behavioural response to simulated territorial intrusion in the Great Kiskadee (Pitangus sulphuratus) (Aves: Tyrannidae)
Leonard, Hedrick2010Long-distance signals influence assessment of close range mating displays in the field cricket, Gryllus integer
Leroy, Royer, Bonnel, Samaran2018Long-Term and Seasonal Changes of Large Whale Call Frequency in the Southern Indian Ocean
Leroy, Thomisch, Royer, Boebel, Van Opzeeland2018On the reliability of acoustic annotations and automatic detections of Antarctic blue whale calls under different acoustic conditions
Leseberg, Murphy, Jackett, Greatwich, Brown, Hamilton, Joseph, Watson2019Descriptions of known vocalisations of the Night Parrot Pezoporus occidentalis
Lewis, Calambokidis, Stimpert, Fahlbusch, Friedlaender, McKenna, Mesnick, Southall, Szesciorka, Širović2018Context-dependent variability in blue whale acoustic behaviour
Li, Garg, Brown2019Identifying Patterns of Human and Bird Activities Using Bioacoustic Data
Li, Hao, Duan2019Nonintrusive methods for biomass estimation in aquaculture with emphasis on fish: a review
Li, Xu, Liu, Jiang, Wei, Wang2018A New Species of the Asian Toad Genus Megophrys sensu lato (Amphibia: Anura: Megophryidae) from Guizhou Province, China
LI, Zhang, Luo, Wang, Ren2016Micromorphological differentiation of left and right stridulatory apparatus in crickets (Orthoptera: Gryllidae)
Liao, Yang2017First Evidence of Vibrational Communication in Homotomidae (Psylloidea) and Comparison of Substrate-Borne Signals of Two Allied Species of the Genus Macrohomotoma Kuwayama
Lin, Chen, Watanabe, Kawagucci, Yamamoto, Akamatsu2019Using Soundscapes to Assess Deep-Sea Benthic Ecosystems
Lin, Tsao2019Source separation in ecoacoustics: A roadmap towards versatile soundscape information retrieval
Lindeman, Yack2019Bark beetles use a spring-loaded mechanism to produce variable song patterns
Lindseth, Lobel2018Underwater Soundscape Monitoring and Fish Bioacoustics: A Review
Linke, Gifford, Desjonquères2020Six steps towards operationalising freshwater ecoacoustic monitoring
Linke, Gifford, Desjonquères, Tonolla, Aubin, Barclay, Karaconstantis, Kennard, Rybak, Sueur2018Freshwater ecoacoustics as a tool for continuous ecosystem monitoring
Liu, Liu, Wang, Ma, Qing2018Classification of Cetacean Whistles Based on Convolutional Neural Network
LIU, WANG, ZHAI, WANG2018Call Characteristics of Two Sympatric and Morphologically Similar Tree Frogs Species, Polypedates megacephalus and Polypedates mutus (Anura: Rhacophoridae), from Hainan, China
Liu, Dietrich, Wei2019Genetic divergence, population differentiation and phylogeography of the cicada Subpsaltria yangi based on molecular and acoustic data: an example of the early stage of speciation?


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith