
Авторисортувати за спаданнямРікЗаголовок
Atkins, Ligman, Burghardt, Stout1984Changes in phonotaxis by the female cricket Acheta domesticus L. after killing identified acoustic interneurons
Atkins, Pollack1987Response properties of prothoracic, interganglionic, sound-activated interneurons in the cricketTeleogryllus oceanicus
Atkins, Atkins, Rhodes, Stout1989Influence of syllable period on song encoding properties of an ascending auditory interneuron in the cricketAcheta domestica
Aufderheide, Ronacher2018The impact of age and egg-laying cycle on female grasshoppers’ preference functions for acoustic signals
Bauer, von Helversen1987Separate localization of sound recognizing and sound producing neural mechanisms in a grasshopper
Fullard, Morris, Mason1989Auditory processing in the black-sided meadow katydid Conocephalus nigropleurum (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae)
Hirtenlehner2014Selective phonotaxis of female crickets under natural outdoor conditions
Kostarakos2018Evolutionarily conserved coding properties favour the neuronal representation of heterospecific signals of a sympatric katydid species
Latimer, Lewis1986Song harmonic content as a parameter determining acoustic orientation behaviour in the cricketTeleogryllus oceanicus (Le Guillou)
Ronacher2019Innate releasing mechanisms and fixed action patterns: basic ethological concepts as drivers for neuroethological studies on acoustic communication in Orthoptera
Römer, Bailey1986Insect hearing in the field II. Male spacing behaviour and correlated acoustic cues in the bushcricket Mygalopsis marki
Weber, Thorson1988Auditory behavior of the cricket IV. Interaction of direction of tracking with perceived temporal pattern in split-song paradigms
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith