
Accomando, Mulsow, Branstetter, Finneran, Jenkins2018Directional hearing sensitivity for 2–30 kHz sounds in the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)
Barbosa, Bittencourt, Andrade, Bisi, Lailson-Brito, Azevedo2018Characteristics of Guiana dolphins ( Sotalia guianensis) burst-pulse sounds emitted during different surface activity rates in Rio de Janeiro’s coast
Barlow, Fournet, Sharpe2018Incorporating tides into the acoustic ecology of humpback whales
Barlow, Griffiths, Klinck2018Diving behavior of Cuvier's beaked whales inferred from three-dimensional acoustic localization and tracking using a nested array of drifting hydrophone recorders
Beslin, Whitehead, Gero2018Automatic acoustic estimation of sperm whale size distributions achieved through machine recognition of on-axis clicks
Bittencourt, Sousa, Bisi, Lailson-Brito, Azevedo2018Monitoring noise levels and delphinid presence through autonomous acoustic in Rio de Janeiro coastal area
Blackwell, Tervo, Heide-Jørgensen2018Burst-pulses in East Greenland narwhals: Further evidence for unique, individual-specific vocalizations
Bopardikar, Sutaria, Sule, Jog, Patankar, Klinck2018Description and classification of Indian Ocean humpback dolphin ( Sousa plumbea ) whistles recorded off the Sindhudurg coast of Maharashtra, India
Branstetter, Deakos, Jenkins, Balmer, Ness, Cartwright2018Acute motor and vocal response of humpback whales ( Megaptera novaeangliae ) to playback of amplitude-modulated noise: A method to test frequency range of hearing
Burnham2018Listening to whales: Tying acoustics to ecology
Bøttcher, Gero, Beedholm, Whitehead2018Variability of the inter-pulse interval in sperm whale clicks with implications for size estimation and individual identification
Cline, Ryan2018Detection and classification of whales calls using band-limited energy detection and transfer learning
Coffinger, Houser, Finneran, Mulsow2018Passive echo detection and discrimination in bottlenose dolphins
Cusano, Conger, Van Parijs, Parks2018Implementing conservation measures for the North Atlantic right whale: considering the behavioral ontogeny of mother-calf pairs
Dunlop2018Potential changes in the communication space of humpback whale social sounds in increasing wind and vessel-dominated noise
Epp, Davoren2018Investigation of the context of humpback whale non-song calls in the North Atlantic
Fouda, Wingfield, Fandel, Garrod, Hodge, Rice, Bailey2018Dolphins simplify their vocal calls in response to increased ambient noise
Gabriele, Sharpe, Straley, Szabo2018Feeding calls produced by solitary humpback whales
Garland, Carvajal, King, Collins, Razafindrakoto, Rosenbaum2018Culturally transmitted song exchange between humpback whales ( Megaptera novaeangliae) in the southeast Atlantic and southwest Indian Ocean basins
Giorli, Goetz, Delarue, Maxner, Kowarski, Martin, McPherson2018Unknown beaked whale echolocation signals recorded off eastern New Zealand
Glotin, Spong, Symonds, Roger, Balestriero, Ferrari, Poupard, Towers, Veirs, Marxer, Giraudet, Pilkinton, Veirs, Wood, Ford, Dakin2018Deep learning for ethoacoustical mapping: Application to a single Cachalot long term recording on joint observatories in Vancouver Island
E. Henderson, Helble, Ierley, Martin2018Identifying behavioral states and habitat use of acoustically tracked humpback whales in Hawaii
Hodge, Baumann-Pickering, Bell, Cummings, Foley, McAlarney, McLellan, D. Pabst, Swaim, Waples, Read2018Heard but not seen: Occurrence of Kogia spp. along the western North Atlantic shelf break
Holdman, Haxel, Klinck, Torres2018Acoustic monitoring reveals the times and tides of harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) distribution off central Oregon, U.S.A.
Houser, Coffinger, Mulsow, Finneran, Burkard2018Impact of stimulus bandwidth on the estimate of the upper-frequency limit of hearing in toothed whales
III2018The Sonar Model for Humpback Whale Song Revised
Español-Jiménez, van der Schaar2018First record of humpback whale songs in Southern Chile: Analysis of seasonal and diel variation
Jones, Finneran, Mulsow, Burkard2018Dependence of bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) auditory brainstem responses on noise burst rise time, amplitude, and envelope shape
Konrad, Frasier, Rendell, Whitehead, Gero2018Kinship and association do not explain vocal repertoire variation among individual sperm whales or social units
Leroy, Royer, Bonnel, Samaran2018Long-Term and Seasonal Changes of Large Whale Call Frequency in the Southern Indian Ocean
Leroy, Thomisch, Royer, Boebel, Van Opzeeland2018On the reliability of acoustic annotations and automatic detections of Antarctic blue whale calls under different acoustic conditions
Lewis, Calambokidis, Stimpert, Fahlbusch, Friedlaender, McKenna, Mesnick, Southall, Szesciorka, Širović2018Context-dependent variability in blue whale acoustic behaviour
Liu, Liu, Wang, Ma, Qing2018Classification of Cetacean Whistles Based on Convolutional Neural Network
Lopes, Reis, Mamede, Reis, Toledo, Corso, Sousa-lima, Andriolo2018Whistle variability of Guiana dolphins in South America: Latitudinal variation or acoustic adaptation?
Merkens, Mann, Janik, Claridge, Hill, Oleson2018Clicks of dwarf sperm whales ( Kogia sima)
Moron, Alves, de Assis, Garcia, Andriolo2018Clymene dolphin ( Stenella clymene) whistles in the Southwest Atlantic Ocean
Mulsow, Coffinger, Finneran, Burkard2018Forward masking recovery in bottlenose dolphins ( Tursiops truncatus): Auditory brainstem responses to paired-click stimuli in high-pass masking noise
Miksis-Olds, Nieukirk, Harris2018Two unit analysis of Sri Lankan pygmy blue whale song over a decade
Pereira2018Investigation of fin whales using ocean-bottom recordings
Pines2018Mapping the phonetic structure of humpback whale song units
Popov, Nechaev, Supin, Sysueva2018Differential hearing sensitivity in the adaptive background in a beluga whale
Rayment, Webster, Brough, Jowett, Dawson2018Seen or heard? A comparison of visual and acoustic autonomous monitoring methods for investigating temporal variation in occurrence of southern right whales
Reinwald, Grimal, Marchal, Catheline, Boschi2018Bone-conducted sound in a dolphin's mandible: Experimental investigation of elastic waves mediating information on sound source position
M. Reyes, Marino, Dellabianca, Hevia, Torres, Rey, Melcón2018Clicks of wild Burmeister's porpoises (Phocoena spinipinnis) in Tierra del Fuego, Argentina
Roger, Ferrari, Marxer, Chamroukhi, Glotin2018Towards the topology of autoencoder of calls versus clicks of marine mammal
Garcia-Rojas, K. Jenner, Gill, Jenner, Sutton, McCauley2018Environmental evidence for a pygmy blue whale aggregation area in the Subtropical Convergence Zone south of Australia
Roland2018Impacts of Ambient Noise on Minke Whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) Habitat Use and Behavior
Ryan, Cline, Joseph, Margolina, Stimpert, Forney, Black, DeVogelaere, Fischer, Wahl, Chavez2018Temporal variations in humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) song in Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, northeast Pacific
Spong, Symonds, Glotin, Towers, Larsson, Dakin, Veirs, Zwamborn, Pilkinton, Giraudet, Veirs, Wood, Ford2018Joint observatories following a single male Cachalot during 12 weeks —The Yukusam story
Sysueva, Nechaev, Supin, Popov2018Responses of the auditory system of odontocetes to level changes of long lasting acoustical stimuli


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith