
Authorssortera i fallande ordningÅrTitel
Costelloe, Rubenstein2018Temporal structuring of vigilance behaviour by female Thomson's gazelles with hidden fawns
Crocker-Buta, Leary2018Hormonal and social correlates of courtship signal quality and behaviour in male green treefrogs
Crouch, Mason-Gamer2018Identifying ecological drivers of interspecific variation in song complexity in songbirds (Passeriformes, Passeri)
Cusano, Conger, Van Parijs, Parks2018Implementing conservation measures for the North Atlantic right whale: considering the behavioral ontogeny of mother-calf pairs
De Vreese, van der Schaar, Weissenberger, Erbs, Kosecka, Solé, André2018Marine mammal acoustic detections in the Greenland and Barents Sea, 2013 – 2014 seasons
De Carvalho, Ávila, KAWASHITA-RIBEIRO, Hrbek, Gordo2018Description of the advertisement calls of four species of Amazophrynella (Anura:Bufonidae)
Deichmann, Acevedo-Charry, Barclay, Burivalova, Campos-Cerqueira, d'Horta, Game, Gottesman, Hart, Kalan, Linke, Nascimento, Pijanowski, Staaterman, T. Aide2018It's time to listen: there is much to be learned from the sounds of tropical ecosystems
Demartsev, Strandburg-Peshkin, Ruffner, Manser2018Vocal Turn-Taking in Meerkat Group Calling Sessions
Dena, Rebouças, Augusto-Alves, Toledo2018Lessons from recordings lost in Brazil fire: deposit and back up
Deng, Lloyd, Xia, Liang, Zhang2018Components of variation in female common cuckoo calls
Dezecache, Berthet2018Working hypotheses on the meaning of general alarm calls
Driessen2018The life cycle of a southern hemisphere cricket Bobilla poene (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) and variation in its size, sex ratio and egg production
Duarte, Melo, Scarpelli, Carvalho, Padovese, Bazzoli, Rizzo2018Effects of hydroelectric turbine noise on the behaviour of Leporinus taeniatus (Characiformes: Anostomidae) in captivity
Ducouret, Dreiss, Gémard, Falourd, Roulin2018Barn owl nestlings vocally escalate when interrupted by a sibling: evidence from an interactive playback experiment
Duffield, Hampton, Houslay, Hunt, Rapkin, Sakaluk, Sadd2018Age-dependent variation in the terminal investment threshold in male crickets
Dunlop2018Potential changes in the communication space of humpback whale social sounds in increasing wind and vessel-dominated noise
Egert-Berg, Hurme, Greif, Goldstein, Harten, M., Flores-Martínez, Valdés, Johnston, Eitan, Borissov, Shipley, Medellin, Wilkinson, Goerlitz, Yovel2018Resource Ephemerality Drives Social Foraging in Bats
Eliades, Tsunada2018From behavior to physiology and back again: The role of auditory cortex in vocal production and control
Elie, Theunissen2018Zebra finches identify individuals using vocal signatures unique to each call type
Epp, Davoren2018Investigation of the context of humpback whale non-song calls in the North Atlantic
Erregger2018Anthropogenic calling sites boost the sound amplitude of advertisement calls produced by a tropical cricket
Erregger, R. Hennig2018The ‘hot male’ hypothesis: do female crickets prefer males with increased body temperature in mate choice scenarios?
Farooqi, Usmani2018Review of genus Conocephalus Thunberg, 1815 (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Conocephalinae) with one new species from India
Ferguson2018How Developmental and Behavioural Plasticity in the Field Cricket is Influenced by the Acoustic Social Environment and Anthropogenic Noise
Ferreira, Faria, Monticelli2018Pré-processamento de sinais acústicos para análise e caracterização de vocalizações de lobos-guará
Ferreira, Oliveira, Lopes, Brito, Baumgarten, Rodrigues, Sousa-lima2018What do insects, anurans, birds, and mammals have to say about soundscape indices in a tropical savanna
Fianco, de Souza-Dias, de Farias-Martins, Magro, Prasniewski, Ricci, Zefa, Szinwelski2018Ethology of the cricket Endecous (Endecous) chape Souza-Dias & de Mello, 2017 (Orthoptera: Grylloidea: Phalangopsidae) I: Agonistic and reproductive behavior
Flora, Patrícia2018Evidence of individual discrimination in the maned wolf long-distance extended-bark
Fouda, Wingfield, Fandel, Garrod, Hodge, Rice, Bailey2018Dolphins simplify their vocal calls in response to increased ambient noise
Froidevaux, Fialas, Jones2018Catching insects while recording bats: impacts of light trapping on acoustic sampling
Fu, Kinniry, Kloepper2018The Chirocopter: a UAV for recording sound and video of bats at altitude
Furuyama, Hase, Hiryu, Kobayasi2018Hearing sensitivity evaluated by the auditory brainstem response in Miniopterus fuliginosus
Gabriele, Sharpe, Straley, Szabo2018Feeding calls produced by solitary humpback whales
Gan, Towsey, Li, Zhang2018Animal Call Recognition with Acoustic Indices: Little Spotted Kiwi as a Case Study
Garland, Carvajal, King, Collins, Razafindrakoto, Rosenbaum2018Culturally transmitted song exchange between humpback whales ( Megaptera novaeangliae) in the southeast Atlantic and southwest Indian Ocean basins
Gasc, Gottesman, Francomano, Jung, Durham, Mateljak, Pijanowski2018Soundscapes reveal disturbance impacts: biophonic response to wildfire in the Sonoran Desert Sky Islands
Giaretta, Haga, de Andrade2018The advertisement call of two species of the Rhinella granulosa group (Anura: Bufonidae)
Giorli, Goetz, Delarue, Maxner, Kowarski, Martin, McPherson2018Unknown beaked whale echolocation signals recorded off eastern New Zealand
Glotin, Spong, Symonds, Roger, Balestriero, Ferrari, Poupard, Towers, Veirs, Marxer, Giraudet, Pilkinton, Veirs, Wood, Ford, Dakin2018Deep learning for ethoacoustical mapping: Application to a single Cachalot long term recording on joint observatories in Vancouver Island
Green2018The Auditory Sensitivity and Active Space of the Northern Grasshopper Mouse (Onychomys leucogaster) in Relation to Woody Plant Encroachment
Guo, Luo, Zhang, LIU, Metzner, Liu, Feng2018Social vocalizations of big-footed myotis (Myotis macrodactylus) during foraging
Hannay, Bröker2018Acoustic characterization of exploration drilling in the Chukchi and Beaufort seas
Harakawa, Ogawa, Haseyama, Akamatsu2018Automatic detection of fish sounds based on multi-stage classification including logistic regression via adaptive feature weighting
Hathcock, Benedict2018Conspecific challenges provoke female canyon wrens to sing but not to duet
Hayashi, Yoshimura, Roff, Kumita, Shimizu2018Four types of vibration behaviors in a mole cricket
Heller, Hemp2018Extremely divergent song types in the genus Aerotegmina Hemp (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Hexacentrinae) and the description of a new species from the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania (East Africa)
Heller, Hemp, Massa, Kociński, Warchałowska-Śliwa2018Paraplangia sinespeculo, a new genus and species of bush-cricket, with notes on its biology and a key to the genera of Phaneropterinae (Orthoptera: Tettigonioidea) from Madagascar
Heller, Korsunovskaya, Massa, Iorgu2018High-speed duetting – latency times of the female acoustic response within the bush-cricket genera Leptophyes and Andreiniimon (Orthoptera, Phaneropteridae)
Hemingway, Ryan, Page2018Cognitive constraints on optimal foraging in frog-eating bats


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith