
Authorsordinamento decrescenteAnnoTitolo
Balcazar, Klinck, Nieukirk, Mellinger, Klinck, Dziak, Rogers2017Using calls as an indicator for Antarctic blue whale occurrence and distribution across the southwest Pacific and southeast Indian Oceans
Barlow, Griffiths, Klinck2018Diving behavior of Cuvier's beaked whales inferred from three-dimensional acoustic localization and tracking using a nested array of drifting hydrophone recorders
Bopardikar, Sutaria, Sule, Jog, Patankar, Klinck2018Description and classification of Indian Ocean humpback dolphin ( Sousa plumbea ) whistles recorded off the Sindhudurg coast of Maharashtra, India
Clink, Ahmad, Klinck2020Brevity is not a universal in animal communication: evidence for compression depends on the unit of analysis in small ape vocalizations
Fournet, Silvestri, Clark, Klinck, Rice2021Limited vocal compensation for elevated ambient noise in bearded seals: implications for an industrializing Arctic Ocean
Holdman, Haxel, Klinck, Torres2018Acoustic monitoring reveals the times and tides of harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) distribution off central Oregon, U.S.A.
Matthews, Fournet, Gabriele, Klinck, Parks2020Acoustically advertising male harbour seals in southeast Alaska do not make biologically relevant acoustic adjustments in the presence of vessel noise
Rameau, Andreadis, Ganesan, Lachs, Rosen, Wang, Maddox, Klinck, Khosla, de Luzan, Madhusudhana2022Acoustic Screening of the “Wet voice”: Proof of Concept in an ex vivo Canine Laryngeal Model
Roch, Baumann-Pickering, Cholewiak, Fleishman, Frasier, Glotin, Helble, Hildebrand, Klinck, Lindeneau, Liu, Nosal, Palmer, Shiu, Singh2018The use of context in machine learning for bioacoustics
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith