Micronecta scholtzi


The size of the M. scholtzi male was 2.360.1 mm (mean 6 s.d., n = 21) (Fig. 1). The song consisted of a typical sequence repeated at a rate of 0.74660.129 Hz (n = 582). Each sequence was composed of three parts differing in their temporal and amplitude parameters (Fig. 1). The first part was a repetition of 5.161.4 (n = 582) quiet echemes that lasted 84619 ms (n = 2994) and were followed by a silence of 1926 c cvv48 ms (n = 2994). The second part was a succession of 1.660.7 (n = 582) short and quiet echemes that lasted 1663 ms (n = 820) followed by a silence of 101621 ms (n = 820). The third part was a single loud echeme of a duration of 6068 ms (n = 582). The frequency spectrum extended from 5 to 22 kHz with 50% of the signal energy between 9 to 11 kHz with a dominant frequency at around 10 kHz (1st part: 10.0636 1.122 kHz (n = 2994); 2nd part: 10.34860.872 kHz (n = 820); 3rd part: 10.10960.886 kHz (n = 582)). There was no frequency modulation along the signal, the frequency content of the different parts being similar.

The minimal, median and maximal amplitude level of the song were respectively estimated to be 36.7 (21.5–39.9) (mean (min – max)), 78.9 (63.6–82.2) and 85.0 (69.6–88.2) dB SPL rms re 2.1025 Pa at 1 meter. Peak values were estimated to be 57.1 (43.6–88.2), 99.2 (85.7–104.6) and 105.2 (91.7–110.6) dB SPL rms re 2.102 5 Pa at 1 metre. [1]


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith