Processing of vibratory and acoustic signals by ventral cord neurones in the cricket Gryllus campestris

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1984
Auteurs:Kühne, Silver, Lewis
Journal:Journal of Insect Physiology
Pagination:575 - 585
Date Published:Jan-01-1984
Trefwoorden:central coprocessing, cricket, interneurone, sound, vibration

The responses of single vibratory receptors and ascending ventral cord interneurones were studied extracellularly in Gryllus campestris L. The physiology of the vibration receptors resembled those found in tettigoniids and locusts. The frequency responses of the subgenual receptors provide two possible cues for central frequency discrimination: differences in mean tuning between groups of receptors in the different leg pairs and a range of receptors tuned to different frequencies within one subgenual organ.

Most of the ascending vibratory interneurones were highly sensitive in either the low or high frequency range. Broadbanded neurones were less sensitive. The characteristic sensitivity peaks of these units are due mainly to receptor inputs from a particular leg pair, although most central neurones receive inputs from all 6 legs. Only one neurone type, TN1 received excitatory inputs from both auditory and vibratory receptors; its responses were greatly enhanced by the simultaneous presentation of both stimulus modes. The responses to sound stimuli of AN2, on the other hand, were inhibited by vibration. No other auditory interneurones investigated were influenced by inputs from vibration receptors. Central processing of vibratory information in the cricket is compared with that of tettigoniids and locusts.

Short Title:Journal of Insect Physiology
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Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith