Myopsalta longicauda


Calling song (Figs 15, 16). This species produces repeated phrases, each containing successive echemes with notable amplitude modulation, giving the song a ‘wavering’ quality. Each phrase commences with a quiet syllable sequence (each syllable 0.008–0.011 s, separated by gaps of 0.008–0.052 s, total duration 0.240–0.478 s) followed by a series of 10–16 echemes (each 0.209–0.276 s duration), each punctuated by brief gaps (0.011–0.017 s), and then a shorter echeme (0.101–0.139 s) followed by a detectable gap (0.029–0.041) and a macrosyllable (0.015– 0.027 s) (all statistics, n =18 recordings). A longer gap of 0.155–0.280 s duration separates each phrase. It is expected that the female would respond during the long gap at the end of each phrase, following the second shorter echeme; however this interaction has not yet been observed in this species. A characteristic of the song is that the introductory syllable sequence and initial two echemes are 2–4 times quieter than the echemes that follow.

The calling song maintains an even frequency distribution throughout, exhibiting a high amplitude plateau of 9.5–13.1 kHz, or 9.8–14.4 kHz in smaller males. [1]


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith