Play / Pause Download Embed (Beta) Report data quality issue on this page via GitHub 垂直索引標籤 基本Project: User ContributionsSpecies: Leptophyes punctatissimaSpecimen: BioAcoustica - Baker - 6 RecordingLocation: University of York, Electronics Recording Room D005Recorded by: Edward BakerDate Recorded: 星期三, 四月 26, 2017Local time: 0150 條件Temperature Initial (Celsius): 24.00Relative Humidity Initial (%): 35.00Air Movement: NilLight: Daylight LEDBiotic Factors / Experimental Conditions: First "day" of reversed day-night cycle (Artificial light 19:00-07:00 - otherwisse blackout) EquipmentRecorderRecorder: Tascam DR-05Tape: wav 96k RightsLicense: CollectionsCollections: