Soundscapes reveal disturbance impacts: biophonic response to wildfire in the Sonoran Desert Sky Islands

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2018
Auteurs:Gasc, Gottesman, Francomano, Jung, Durham, Mateljak, Pijanowski
Journal:Landscape Ecology
Date Published:Oct-07-2018
Trefwoorden:Conservation biology, disturbance, Remote sensing, Sonic timelapse, Soundscape, Wildfire

While remote sensing imagery is effective for quantifying land cover changes across large areas, its utility for directly assessing the response of animals to disturbance is limited. Soundscapes approaches— the recording and analysis of sounds in a landscape— could address this shortcoming.

In 2011, a massive wildfire named ‘‘the Horseshoe 2 Burn’’ occurred in the Chiricahua National Monument, Arizona, USA. We evaluated the impact of this wildfire on acoustic activity of animal communities.

In 2013, soundscape recordings were col- lected over 9 months in 12 burned and 12 non-burned sites in four ecological systems. The seasonal and diel biological acoustic activity were described using the ‘‘Bioacoustic Index’’, a detailed aural analysis of sound sources, and a new tool called ‘‘Sonic Time- lapse Builder’’ (STLB).

Seasonal biophony phenology showed a diurnal peak in June and a nocturnal peak in October in all ecological systems. On June mornings, acoustic activity was lower at burned than at non-burned sites in three of four ecological systems, due to a decreased abundance of cicadas directly impacted by the death of trees. Aural analyses revealed that 55% of recordings from non-burned sites contained insect sounds com- pared to 18% from burned sites. On October nights, orthopteran activity was more prevalent at some burned sites, possibly due to post-fire emergence of herbaceous.

Soundscape approaches can help address long-term conservation issues involving the responses of animal communities to wildfire. Acoustic methods can serve as a valuable complement to remote sensing for disturbance-based landscape management.

Short Title:Landscape Ecol
BioAcoustica ID: 
Non biological: 
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith