Modicogryllus Modicogryllus truncatus
Song characteristics: echemes have 0.7-1 second; gaps between 2 consequent echemes: 0.2- 2seconds; number of hemisyllables of an echeme: 5-6. This species stridulates between late June and late September, in the afternoon and at night. The song can be easily distinguished from the Modicogryllus frontalis stridulation, as the oscillogram shows. Both species stridulation can be heared from more than 20 meters, mentioning that the Modicogryllus truncatus song is a little louder. The stridulatory pegs area of the pars stridens has approximately 1,4 mm and 122 pegs. [1]
- . Bioacoustic studies on some cricket species (Insecta:Orthoptera: Gryllidae) from Romania. Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii „Al. I. Cuza” Iaşi, s. Biologie animală. 2008;LIV:57-64.