A New Leaf Litter Toad of Leptobrachella Smith, 1925 (Anura, Megophryidae) from Sichuan Province, China with Supplementary Description of L. oshanensis

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2021
Authors:SHI, HOU, SONG, Jiang, Wang
Journal:Asian Herpetological Research
Start Page:143
关键词:multiple data, new species, sympatric distribution, taxonomy

A new species of the Asian leaf litter toad genus Leptobrachella is described from Sichuan Province, China. Molecular phylogenetic analyses based on mitochondrial and nuclear gene sequences clustered the new species as an independent clade nested into L. oshanensis species group. The new species could be distinguished from its congeners by a combination of following characters: body size moderate (25.8–32.6 mm in male, 33.7–34.1 mm in female); distinct black spots present on flanks; toes rudimentary webbed, with narrow lateral fringes, dermal ridges under toes interrupted at articulations; ventral belly cream white with variable brown specking; skin on dorsum relatively smooth with fine tiny granules or short ridges; iris copper above, silver bellow; greyish black patches on posterior thigh absent or small; spines on surface of chest absent in male during breeding season; nasals entirely or partially separated from sphenethmoid in male; dorsal surface of tadpoles semitransparent light brown, spots on tail absent, keratodont row formula I: 3+3(2+2)/2+2: I; calls simple, call series basically consist of repeated long calls, at dominant frequency(4831.9 ± 155.8)Hz and call duration(544.5 ± 146.8)ms. In addition, we made supplementary description on L. oshanensis including holotype, variations, tadpoles, skull and bioacoustics. Besides, this paper reports cases of femoral adipose glands in the genus Leptobrachella as first known sexual dimorphism skin glands for males of Megophryidae.

BioAcoustica ID: 
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith