Rhinella gildae


Description of the advertisement call. Males were found vocalizing on the ground from 18:00h to 23:00h in the margins Najá stream inside the rainforest. The advertisement call of the Rhinella gildae is composed of 5–8 single note pulsed (mean 6.3±0.8 SD) emitted at irregular intervals from 0.15–1.3 s (mean 0.3±0.2 SD) (Table 4; Figure 4). Two pulses compose these notes, however last note of call consist of a long duration with distinct pulse, partly fused. Duration of each note with two pulses varies from 13–42 ms (mean 20±4 SD) emitted at irregular intervals from 7–70 ms (mean 19±9 SD). Duration of last note of the call varies from 18–97 ms (mean 54±21 SD). The rate of notes per second from 18–33 (mean 24.9±2.2 SD). Duration of each call varies from 0.2–0.4 s (mean 0.25±0.03 SD) and the rate of calls per minute from 37–170 (mean 109.9±29.6 SD). The dominant frequency varies from 1125–1500 Hz (mean 1298.8±115.6 SD) and the bandwidth varies from 360 Hz to 2260 Hz. There is variation in call traits between the examined specimens, with lowest variation in the dominant frequency (classified as static traits), while other analyzed call traits were classified as dynamic traits since they had highest variation (Table 5).

Description of release call. Males produced a series of vibrations and responded to the pressure with a series of release calls (Figure 5). The release call of the Rhinella gildae is composed of a series of 3–10 notes (mean 6.3±0.8 SD) with duration series variyng from 0.4–1.5 s (mean 0.8±0.3 SD). Each note consists of a pulse group partly fused. Duration varies from 0.4–0.9 s (mean 0.6±0.01 SD) emitted at irregular intervals from 0.06–0.13 s (mean 0.09±0.01 SD), and rate of notes per second from 5–8 (mean 6.8±0.8 SD). The dominant frequency of the note varies from 937.5–1125 Hz (mean 998.7±88.8 SD) and the bandwidth varies from 330 Hz to 5620 Hz.[1]


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith