Embed (Beta) Report data quality issue on this page via GitHub Вертикальні вкладки ОсновніProject: Natural History Museum Sound ArchiveSpecies: Stenobothrus nigromaculatusSpecimen: NHMUK - BMNH(E) - 010211367NHMUK - BMNH(E) - 010211368 ДжерелоOriginal Metadata Image: 20180412155641.jpg RecordingLocation: Hotel Les Oliviers, St MArtin du VAr, Alpes Maritimes.Recorded by: Dr David R. RaggeDate Recorded: П'ятниця, Серпень 19, 1977Local time: 1330Reference Signal: 1 kHz for 10 s УмовиTemperature Initial (Celsius): 25.00Temperature FInal (Celsius): 25.00Light: 25W bulb next to cageExtraneous Noise: Hum from tape recorderSubstrate/Cage: Small recording cageBiotic Factors / Experimental Conditions: A. Male isolated in cage. B. Male next to female in cage EquipmentMicrophone & Power Supply: Microphone & Power Supply: AKG D202 (LF circuit off) RecorderRecorder: Uher 4200Power Supply: Z 214Peak Meter Reading: Small deflectionGain Control Position: A. Uher Position Indicator (U): 56-219, Distance from Microphone (D): 10cm Gain Control Position (GCP): 90%; B. Uher Position Indicator (U): 219 - 265, Distance from Microphone (D): 7cm Gain Control Position (GCP): 85%Tape: BASF LP35LHTape Speed (cm/s): 19.00Track(s): 1/2 upper AnalysisOriginal Trace Images: 20180412155711.jpg 20180412155727.jpg 20180412155753.jpg 20180412155817.jpg RightsCopyright Holder: Natural History Museum, LondonLicense: CollectionsCollections: Примітки Female specimen as courted by male specimen during recording.