A soundscape assessment of the Sasso Fratino Integral Nature Reserve in the Central Apennines, Italy

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2019
Authors:Righini, Pavan
Nøkkelord:acoustic indices, biodiversity, ecoacoustics, monitoring, National Park, sonotopes

Ecoacoustics investigates natural and anthropogenic sounds and their relationship with the environment. It is a powerful tool for biodiversity monitoring, management and conservation and also with regards to the global climate change issue. This study, based on data collected in 2017, describes for the first time the soundscape of the Sasso Fratino Integral Nature Reserve (INR) in Italy, an area characterised by the almost absence of anthropogenic noise, where we selected three recording sites within and adjacent the reserve. We adopted a double approach: one qualitative, based on visual screening of compact daily spectrograms; the other quantitative, by generating acoustic indices. In general, all sites are characterised by quiet nights and very acoustically dense daylight hours, with a composite biophony occupying the range 1500–9000 Hz. Moreover, the principal component analysis shows that the sites inside and outside the reserve are well differentiated and distinctly clustered, which could be due to their spatial heterogeneity and to the biophony’s different contributions. In this case, our results agree with the recognition of sonic patterns, or sonotopes, related to the different overlapping of biotic and abiotic sonic agents. The long-term acoustic data collection allows a reference repository to be built for monitoring the INR’s biophony status and evolution: as any human presence or intervention is currently prohibited, only external global changes could be considered as possible factors influencing any shift in the species’ presence and distribution inside the reserve.

BioAcoustica ID: 
Non biological: 
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith