Automatic detection of fish sounds based on multi-stage classification including logistic regression via adaptive feature weighting

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2018
Authors:Harakawa, Ogawa, Haseyama, Akamatsu
Journal:The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
Pagination:2709 - 2718
Date Published:Jan-11-2018

This paper presents a method for automatic detection of fish sounds in an underwater environment. There exist two difficulties: (i) features and classifiers that provide good detection results differ depending on the underwater environment and (ii) there are cases where a large amount of training data that is necessary for supervised machine learning cannot be prepared. A method presented in this paper (the proposed hybrid method) overcomes these difficulties as follows. First, novel logistic regression (NLR) is derived via adaptive feature weighting by focusing on the accuracy of classification results by multiple classifiers, support vector machine (SVM), and k-nearest neighbors (k-NN). Although there are cases where SVM or k-NN cannot work well due to divergence of useful features, NLR can produce complementary results. Second, the proposed hybrid method performs multi-stage classification with consideration of the accuracy of SVM, k-NN, and NLR. The multi-stage acquisition of reliable results works adaptively according to the underwater environment to reduce performance degradation due to diversity of useful classifiers even if abundant training data cannot be prepared. Experiments on underwater recordings including sounds of Sciaenidae such as silver croakers (Pennahia argentata) and blue drums (Nibea mitsukurii) show the effectiveness of the proposed hybrid method.

Short Title:The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
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