
Authorssorter minkandeÅrTittel
Merkens, Mann, Janik, Claridge, Hill, Oleson2018Clicks of dwarf sperm whales ( Kogia sima)
Mhatre2018Tree cricket baffles are manufactured tools
Mikhail, Lewis, Yack2018What does a butterfly hear? Physiological characterization of auditory afferents in Morpho peleides (Nymphalidae)
Rao, Garg, Montgomery2018Investigation of Unsupervised Models for Biodiversity Assessment
Duque-Montoya, Isaza2018Automatic Ecosystem Identification Using Psychoacoustical Features
Moran, Doucet, Newman, D. Norris, Mennill2018Quiet violence: Savannah Sparrows respond to playback-simulated rivals using low-amplitude songs as aggressive signals
Morfi, Bas, Pamuła, Glotin, Stowell2018NIPS4Bplus: a richly annotated birdsong audio dataset
Moron, Alves, de Assis, Garcia, Andriolo2018Clymene dolphin ( Stenella clymene) whistles in the Southwest Atlantic Ocean
Mulsow, Coffinger, Finneran, Burkard2018Forward masking recovery in bottlenose dolphins ( Tursiops truncatus): Auditory brainstem responses to paired-click stimuli in high-pass masking noise
Murchy, Mouy, Juanes2018Acoustic recordings of Pacific salmon ( Oncorhynchus spp.) from a hatchery on Vancouver Island
Neelon2018Sources of Variation in Social Plasticity in Female Mate Preferences and Male Traits
Neil, Shen, Drinkwater, Robert2018Stealthy moths avoid bats with acoustic camouflage
Ng, Prawiradilaga, Ng, Suparno, Ashari, Trainor, Verbelen, Rheindt2018A striking new species of leaf warbler from the Lesser Sundas as uncovered through morphology and genomics
Noguera2018Crickets increase sexual signalling and sperm protection but live shorter in the presence of rivals
Nolasco, Benetos2018To bee or not to bee: Investigating machine learning approaches for beehive sound recognition
Nolasco, Terenzi, Cecchi, Orcioni, Bear, Benetos2018Audio-based identification of beehive states
Nácarová, Veselý, Bugnyar2018Ravens adjust their antipredatory responses to con- and hetero-specific alarms to the perceived threat
Miksis-Olds, Nieukirk, Harris2018Two unit analysis of Sri Lankan pygmy blue whale song over a decade
Oliveira, Ramalho, Mora, Aguiar2018The acoustic gymnastics of the dwarf dog-faced bat (Molossops temminckii) in environments with different degrees of clutter
Olzer, Zuk2018Obligate, but not facultative, satellite males prefer the same male sexual signal characteristics as females
Opaev, Kolesnikova, Liu, Kang2018Singing of Claudia’s Leaf-warbler (Phylloscopus claudiae) in aggressive contexts: role of song rate, song type diversity and song type transitional pattern
Acosta-Pankov, Spassov, Banea2018Seasonal Differences in Howling Response of Golden Jackals Canis aureus L., 1758 (Mammalia: Canidae) in Eastern Bulgaria
Parker, Greig, Nakagawa, Parra, Dalisio2018Subspecies status and methods explain strength of response to local versus foreign song by oscine birds in meta-analysis
Penone, Kerbiriou, Julien, Marmet, Le Viol2018Body size information in large-scale acoustic bat databases
Pereira2018Investigation of fin whales using ocean-bottom recordings
Petersen, Finger2018The Behaviour and Vocalisations of Captive Geoffroy's Horseshoe Bats, Rhinolophus clivosus (Chiroptera: Rhinolophidae)
Phillips, Roe2018Revealing the ecological content of long-duration audio-recordings of the environment through clustering and visualisation
Baumann-Pickering, Trickey, Rice, Širović, Renfree, Demer2018Relationship between cetacean presence, their prey, and oceanographic conditions at an offshore pelagic environment
Piel2018Temporal patterns of chimpanzee loud calls in the Issa Valley, Tanzania: Evidence of nocturnal acoustic behavior in wild chimpanzees
Pine, Hannay, Insley, Halliday, Juanes2018Assessing vessel slowdown as an option for reducing acoustic masking for Arctic cod in the western Canadian Arctic
Pines2018Mapping the phonetic structure of humpback whale song units
Piña-Covarrubias, Hill, Prince, Snaddon, Rogers, C. Doncaster2018Optimization of sensor deployment for acoustic detection and localization in terrestrial environments
Pomberger, Hage2018Semi-chronic laminar recordings in the brainstem of behaving marmoset monkeys
Popov, Nechaev, Supin, Sysueva2018Differential hearing sensitivity in the adaptive background in a beluga whale
Potty, Tripathy, Tazawa, Amaral, Vigness-Raposa, Lin, Newhall2018Source localization using a compact tetrahedral array
Prada, Muñoz2018IoT Platform for Soundscape Monitoring in Colombia
Putland, Montgomery, Radford2018Ecology of fish hearing
Quijano, Hannay, Austin2018Spatio-temporal modelling of underwater noise related to an arctic exploration drilling program
Vigness-Raposa, Scowcroft, Knowlton, Morin, Ketten, Popper2018Discovery of sound in the sea: Webinars as a means of communicating current underwater acoustics research to decision makers
Rayment, Webster, Brough, Jowett, Dawson2018Seen or heard? A comparison of visual and acoustic autonomous monitoring methods for investigating temporal variation in occurrence of southern right whales
Rehm, Dushaw, Freitag, Heaney, Carr, Dakin, Fissel, Heard2018The feasibility of a multipurpose acoustic network in Baffin Bay
Reid, Hardie, Mackie, Jackson, Windmill2018Extreme call amplitude from near-field acoustic wave coupling in the stridulating water insect Micronecta scholtzi (Micronectinae)
Reinwald, Grimal, Marchal, Catheline, Boschi2018Bone-conducted sound in a dolphin's mandible: Experimental investigation of elastic waves mediating information on sound source position
M. Reyes, Marino, Dellabianca, Hevia, Torres, Rey, Melcón2018Clicks of wild Burmeister's porpoises (Phocoena spinipinnis) in Tierra del Fuego, Argentina
Richards, Yuan, Song, Hodgkiss2018Vertical line array tilt revealed through snapping shrimp noise
Riede2018Acoustic profiling of Orthoptera: present state and future needs
Riera, Juanes2018Describing new fish sounds from the northeast Pacific: A quantitative approach
Robakis, Watsa, Erkenswick2018Classification of producer characteristics in primate long calls using neural networks
Roch, Baumann-Pickering, Cholewiak, Fleishman, Frasier, Glotin, Helble, Hildebrand, Klinck, Lindeneau, Liu, Nosal, Palmer, Shiu, Singh2018The use of context in machine learning for bioacoustics


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith