
Adamo, Robert1995Effects of a tachinid parasitoid, Ormia ochracea, on the behaviour and reproduction of its male and female field cricket hosts (Gryllus spp)
Gagliano, Mancuso, Robert2012Towards understanding plant bioacoustics
Gu, Montealegre-Zapata, Robert, Engel, Qiao, Ren2012Wing stridulation in a Jurassic katydid (Insecta, Orthoptera) produced low-pitched musical calls to attract females
Hofstede, Goerlitz, Montealegre-Zapata, Robert2011Tympanal mechanics and neural responses in the ears of a noctuid moth
Lomas, Montealegre-Z, Parsons, Field, Robert2011Mechanical filtering for narrow-band hearing in the weta
Malkin, McDonagh, Mhatre, Scott, Robert2014Energy localization and frequency analysis in the locust ear
Mhatre, Bhattacharya, Robert, Balakrishnan2011Matching sender and receiver: poikilothermy and frequency tuning in a tree cricket
Mhatre, Robert2013A Tympanal Insect Ear Exploits a Critical Oscillator for Active Amplification and Tuning
Neil, Shen, Drinkwater, Robert2018Stealthy moths avoid bats with acoustic camouflage
Rajaraman, Mhatre, Jain, Postles, Balakrishnan, Robert2013Low-pass filters and differential tympanal tuning in a paleotropical bushcricket with an unusually low frequency call
Robert, Amoroso, Hoy1992The evolutionary convergence of hearing in a parasitoid fly and its cricket host
Shen, Neil, Robert, Drinkwater2018The micromechanics and bioacoustic behaviour of Bunaea alcinoe</I> moth scales
Sueur, Windmill, Robert2006Tuning the drum: the mechanical basis for frequency discrimination in a Mediterranean cicada
Sueur, Windmill, Robert2010Sound emission and reception tuning in three cicada species sharing the same habitat
Montealegre-Zapata, Jonsson, Robson-Brown, Postles, Robert2012Convergent Evolution Between Insect and Mammalian Audition
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith