
Authorsordinamento decrescenteAnnoTitolo
Kalmring, Kühne1980The coding of airborne-sound and vibration signals in bimodal ventral-cord neurons of the grasshopper Tettigonia cantans
Kaya, CHOBANOV, Çiplak2012Anterastes davrazensis sp. n. (Orthoptera, Tettigoniidae): morphology, song and 16S rDNA phylogeny
Kaya, Chobanov, Heller, Yahyaoğlu2018Review of Poecilimon species with inflated pronotum: description of four new taxa within an acoustically diverse group
Kaya, Chobanov, Heller, Yahyaoğlu2018Review of Poecilimon species with inflated pronotum: description of four new taxa within an acoustically diverse group
Kostarakos2018Evolutionarily conserved coding properties favour the neuronal representation of heterospecific signals of a sympatric katydid species
Kowalski, Lakes-Harlan2011Temporal patterns of intra- and interspecific acoustic signals differ in two closely related species of Acanthoplus (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Hetrodinae)
Kowalski, Lakes-Harlan2010Sounds, Behaviour, and Auditory Receptors of the Armoured Ground Cricket, Acanthoplus longipes
Lakes-Harlan, Scherberich2015Position-dependent hearing in three species of bushcrickets (Tettigoniidae, Orthoptera)
Latimer1981The Acoustic Behaviour of Platycleis albopunctata (Goeze) (Orthoptera, Tettigoniidae)
Latimer, Sippel1987Acoustic cues for female choice and male competition in Tettigonia cantans
Lefebvre, Seifert, Stumpner2018Auditory DUM neurons in a bush-cricket: A filter bank for carrier frequency
Lehmann, Willemse, Heller2006Poecilimon gerlindae spec. nov.–a new bushcricket species of the Poecilimon propinquus-group (Orthoptera: Phaneropteridae) from Greece
Lehmann, Strauß, Lakes-Harlan2007Listening when there is no sexual signalling? Maintenance of hearing in the asexual bushcricket Poecilimon intermedius
Melliger, Rusterholz, Baur2017Habitat- and matrix-related differences in species diversity and trait richness of vascular plants, Orthoptera and Lepidoptera in an urban landscape
de Mendes, de Oliveira, Sobral, Marques2017Description of the female and new characteristics of the male of Phlugis gracila Nickle, 2003 (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Meconematinae) with new behavioral data
Michelsen, Rohrseitz, Heller, Stumpner1994A new biophysical method to determine the gain of the acoustic trachea in bushcrickets
Montealegre-Z, Cadena-Castaneda, Chivers2013The spider-like katydid Arachnoscelis (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Listroscelidinae): anatomical study of the genus
Montealegre-Z., Morris2004The spiny devil katydids, Panacanthus Walker (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae): an evolutionary study of acoustic behaviour and morphological traits
Morris1980Calling display and mating behaviour of Copiphora rhinoceros Pictet (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae)
Morris1971Aggression in male conocephaline grasshoppers (tettigoniidae)
Morris, Aiken, Kerr1975Calling Songs of Neduba macneilli and N. sierranus (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Decticinae)
Morris, Beier1982Song Structure and Description of Some Costa Rican Katydids (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae)
Morris, Mason1995Covert stridulation: Novel sound generation by a South American Katydid
Naskrecki, Guta2019Katydids (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) of Gorongosa National Park and Central Mozambique
Newson, Bas, Murray, Gillings2017Potential for coupling the monitoring of bush-crickets with established large-scale acoustic monitoring of bats
Nickle2012Synonymies of Wasp-Mimicking Species within the Katydid Genus Aganacris (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Phaneropterinae)
Nowotny, Hummel, Weber, Möckel, Kössl2010Acoustic-induced motion of the bushcricket (Mecopoda elongata, Tettigoniidae) tympanum
Nowotny, Udayashankar, Weber, Hummel, Kössl2011Sound Transduction in the Auditory System of Bushcrickets
Orci, Iorgu2017Subspecies-specific song preferences and diverged heterospecific discrimination in females of the bush-cricket Isophya kraussii (Orthoptera: Phaneropterinae)
Peilin, Yanlin, Rongsheng2000Stridulatory Character of Ducetia japonica Thunberg
Perez-Gelabert2020Tainacanthus ferox, a remarkable new genus and species of katydids from the high mountains of Hispaniola (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Pseudophyllinae: Polyancistrini)
Pitkin1980A revision of the Pacific species of Conocephalus Thunberg (Orthoptera Tettigoniidae)
Pitkin1977A taxonomic study of the genus Thyridorhoptrum Rehn & Hebard (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae), with the description of a new species
Ragge1990The songs of the western European bush-crickets of the genus Platycleis in relation to their taxonomy (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae)
Rajaraman, Mhatre, Jain, Postles, Balakrishnan, Robert2013Low-pass filters and differential tympanal tuning in a paleotropical bushcricket with an unusually low frequency call
Rebar2017When do acoustic cues matter? Perceived competition and reproductive plasticity over lifespan in a bushcricket
Rentz1993Tettigoniidae of Australia Disc 1. The Austrosaginae, Zaprochilinae and Phasmodinae
Rentz1975Two new katydids of the genus Melanonotus from Costa Rica with Comments on their life history strategies (Tettigoniidae pseudophyllinae)
Rentz, Su, Ueshima2010Studies in Australian Tettigoniidae: Australian Pseudophylline katydids (Tettigoniidae; Pseudophyllinae; Phyllomimini)
Römer, Bailey1986Insect hearing in the field II. Male spacing behaviour and correlated acoustic cues in the bushcricket Mygalopsis marki
Sarria-S, Buxton, Jonsson, Montealegre-Zapata2016Wing mechanics, vibrational and acoustic communication in a new bush-cricket species of the genus Copiphora (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) from Colombia
Sarria-S, Morris, Windmill, Jackson, Montealegre-Zapata2014Shrinking Wings for Ultrasonic Pitch Production: Hyperintense Ultra-Short-Wavelength Calls in a New Genus of Neotropical Katydids (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae)
Sarria-S, Soulsbury, Montealegre-Zapata2017Non-invasive biophysical measurement of travelling waves in the insect inner ear
Schatral, Latimer, Broughton1984Spatial Dispersion and Agonistic Contacts of Male Bush Crickets in the Biotope
Scherberich, Hummel, Schöneich, Nowotny2016Auditory fovea in the ear of a duetting katydid shows male-specific adaptation to the female call
Sevgili, HELLER, Reinhold2008A re-assessment of the Poecilimon syriacus group (Orthoptera Tettigonioidea, Phaneropteridae) based on bioacoustics, morphology and molecular data
Sevgīlī2018Bioacoustics and morphology of a new bush-cricket species of the genus Isophya (Orthoptera: Phaneropterinae) from Turkey
Sevgīlī, Çiplak, Heller, Demirsoy2006Morphology, bioacoustics and phylogeography of the Isophya major group (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Phaneropterinae): A species complex occurring in Anatolia and Cyprus
Shaw1945Platycleis grisea occidentalis Zeuner (Orth., Tettigoniidae) in Surrey


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith