Leptophyes laticauda


The male calling song of L. laticauda is more variable and the song units (see below) are produced in a much faster rhythm (Heller 1988; Ragge and Reynolds 1998) than in the two previously described species. Each song unit consisted sometimes of one short, compact syllable only. Sometimes, this part was followed by an isolated impulse (‘after-click’; see e.g., fig. 23G in Heller 1988). In the most often observed combina- tion (echeme), one loud syllable (with or without after-click) was combined with a soft second syllable of variable internal structure (see male sound in Fig. 2E; see also Heller 1988; Fontana et al. 2002). Occasionally, several such soft syllables followed each other in short intervals (see description and figures in Roesti and Keist 2009). The females re- sponded nearly exclusively in a fixed interval after the first and loudest syllable (Fig. 1). The impulses were produced during a closing movement, but in the movement track it can be observed that the female reacted a few ms earlier with a small tegmen or body movement (Fig. 2E). The latency time is slightly longer than in L. punctatissima and similarly, it depended on temperature (f(x)=-1.8556x+93.63; r2=0.502). [1]


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith