
Authorsordenação descendenteAnoTítulo
Accomando, Mulsow, Branstetter, Finneran, Jenkins2018Directional hearing sensitivity for 2–30 kHz sounds in the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)
Barbosa, Bittencourt, Andrade, Bisi, Lailson-Brito, Azevedo2018Characteristics of Guiana dolphins ( Sotalia guianensis) burst-pulse sounds emitted during different surface activity rates in Rio de Janeiro’s coast
Bittencourt, Sousa, Bisi, Lailson-Brito, Azevedo2018Monitoring noise levels and delphinid presence through autonomous acoustic in Rio de Janeiro coastal area
Bopardikar, Sutaria, Sule, Jog, Patankar, Klinck2018Description and classification of Indian Ocean humpback dolphin ( Sousa plumbea ) whistles recorded off the Sindhudurg coast of Maharashtra, India
Caruso, Sciacca, Parisi, Viola, de Vincenzi, Bocconcelli, T. Mooney, Li, Filiciotto, Moulins, Tepsich, Rosso2019Acoustic recordings of rough-toothed dolphin ( Steno bredanensis) offshore Eastern Sicily (Mediterranean Sea)
Coffinger, Houser, Finneran, Mulsow2018Passive echo detection and discrimination in bottlenose dolphins
Bergler, Schmitt, Cheng, Schröter, Maier, Barth, Weber, Nöth2019Deep Representation Learning for Orca Call Type Classification
Foskolos, de Soto, Madsen, Johnson2019Deep-diving pilot whales make cheap, but powerful, echolocation clicks with 50 µL of air
Fouda, Wingfield, Fandel, Garrod, Hodge, Rice, Bailey2018Dolphins simplify their vocal calls in response to increased ambient noise
Fripp, Owen, Quintana-Rizzo, Shapiro, Buckstaff, Jankowski, Wells, Tyack2005Bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) calves appear to model their signature whistles on the signature whistles of community members
Gannier, Fuchs, Gannier, Fernandez, Azevedo2020Dolphin whistle repertoires around São Miguel (Azores): Are you common or spotted?
Holt, M. Hanson, Emmons, Haas, Giles, Hogan2019Sounds associated with foraging and prey capture in individual fish-eating killer whales, Orcinus orca
Johnson2019Vocal Response of Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) to a Novel Stimulus
Jones, Finneran, Mulsow, Burkard2018Dependence of bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) auditory brainstem responses on noise burst rise time, amplitude, and envelope shape
Lopes, Reis, Mamede, Reis, Toledo, Corso, Sousa-lima, Andriolo2018Whistle variability of Guiana dolphins in South America: Latitudinal variation or acoustic adaptation?
Moron, Alves, de Assis, Garcia, Andriolo2018Clymene dolphin ( Stenella clymene) whistles in the Southwest Atlantic Ocean
Mulsow, Coffinger, Finneran, Burkard2018Forward masking recovery in bottlenose dolphins ( Tursiops truncatus): Auditory brainstem responses to paired-click stimuli in high-pass masking noise
Papale, Alonge, Caruso, Grammauta, Mazzola, Mussi, Pace, Buscaino2019The higher, the closer, the better? Influence of sampling frequency and distance on the acoustic properties of short‐beaked common dolphins burst pulses in the Mediterranean Sea
Pérez, Jensen, Rojano-Doñate, de Soto2017Different modes of acoustic communication in deep-diving short-finned pilot whales (Globicephala macrorhynchus)
Rankin, Archer, Keating, Oswald, Oswald, Curtis, Barlow2016Acoustic classification of dolphins in the California Current using whistles, echolocation clicks, and burst pulses
Rankin, Oedekoven, Archer2020Mark recapture distance sampling: using acoustics to estimate the fraction of dolphins missed by observers during shipboard line-transect surveys
Reinwald, Grimal, Marchal, Catheline, Boschi2018Bone-conducted sound in a dolphin's mandible: Experimental investigation of elastic waves mediating information on sound source position
Roger, Ferrari, Marxer, Chamroukhi, Glotin2018Towards the topology of autoencoder of calls versus clicks of marine mammal
Romanenko2004Some results of studying the acoustics of dolphins
Romeu, Cantor, Bezamat, Simões-Lopes, Daura-Jorge2017Bottlenose dolphins that forage with artisanal fishermen whistle differently
Silva, Sayigh, Baird2016Successful suction-cup tagging of a small delphinid species, Stenella attenuata: Insights into whistle characteristics
Vagle, O'Neill, Thornton, Yurk2018Soundscape characteristics in Southern Resident Killer Whale critical habitats
De Vreese, André, Cozzi, Centelleghe, van der Schaar, Mazzariol2020Morphological Evidence for the Sensitivity of the Ear Canal of Odontocetes as shown by Immunohistochemistry and Transmission Electron Microscopy
Wellard, Pitman, Durban, Erbe2018Antarctic type C killer whale ( Orcinus orca) call repertoire from McMurdo Sound, Ross Sea
Zapetis, Mulsow, Schlundt, Finneran, Lyn2018Bottlenose dolphin ( Tursiops truncatus) vocal modifications in response to spectrally pink background noise
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith