Play / Pause Download Embed (Beta) Report data quality issue on this page via GitHub Вертикальні вкладки ОсновніProject: Natural History Museum Sound ArchiveSpecies: Sigara ДжерелоOriginal Tape Number: 331Original CD Number: 390Original CD Track Number: 8Original Verbatim Species: Sigara sp.Original Metadata Image: 20180531143303.jpg RecordingDate Recorded: Неділя, Липень 1, 1979 УмовиExtraneous Noise: Recorded from a BBC radio 4 broadcast "Wildlife" with a direct link to the Uher from a Philips portable radio. Some interference was picked up by the radio during the "copying"Substrate/Cage: Plastic aquarium containing about 5 cm of waterBiotic Factors / Experimental Conditions: Courtship song. About 6 specimens were in the aquarium EquipmentRecorderRecorder: Cassette recorder RightsCopyright Holder: Natural History Museum, LondonLicense: CollectionsCollections: Коментарі (No subject) Type: Call (with extraneous noise)Start Time: 60.02777End Time: 82.12906Species: SigaraAnalysis Горизонтальні вкладкиOscillogram Frequency Spectrum Spectrogram Dominant Frequency
(No subject) Type: Call (with extraneous noise)Start Time: 60.02777End Time: 82.12906Species: SigaraAnalysis Горизонтальні вкладкиOscillogram Frequency Spectrum Spectrogram Dominant Frequency
(No subject)
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