
Authorsordenação descendenteAnoTítulo
2018A new species and a new record of genus Hexacentrus Serville, 1831 (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Hexacentrinae) from India
Verboom2018Bird vocalizations: seven different types of Great tit (Parus major) vocalizations
Ávila, Mansonato, Perez, De Carvalho, Roberto, MORAIS, De Almeida, Rojas, Gordo, FARIAS2018On Rhinella gildae Vaz-Silva, Maciel, Bastos & Pombal 2015 (Anura: Bufonidae): Phylogenetic relationship, morphological variation, advertisement and release calls and geographic distribution
Wijayathilaka, Senevirathne, Bandara, Rajapakse, Pethiyagoda, Meegaskumbura2018Integrating bioacoustics, DNA barcoding and niche modeling for frog conservation – The threatened balloon frogs of Sri Lanka
Yang, Zhu, Wang, Brauth, Tang, Cui2018A test of the matched filter hypothesis in two sympatric frogs, Chiromantis doriae and Feihyla vittata
Širović, Baumann-Pickering, Warren2018Predator-prey interactions in the Southern California Bight
Zefa, Acosta, TIMM, MARINHO, Da Costa2018The Tree Cricket Neoxabea brevipes Rehn, 1913 (Orthoptera: Gryllidae: Oecanthinae) from the Brazilian southern Atlantic Forest: morphology, bioacoustics and cytogenetics
S, Simões, Castroviejo-Fisher2018Neotropical frogs and mating songs: The evolution of advertisement calls in glassfrogs
Williams, Robins, Newman, Freeman-Gallant, Wheelwright, Mennill2018The buzz segment of Savannah sparrow song is a population marker
Zeng, Wee, Painting, Zhang, Li2018Equivalent effect of UV coloration and vibratory signal on mating success in a jumping spider
Zaracho, Aguiar, Giaretta2018Geographic variation in the advertisement call of Trachycephalus typhonius Anura: Hylidae) based on South American samples
Wierucka, Pitcher, Harcourt, Charrier2018Multimodal mother–offspring recognition: the relative importance of sensory cues in a colonial mammal
Abraham, Mathew, Raju, Rao, Zachariah2018Reproduction and metamorphosis in the Myristica Swamp tree frog, Mercurana myristicapalustris (Anura: Rhacophoridae)
Accomando, Mulsow, Branstetter, Finneran, Jenkins2018Directional hearing sensitivity for 2–30 kHz sounds in the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)
Adams, Kitchen2018Experimental evidence that titi and saki monkey alarm calls deter an ambush predator
Adret, Dingess, Caselli, Vermeer, Martínez, Amancio, van Kuijk, Lineros, Wallace, Fernandez-Duque, Di Fiore2018Duetting Patterns of Titi Monkeys (Primates, Pitheciidae: Callicebinae) and Relationships with Phylogeny
Agnihotri, Robin, Goel, Balakrishnan2018Acoustic indices as rapid indicators of avian diversity in different land-use types in an Indian biodiversity hotspotAbstract
Anichini, Frommolt2018To compete or not to compete: bushcricket song plasticity reveals male body condition and rival distance
Antunes, TAKIYA, Chamorro-Rengifo2018Caetitus gen. nov.: a new genus of Neotropical Copiphorini (Tettigoniidae: Conocephalinae: Copiphorini) to include C. porteri (Bolivar, 1903)
Aufderheide, Ronacher2018The impact of age and egg-laying cycle on female grasshoppers’ preference functions for acoustic signals
Azfar, Nadeem, Alkhodre, Ahsan, Mehmood, Alghmdi, Alsaawy2018Monitoring, Detection and Control Techniques of Agriculture Pests and Diseases using Wireless Sensor Network: A Review
Barbosa, Bittencourt, Andrade, Bisi, Lailson-Brito, Azevedo2018Characteristics of Guiana dolphins ( Sotalia guianensis) burst-pulse sounds emitted during different surface activity rates in Rio de Janeiro’s coast
Barlow, Fournet, Sharpe2018Incorporating tides into the acoustic ecology of humpback whales
Barlow, Griffiths, Klinck2018Diving behavior of Cuvier's beaked whales inferred from three-dimensional acoustic localization and tracking using a nested array of drifting hydrophone recorders
Belghith, Rioult, Bouzidi2018Acoustic Diversity Classifier for Automated Marine Big Data Analysis
Benediktov2018Note on acoustic signals of grasshopper males of the genera Epacromius and Platypygius (Orthoptera: Acrididae: Oedipodinae) from Russia and adjacent territories
Bensoussan, Tigeot, Lemasson, Meunier-Salaün, Tallet2018Domestic piglets (Sus scrofa domestica) are attentive to human voice and able to discriminate some prosodic features
Bent, Ings2018Anthropogenic noise disrupts mate searching in Gryllus bimaculatus
Beslin, Whitehead, Gero2018Automatic acoustic estimation of sperm whale size distributions achieved through machine recognition of on-axis clicks
Bittencourt, Sousa, Bisi, Lailson-Brito, Azevedo2018Monitoring noise levels and delphinid presence through autonomous acoustic in Rio de Janeiro coastal area
Blackwell, Tervo, Heide-Jørgensen2018Burst-pulses in East Greenland narwhals: Further evidence for unique, individual-specific vocalizations
Bolgan, Juanes2018How Can We Understand Freshwater Soundscapes Without Fish Sound Descriptions?
Bomans2018Bioacoustic monitoring of New Zealand avifauna before and after aerial 1080 operations
Bopardikar, Sutaria, Sule, Jog, Patankar, Klinck2018Description and classification of Indian Ocean humpback dolphin ( Sousa plumbea ) whistles recorded off the Sindhudurg coast of Maharashtra, India
Brandt, J. Kelley, Elias2018Temperature alters multimodal signaling and mating success in an ectotherm
Branstetter, Deakos, Jenkins, Balmer, Ness, Cartwright2018Acute motor and vocal response of humpback whales ( Megaptera novaeangliae ) to playback of amplitude-modulated noise: A method to test frequency range of hearing
Brock2018An update on the Mole-cricket Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa (Linnaeus, 1758) in the New Forest, Hampshire
Brown, Garg, Montgomery2018Automatic and Efficient Denoising of Bioacoustics Recordings Using MMSE STSA
Rowe, Zhang, Towsey, Brereton2018Ecosound-explorer
Buckley, Caven, Gottesman, Harner, Pijanowski, Forsberg2018Assessing biological and environmental effects of a total solar eclipse with passive multimodal technologies
Burnham2018Listening to whales: Tying acoustics to ecology
Burton, Ramachandran2018Neuronal frequency selectivity in the inferior colliculus and cochlear nucleus of the awake behaving macaque monkey
Bøttcher, Gero, Beedholm, Whitehead2018Variability of the inter-pulse interval in sperm whale clicks with implications for size estimation and individual identification
Channing, Willems2018A new grass frog with rupicolous tadpoles from northern Zambia (Anura: Ptychadenidae)
Chen, SHI, Dai2018Description of a new species of the genus Mongolotettix Rehn, 1928 (Orthoptera: Acrididae) from Fujian, China
Clark, McGuire, Bonaccorso, Berv, Prum2018Complex coevolution of wing, tail, and vocal sounds of courting male bee hummingbirds
Cline, Ryan2018Detection and classification of whales calls using band-limited energy detection and transfer learning
Coffinger, Houser, Finneran, Mulsow2018Passive echo detection and discrimination in bottlenose dolphins
CORRÊA, PEREIRA, DA COSTA, SZINWELSKI, MARTINS, Zefa2018Two new species of crickets Adelosgryllus Mesa & Zefa, 2004 (Orthoptera, Grylloidea, Phalangopsidae) from the Araripe-Apodi National Forest, State of Ceará, Brazil


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith