
Authorsordenação descendenteAnoTítulo
Ávila, Mansonato, Perez, De Carvalho, Roberto, MORAIS, De Almeida, Rojas, Gordo, FARIAS2018On Rhinella gildae Vaz-Silva, Maciel, Bastos & Pombal 2015 (Anura: Bufonidae): Phylogenetic relationship, morphological variation, advertisement and release calls and geographic distribution
Wijayathilaka, Senevirathne, Bandara, Rajapakse, Pethiyagoda, Meegaskumbura2018Integrating bioacoustics, DNA barcoding and niche modeling for frog conservation – The threatened balloon frogs of Sri Lanka
Yang, Zhu, Wang, Brauth, Tang, Cui2018A test of the matched filter hypothesis in two sympatric frogs, Chiromantis doriae and Feihyla vittata
Zaracho, Aguiar, Giaretta2018Geographic variation in the advertisement call of Trachycephalus typhonius Anura: Hylidae) based on South American samples
Abraham, Mathew, Raju, Rao, Zachariah2018Reproduction and metamorphosis in the Myristica Swamp tree frog, Mercurana myristicapalustris (Anura: Rhacophoridae)
Baldo, Araujo-Vieira, Cardozo, Borteiro, Leal, Pereyra, Kolenc, Lyra, Garcia, Haddad, Faivovich2019A review of the elusive bicolored iris Snouted Treefrogs (Anura: Hylidae: Scinax uruguayus group)
Bernal, Page, Ryan, Argo, Wilson2009Acoustic radiation patterns of mating calls of the túngara frog (Physalaemus pustuosus): Implications for multiple receivers
Borzée, Nguyen, Jowers2020Description of the Advertisement and Aggressive Calls of the Enigmatic Trinidad Thin-Toed Frog Leptodactylus nesiotus
Boschetti, De Bastiani, Lingnau, Lucas2019Bioacoustics of Pithecopus rusticus (Anura, Phyllomedusidae): A Rare Species Possibly Threatened with Extinction
BROWN, SIU-TING, VON MAY, TWOMEY, GUILLORY, DEUTSCH, CHÁVEZ2019Systematics of the Ameeregarubriventris complex (Anura: Dendrobatidae) with descriptions of two new cryptic species from the East-Andean versant of Peru
CAORSI, BORDIGNON, Márquez, BORGES-MARTINS2020Advertisement call of two threatened red-bellied-toads, Melanophryniscus cambaraensis and M. macrogranulosus (Anura: Bufonidae), from the Atlantic Rainforest, southern Brazil
Channing, Willems2018A new grass frog with rupicolous tadpoles from northern Zambia (Anura: Ptychadenidae)
Chao, -ZeHu, Chao, -KaiSu, Chiu2019Implementation of Artificial Intelligence for Classification of Frogs in Bioacoustics
CHEN, HU, ZHONG, SHANGGUAN2021Advertisement calls of the lesser spiny frog Quasipaa exilispinosa (Liu and Hu, 1975) (Anura: Dicroglossidae)
Chávez, Barboza, Thompson2021The distribution and calls of Vraem’ Treefrog, Dendropsophus vraemi (Caminer, Milá, Jansen, Fouquet, Venegas, Chávez, Lougheed, and Ron 2017), with comments on its conservation status
CHÁVEZ, PRADEL, Catenazzi2019Integrative taxonomy reveals first country record of Hyalinobatrachium mondolfii Señaris and Ayarzagüena 2001, and distribution range extensions for Cochranella nola Harvey 1996, and Rulyrana spiculata Duellman 1976 (Anura: Centrolenidae) in Peru
Crocker-Buta, Leary2018Hormonal and social correlates of courtship signal quality and behaviour in male green treefrogs
De Carvalho, Angulo, Kokubum, Barrera, De Souza, Haddad, Giaretta2019A New Cryptic Species of the Adenomera andreae Clade from Southwestern Amazonia (Anura, Leptodactylidae)
De Carvalho, Giaretta, Maciel, Barrera, Aguilar-Puntriano, Haddad, Kokubum, Menin, Angulo2019On the Uncertain Taxonomic Identity of Adenomera hylaedactyla (Cope, 1868) and the Composite Type Series of A. andreae (Müller, 1923) (Anura, Leptodactylidae)
De Carvalho, Ávila, KAWASHITA-RIBEIRO, Hrbek, Gordo2018Description of the advertisement calls of four species of Amazophrynella (Anura:Bufonidae)
Dias, de Mira-Mendes, Souza-Costa, Juncá, Solé2017The advertisement call and comments on the distribution of Eleutherodactylus bilineatus Bokermann, 1975, an endemic frog of Bahia State, Brazil (Amphibia, Anura)
Dring1984Some new frogs from Sarawak
Flores, Batista, RODRIGUEZ2019Vicente´s poison frog (Oophaga vicentei) in the wild: calling activity, bioacoustics and diet
Forti, Forti, Márquez, Toledo2017Behavioural response evoked by conspecific distress calls in two neotropical treefrogs
Forti, Lingnau, Encarnação, Bertoluci, Toledo2017Can treefrog phylogeographical clades and species’ phylogenetic topologies be recovered by bioacoustical analyses?
Forti, da Silva, Toledo2017The acoustic repertoire of the Atlantic Forest Rocket Frog and its consequences for taxonomy and conservation (Allobates, Aromobatidae)
FREIRE, THOMASSEN, ROCHA, LEITE2019Almost a hundred years later, the advertisement call of Aparasphenodon brunoi Miranda-Ribeiro 1920 (Anura: Hylidae) from the Atlantic Forest
Garcia, Cronin, Bowling, Bushera, Hunter, Taylor2019Dueling frogs: do male green tree frogs (Hyla cinerea) eavesdrop on and assess nearby calling competitors?
Garg, Biju2017Description of four new species of Burrowing Frogs in the Fejervarya rufescens complex (Dicroglossidae) with notes on morphological affinities of Fejervarya species in the Western Ghats
Giaretta, Haga, de Andrade2018The advertisement call of two species of the Rhinella granulosa group (Anura: Bufonidae)
Glaw, Andreone, Vences2004Voice of a giant: bioacoustic data for Mantidactylus guttulatus (Amphibia: Mantellidae)
GRAFE1997Costs and benefits of mate choice in the lek-breeding reed frog,Hyperolius marmoratus
T. Grafe, Tony2017Temporal variation in acoustic and visual signalling as a function of stream background noise in the Bornean foot-flagging frog, Staurois parvus
Grenat, Pollo, Ferrero, Martino2019Differential and additive effects of natural biotic and anthropogenic noise on call properties of Odontophrynus americanus (Anura, Odontophryinidae): Implications for the conservation of anurans inhabiting noisy environments
Guedes, de Assis, Novaes, Dergam, Feio2019Filling knowledge gaps about the ‘Data Deficient’ species Zachaenus carvalhoi Izecksohn, 1983 (Anura, Cycloramphidae): an endemic frog from the Atlantic Forest of southeastern Brazil
HEPP, JR2019Naming structures and qualifying properties of anuran bioacoustical signals: a call for a homology-based nomenclature and equality for quantitative data
Herrick, Wells, Farkas, Schultz2018Noisy Neighbors: Acoustic Interference and Vocal Interactions between Two Syntopic Species of Ranid Frogs, Rana clamitans and Rana catesbeiana
Hödl, Amézquita, Narins2004The rôle of call frequency and the auditory papillae in phonotactic behavior in male Dart-poison frogs Epipedobates femoralis (Dendrobatidae)
Ibáñez, Griffith, LIPS, Crawford2017Altitudinal distribution and advertisement call of Colostethus latinasus (Amphibia: Dendrobatidae), endemic species from eastern Panama and type species of Colostethus , with a molecular assessment of similar sympatric species
Jansen, Santana, Teixeira, Köhler2019A new striped species of Dendropsophus (Anura: Hylidae) with a composite advertisement call and comments on the D. rubicundulus group
Kelleher, Scheele, Silla, J. Keogh, Hunter, Endler, Byrne2021Disease influences male advertisement and mating outcomes in a critically endangered amphibian
Köhler, Jansen, Rodríguez, Kok, Toledo, Emmrich, Glaw, Haddad, Rödel, Vences2017The use of bioacoustics in anuran taxonomy: theory, terminology, methods and recommendations for best practice
Lannoo, Stiles, Saenz, Hibbitts2018Comparative Call Characteristics in the Anuran Subgenus Nenirana
Lee, Chou, Han, Huang2006Automatic recognition of animal vocalizations using averaged MFCC and linear discriminant analysis
Legett, BARANOV, Bernal2018Seasonal variation in abundance and diversity of eavesdropping frog-biting midges (Diptera, Corethrellidae) in a neotropical rainforest
Legett, Page, Bernal2019Synchronized mating signals in a communication network: the challenge of avoiding predators while attracting mates
LIU, WANG, ZHAI, WANG2018Call Characteristics of Two Sympatric and Morphologically Similar Tree Frogs Species, Polypedates megacephalus and Polypedates mutus (Anura: Rhacophoridae), from Hainan, China
MACLAREN, MCCRACKEN, FORSTNER2018Automated Monitoring Techniques Reveal New Proximate Cues of Houston Toad Chorusing Behavior
Marciano, Jr, Lantyer-Silva, Solé2017A new species of Phyllodytes Wagler, 1830 (Anura, Hylidae) from the Atlantic Forest of southern Bahia, Brazil


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith