Onconotus servillei
Bioacoustics: the song consists of a long series of trisyllabic groups. Syllable length varies between 18 - 31 ms, the last one with highest sound amplitude (Figs 3 i, j; 4 b). [1]
- Iorgu IȘtefan, Iorgu EIulia, Stahi N. The Orthoptera (Insecta) from Middle and Lower Prut River Basin. Travaux du Mus?um National d?Histoire Naturelle ?Grigore Antipa?. 2013;56(2). Available at: http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/travmu.2013.56.issue-2/travmu-2013-0012/travmu-2013-0012.xmlhttps://www.degruyter.com/view/j/travmu.2013.56.issue-2/travmu-2013-0012/travmu-2013-0012.pdf.