Publication Type: | Journal Article |
Year of Publication: | 1990 |
Authors: | Sismondo |
Journal: | Science |
Volume: | 249 |
Issue: | 4964 |
Pagination: | 55 - 58 |
Date Published: | Jun-07-1990 |
ISSN: | 0036-8075 |
Astratto: | In the field the chirps of neighboring Mecopoda sp. (Orthoptera, Tettigoniidae, and Mecopodinae)malesarenormallysynchronized,butbetweenmoredistantindividuals the chirps are either synchronous or regularly alternating. The phase response to single-stimulus chirps depends on both the phase and the intensity of the stimulus. IterationofthePoincaremapofthephaseresponsepredictsavarietyofphase-locked synchronizationregimes,incudingperiod-doublingbifurcations,incloseagreement with experimental observations. The versatile acoustic behavior of Mecopoda encom- passesmostofthephenomenafoundinothersynchronizinginsectsandthusprovides ageneralmodelofinsectsynchronizationbehavio |
URL: | |
DOI: | 10.1126/science.249.4964.55 |
Short Title: | Science |
BioAcoustica ID:
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