
Auteursaflopend sorterenJaarTitel
Bailey, Broughton1970The Mechanics of Stridulation in Bush Crickets (Tettigonioidea, Orthoptera) II. Conditions for Resonance in the Tegminal Generator
Bailey, Thomson1977Acoustic Orientation in the Cricket Teleogryllus Oceanicus (Le Guillou)
Bentley, Kutsch1966The neuromuscular mechanism of stridulation in crickets (Orthoptera: Gryllidae).
Bennet-Clark1987The Tuned Singing Burrow of Mole Crickets
Bennet-Clark1984A particle velocity microphone for the song of small insects and other acoustic measurements
Bennet-Clark1970The Mechanism and Efficiency of Sound Production in Mole Crickets
Bennet-Clark, Young1998Sound radiation by the bladder cicada Cystosoma saundersii
Doherty1985Temperature Coupling and ‘Trade-Off’ Phenomena in the Acoustic Communication System of the Cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus De Geer (Gryllidae)
Goerlitz, Greif, Siemers2008Cues for acoustic detection of prey: insect rustling sounds and the influence of walking substrate
Goerlitz, Hubner, Wiegrebe2008Comparing passive and active hearing: spectral analysis of transient sounds in bats
Heller1986Warm-Up and Stridulation in the Buschcricket, Hexacentrus Unicolor Serville (Orthoptera, Conocephalidae, Listroscelidinae)
Heller, Krahe1994Sound production and hearing in the pyralid moth Symmoracma minoralis
Hofstede, Goerlitz, Ratcliffe, Holderied, Surlykke2013The simple ears of noctuoid moths are tuned to the calls of their sympatric bat community
Kavanagh1987The Efficiency of Sound Production in Two Cricket Species, Gryllotalpa Australis and Teleogryllus Commodus (Orthoptera: Grylloidea)
Murphey, Zaretsky1972Orientation to Calling Song by Female Crickets, Scapsipedus Marginatus (Gryllidae)
Møhl, Miller1976Ultrasonic clicks produced by the peacock butterfly: a possible bat-repellent mechanism
Siegert, Römer, Hartbauer2013Maintaining acoustic communication at a cocktail party: heterospecific masking noise improves signal detection through frequency separation
SUGA, JEN1977Further studies on the peripheral auditory system of 'CF-FM' bats specialized for fine frequency analysis of Doppler-shifted echoes
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith