Anterastes davrazensis


Song (n= 24 for each parameter, otherwise stated): The male calling song of type specimens (the holotype and a paratype male) was recorded in laboratory at 27.5 °C (Fig. 9A–C). The calling song contains irregular long and short syllable groups. The duration of syllable groups ranges between 0.559 –15 s (mean: 2.96 s) and the syl- lable number per syllable group ranges between 15–377 (mean; 67.54). Syllable period has a length of 0.037–0.040 ms (mean 0.038) and includes a quiet opening- and a loud closing-hemisyllable, each of which consisting of two different elements (Fig 9C). The first elements of opening and closing hemisyllables are longer than the seconds and contain prominent impulses. The opening hemisyllable includes 7–10 (mean 9; n=35) inseparable impulses in a period of 0.014–0.016 ms (mean 0.015; n=35). The closing hemisyllable contains 8–16 (mean 12) impulses and lasts 0.019–0.024 ms (mean 0.021). [1]



stridulatory file prominently curved at distal part, with 72–89 teeth; teeth in the medial part wider than those on the proximal and distal ends; distal teeth small and conical. [1]


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith